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Council Proceedings

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There was an adjourned session of the council held Thursduy evening last, wiih full board exeept Aid. Spokes, and the balance of the raonth's business left over from Moiiday eveninj was attended to A deed for the Sth ward boulevard was presented, aceepted, and a survey oriered maile at once, so tlnit the deed to the strect tself mlght be made and recorded The deed presented calis for a strt-et flfry feet vvide: CommenciiiK on Broadway In tlie 5th ward, 011 the siiutlii'iist slde thereof at the corner lotweenS. .. Lennon and Qeo. W. Weeks' and; Ihe-cesoiuheaxterly, the center In i Baldlilghwiiyfoll 'WingUie boundary between Raid Lennon, as lui as tne nature of the Kiound is deslrable for the locatlon of satd ilghway; tbence northeasterly, northerly. Pasterly, soulheasterly and soutberly around he bl bend of the lluron rlver known as darbeud, on the southciist quarter ol soc'ton 21, townshtp 2, soulh of range 6 east, Michigan, across the land er said Lennon, the and of C. R. Qardner and Mrs. Sulornl T. Garduer to Ihr south line of raid sec. 21 , the south end of road tocomeout on sectlon line west of Mrs. Gardner's house by the moet Hacticablt route; said routes to be urveyud , ocated and recorded bv suld second party or ts representativos, l'artles across iiose and roud runs to allow mud second party all needed gravel to bulld said road from helr land ai ui near the road, and to be tak mi ¦uen places as may be agreed upon. Said Hrst pari u's reserve the tlmber and wood bat may be cut In consti -net Ing said road. Said second party ts obltgated ín the construction of a brhlRo across a ravlhe on said lemiüu's land, to build lt of suttlclent caimety to permlt cattlo to easlly pass thereunder. Slgned by oko. W. WEEKS, LUC Y S. WEEKS, SPENCER 1). I.KNNON, ('11 AS. Il GARDNEK, SALOME T. GAKDNEH. A board of reiristration was orranized and the Recorder authorized to procure he nicessary printing of notices, etc. Aid. Alliiiendinger moved that the resolution for the opening of 2d st. bmught ifore the council, aud the sume was carrled. Aid. Mtltin oftered the following: Resolved, That the Mayor and City Recorder e aod are hereby directed to draw an order on the City Treasurer. for the sum of SiiOO payable Feb. lst, 1S8Í, In favor of Philip Bach, and the City Attorney be directed to tender he same to waid Ptiilip Ilach for the rlght ol way for2d si, extensión, and if accep ed to )bialn a release across said liach's land for he game. And iu case lie shall refuse to acept the same the Mayor and City Attorney are hereby Instructed to commence the cmoniïiry proceedlngs as prescrlbed iu thecharerfor coademulng said rlght of way. Whlch was adopted. Ex-Judge Joslyn addrej5ed the counil asking tlicm it they would be wiUin;; o accept of ,r0 cents on t!:e $1 in adjustni'iit of the Sort; defalcation. After conIderable discussion the matter was reerred to the coinmitlee on uiatters of nixed law and fact. It was voted to raise the followiug axes for the ensuing year: Gen. street lund f 4,000 General ' 6.000 Water works 6.0U0 'ax voted in June 5.i0 Jellnquent tax funü l,5:tóti stward fund 700 2A " ' l.tmu d " ¦ 1000 Hl " " liOnO th ' " 700 Ui " 1.000 On nv)tion of Aid. Allmendingcr the cominittee to whoin was trapowered the enderlng of $S00 to P. Baeh for his land or the opening of 2d st„ be instructed to eport Monitay evening. The lights vere then ordered out. Al the special meeting Mooday evenniiig the Oth and Cth ward chair were etnpty. The council aceepted the deed nf '. 15a('h tor his lot on the Second street ¦xteDsion, and ordered $801 spread upon he tax rolls to pay therefor. They also ordered several special aldewalk assessrnents where the city had been obliged to mild tbc wnlks. In all about $125. The iliipea of holding the renerjil election vere tixed In the lst ward atSorg's shop, and 'd ard at Ilcrz's shop. Balance ol he ards the same as usual.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News