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HE ARP ON THE STRtET. Vh:it means tli:it largo and inotley throng, 'bat v.itli a rush iiow surge along ? t is the pcople rich and poor, jóoking for bargains at Goodyear's Store. Aml are there sucli great bargains there, 'hat folks go rushing tlirough the air ? Tes, bargains never seen before, Are iilways fouud at Goodyear's Store. And can you teil me neighbor, pray, Vhat kind of goods lie sells that way ? , "tv; tinest drugs for one and all, And choicest brie-a-brac for tlie wall. ! I Well gracious goodness this is too soon, ' And does he also scll fine perfume"? ¦ Ah yes, the nlcest stock in town, At prices that are elear vvay done. i Well great the joy there is in kiiow log, And I tliink now I will be going! For there are niany things I need, And of your wurnlng I'll tako beed. Very well, indeed, with you I'll go, . For there's some goods I want yon know, We'll joln the crowd Iliat throngs the i door, And get our goods at Goodyear's Drugstore. A. DeFOREST. Fire Insurance IPlate Grlass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Ilates, Houorable Adjustiuents and Losseg Prompt ly I'uiil. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attention oivknto Collkction of lisHTs ami Management of Keal KfJrTKHKSTS KOK N(JN-Kf.SII)KNT8. ENtikk Hatiskaction to Owmkks QuaranTKEI). A. DeFORK8T. INSURANCE RáAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OP A.W. HAMILTON OIBce, No. 2, First Floor, Hamllton Block. Partle desirlng to buy or sell Real Estáte wlll flnd it to thelr advautage to cali on me. I represant 15flrst-clas8 Fire Insurance Companles, havlng an aggregate capital over 13U,UOU.OOO. Rate Ix)w. Loases Uberally adjusted and promptly paid, I alto Issue lytfe and lnvestment Folióle In tie New York Mutnal Life Insurance Company, Assetts, Í75.000.00. Persons deslrlng Accident Insurance, can have yenrly pollcles wrlttpu for tliera orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tloketfl Nsued at Luw rutes. Money to Loan al Uurren) Kates. üttlce liourn from Sa. m. to 11 m. and 2 to 6 p. m. ( ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Harailton Block.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News