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One ly last summer wheji the editor ol L...

One ly last summer wheji the editor ol L... image
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One ly last summer wheji the editor ol Lhe COüBIBB was in Washington tliere was a liill before congress to allow the paylngof the claims of workingmen at tlit; ïüivy yard wlio luid worked over hoursaml c )tild not get extra pay without a bilí passing the house. But the enemies of the bill crowded it out by a ¦harp dod;c whlcta was voted Bgaiust by Capt. Allen, and other friends of Uoor. It anybody questions thnt Capt Allen by bljTOtea iiasnot stood by the laborlngman let hun wrile to Coiijfressinan O'Neill, chalrman of the committee on U .or. _______ Tuesday next registra tlon day. Don' forget it. There are a number of $50 busines suits belas worn by Ann Arbor tierno cruts tliis fall. Jas. Snmlley, last Frklay wns brough bof ore Justice Pond Friday for larceny waivcd cxiiniiiiition iind wa8 bound ove to l he circuit court. Growsout of a horsc trade. f one mnn can be paid $100 for work ng for S earni in this city there must be a bijj wad of nioney sent la to eled tlii freo traiUr. Eren here Cobden Club raoney is plenty. One of the (nest speeches of the cnn paign was dellvered by Ilon. A. J. Saw yer at Dexter list Saturday evetiing. The tariffwM handled in a mnsterly manner aiul sol ld argument giftn his hearera. Tliere is u road that Cn be taken loul ing to ïpsllantl on whlcta there are bu two or three hooses alraost the entire dis tunee. It is said to he a favorite road fo young couples rldinjt home In the gloam ing. The Uiptist Conventign held durln) tbfl week past, was one of the most Intel cstiiiK and notalilc meetings of thnt bod; of ChriUan rorkan ever held In tli state. The attrndance was vcry larjfe and the interest manlfested in all of tht pniccedings shows au awakelling o Üliristlan inliuences. There was a live meeting in the "itl ward list Monday evening, under th anppices of the ÍHh.ward club. Ilon. A J. Sawyer made a convincing arguraen wii y i in luniictive and home market pol icy f tlie republican party should b continued, aii'l it was recelved with chee upon CDeñ. ïi. tiaivrcnca lat tuailc few remarks hut was feeling to ill to make a speech. H was a good meeting witli gi:od results.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News