Ladics lio Bloat. What a greut number there are; liow uncoiufortuble ituiakes tlictn ; it is almos imponible fpr thosü arllicted to enjoj lifij. In my private prnctice I have al ways founil Siïlphur Bitters to be the bes remeily. All wtio are tlius . ticubled should usc il. Mns. Dr. ChiLDS, Boston. An Austin teacher was Itrttructrnj liis class iu natural hiMorv. "To what class of birds does the hawk belong f " he asked. "To the birds of prey," was the reply. "And to what class do qnall btlonjif There was a pause. The teacher repeated tho qnestion: "Where does the quall belong? " "On toast ! " yelled out the hungry boy at the footof the class.- Texae SlftinK?. It Is Not Unlawful. Congres? ha enacted no law to rcslrain a porson Oom {rol"K about in b badly constipated condillon. or witli I distres- in; siek hendache, rush of Moed to the hcart, bad taste in tlie moiith, MNous complalnt, ornnjr kindred diflieuliy; but the laws of health and comfort wilt siisrest U any one so atflicted, the wixloin of liHSteniiir to the ncarest ilrujrgist for a 25 cent vial of Dr. l'lerce's Pleasimt l'urgative Pellets - the most potent of leme dies for all disorders of the liver, stouiach and bowels. Purely veetnble, pleuant to take, and perfectly haruiless. "The whisky trust"- getting a drink put on the slate.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News