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Christian Worker's Convention

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The annüal Convention of Clmstian Workera In the United States and Canada will bc held ,„l)eiroit, Michigan, for sLx inany oí the most aotiye and experienced religious workers, hy and clerical, in the l oited States and Canada, evangellits, city mission workers, pastors and leaders in special linea of .-.'ressive Cliristian work. I ie Conference is wholly undenominational and i.s designed to ïurnUli nmeai by whlch Cliristian workera of all denominatlooe througliout the country, engajrad or interested in special cllorts iniong Ihe unevangelized classes can tneet tooelher lor mulual ncqualntance and discuasion of plans for carryinir on reliuloiig work araong the classes not rea.'led by the ordiiiary efTorti of the Church. The ('onventlou will be of a practical character, and the cali state? "no 'isnis,' theories or ontsid? issues will be permittcd." The meeting iscalled by and will be underthe auspices of an association of mirtlsten, evangelists and misslon workers n the United States and (Junada, whlch has reoently been orffanicd to strcnitlien and encouraee Christian work in the cltles :md towns of Americ:i. Amongthe gobjecls to be comidered covering a wide range of Cliristian labor, are the folio wlng: -The Conversión of Children, by ex Mayor W. H. Howland, roronto, Canada. "The Caste Spirit as a lliniïrance to City Kvanfrelization,1' by Ivi-v. C. K. Henderson, Pastor VVoodward Avenue Baptist Church, Detroit, Mlchifian. "Sonie E'lmses of Woman's M'ork as a ('hristian Worker in Cities and Towns," JMiss Grace II. Dodge, New York. "The Pastor as a Teacher and Kvangelist, or how a Pastor inay Promote Revivals and Build up Converts," Hev. -Y. II. ButtrlcW, Xew Haven, Ct. "Chrisiian JSfra. J. K. Barney, ProvWence. B. I. The stijging wil] be under the direction of the tanious Gospel slogar, Mr. Oeo. C. Btebbins, who ia one of the authors, with .Mr. Ira I). Baniey, of the well-known Gospel Hymus. Tbe Commtttee eordlatJy invite all Christians, nieii and woiiiên, interested In these special Cliristian ell'ort? to meet Hh thsna as delegares, and particípate in the proceedlngs. The rallruads have jrraiui'd special reduced ratos. K-v. John C. Colllnsof New Haven, Conn., is tbe Sceretary, from whom programs and eertlficates for reduced raílroad rutea, and i'llicr Information inay be obtained.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News