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Many apples are yet not gathered. Saline's hurvest home festival brought $G5. ïlic buckwheat erop is reported aliortSorry. Why not give Mr. Suwyer your vote ncxt Tuesday ? The Milan Leader calis liini "Lemnicl Chute." Chute bim. "Tlie boys" at Manchester have beci) toarhig up sidewalks. Dogs havo been ïnutllatinj; and Uilling shcap near South Lyon. The So. Lyon band are blowing lots of music out of their horna. J. W. Donovan Is to ipeak at Haline he night before election. Miss Emma Waite, of Azilia, is the new teacher in the Milan schools. A vote for Mr. Stearns is a vote for 'ree wool. Do j'ou want free wool ? The Saline farmei's club is to meet at uvid Cody's in Pittsiield, on Nov. 9. Pumpkin pie socials are now the rage. ?umpUn pie is good when made good. Uow is the goosebone this fall? Have ¦on beard wliether it is to be a cold winer or not. Chas. W. C. Curtis, one of Milm's prominent men, died last week Monday, aged 40 3'ears. The Congregationalists at Chelsea are milding a new parsonage, and have the rame euclosed. They have shadow socials at So. Lyon. l'hey ought to be jus-t tho tliirnr f.r !- Siline's roller rink vi!l not opon this vintcr, but Saltffe'a roller milla will keep right on grinding. And now it is siiid that PittsQeld prolueed 200,000 bushels of ouions this year. lence these S'tcars. The ladies of the Chelsea Gemían Lutliran clmrch hold a fair at the town hall on Wedneday, Nov. 14. Of the 107 veterans attending the late Oth reun loa at Ypsilanti only 11 support he democratie ticket this year. Tlie Normal News of Ypsilanti is a a stroiig go-ahead college paper, and is redited with over 1,000 subscrlbers. D. F. Ileeves reports a yleld of 833 bushels of corn f rom 7' L acres, an averge of 115 bushels.- Saline Observer. A vote for Capt. Allen is a vote for a afe, honest man who would befriend any nan in the county if he had a chance. The Y. P. S. of the Saline Presbyterian hurch announce a nlght cap social at the e8idence of Mrs. Bond, on the eveninsr f Nov. 34 Mr. Allen does not favor free wool. ir. Stearus does favor free wool. Which s the safest man for our farmers to send o Congrere ? C. M. Fuller has returned from Clare ounty and accepted a position at the Aluendinger orgaa works at Ann Arbor. - Milan leader. A deaf and dumb book agent is canvassig iu the village. - Saline Observer. Is lis a campaign stander, or does the millenlum approach ? liev. J. C. Armstrong has taken 41 risks lid placed $63,000 of insurance in the lillsdale company, duriug the past few weeks. - Saline Observer. A Detroiter nained Paul J. Weise, who was upon the gtreets of Ypsilanti in an isane condition Saturday, was arrested nel kept until bis friends carne for hiun. Cuptd is making Chcboa headquarters lis fall, and ere the robins nestagnin, f there is anything in the rumor, the rmy of CheUea's marriagable beauties '111 be materially rcduced. - Ilerald. Diphthoria prevails to a greatcr or less xtent 11 over tbc counly, and in some i laces scarlet fever rages. Typhoid fever lso appears at Ypsilanti and other places. Oeo. S. Wheeler for judge of probate is man everybody admires and respects or his stui(lj', honest integrity, and cxellent business methods. He has run or ollicc several times iu this countv an d ms never been beaten yet . John VanAtta fold hls fine bay bor.-c 0 Detroit parties for $375. He breugbt ome a bay ," yeir old gelding that is beiinty, and is very speedy. U's a pretj cold day when John does not drive bout as ilne horses as therc are in the ountry. - So. Lyon Picket. The board of supervisors have rcduced he cqualized vuluation of the countv rom $30,000,000 to $23,000,000. A bout 1 (0,000 bas been added to Ann ArlimV aluatlon, and the same taken off the outde towiiRliip-i.- Saline Obseiver. We ill take tbc will for the deed this time. If you want to see some lively placea 1 a lively town just step lnto the milis ' nd factorios, elevatnr and t'epot of this illani:.- Milim Leader. Hut it the demcratic Slills bill should ever, by nny m-se of provi'lenee, beconie a l;iw, then ast step over to tliose factories, and aee he Ótbar side of the picture.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News