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LROYAL PSa.KÏ J B AKlH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlí powder never varlci. A mnrvel of parlty, Htrength uihI wliülecomt'nerus. More economical ilmn uie onliiury kiurt, and caniiot be aold iu compititl n with the m.iliiiiiilf of low test. hort wHgbt alum or ph aphaie powdere. Sold only in cans. Hoyal Ckinc; Powdkk Co , 106 Wall St., . Y. Ser atened 28 Years. a Mol?, Itclifng, Nkin Diieane with FndleSM oilrlng; cured by Cu tic tira Krmedles. If I had known of the Cuticuka Kkmktuktwftiitv-elsht yeam ato it wuM have savcd me J200.0U (two huudred dotlars) and an immense amuDot of ttufftírlug. My deseare (Peorlaei) coramnced on in head in a potnot larger than a cent. Ii eptead rapirtly all over my body aiid got un tier my naili. I he -c-íles would drop off of me al I the time, and my Bufferlng was entílese, an I without relief. One ih"Uiaud dollars would not t mpt rae to have thi! (iisea-e ovrr aiain. I am a po r min, huí leel to ' e relie ved of what pome of iho doctors !aid was leprosy, eome worm t psoriasis, etc. I took . . . and . . . Sarsaparlllas over une year and a halt', but no cure. 1 weut t two or thre doctore aiid no enre. I cannot praioe the CUticfra Remedies ton ni ich. They have m de m í-kin ciear anU free tro i ecalee a a baby's. AH I uwt'd of them was thiee boxes of Cuticura, and three of Curi i:ka Hki-oiaknt. and two cakes of t utiCDRa Boap. It ymi dad ben here and patd yon wmld l:at cured mefor $'J1JU.OO yoa would have hud the umnt-y. I lookt-d like thpicture in yoar book of feoriasis (picture nuni )? r two. "Ilow to Cure Skin Dlseases'), but now í am a cK'ar n ;iny pirnon ever waa. ïünuigh lorce oí hahit 1 rut my bnnifl over my arme and le's to ícratch once in v wofle, but tu no purpuse. I am all well. I acratched twet) yearg, and it guita be a kind of econd iih ure to me. f th;uk ou a i))out".ud times. Anythlng ra re that yon waut kniw irrita mi', or any one who reade thie muy Wílle U lllr (ilul l wil IHWI i u. DENNiR DOWNISG. Waterbdbt, Vt , Jan. 20th, 1888. Psoriasis, floema, Tetter, Ringworm, Lichen Pru'ltu-, call head, Milk Crast. líaudrnff, Barbere1, Bakt-u Groceis' and Wah rwomanV Itch and eve y Bpeclefl of Itching, Burning, Öcaly, Pimply aamom f the ökin anrt Öcalp and Blood, witd ívoea oí ilair. are pugifively cured by Cuticuba. the great Skin Cure, and CuricL' exquieite skm Bi-autifier eztarnslly. and Ctttícuka KköOlvent, the new Blood Purifler íterually, wbeu phyHiciau ani other remedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50.: Soap 2." ; Kemolvent. $1. Prepared by the Potter D&Ufl AD Chemical Co., Bot¦n, M es. #-Send for "How to Cure Skin Diso-see," 61 pagt-8, 50 illustrntiona, and LOO testimonial. Pl lyiIIES', chapped and II IVI iily skin prevented by ('uticURa Soap. Sneezing Catarrh. The diatrenslng sneez', aneeze, sueeze, the acrid watery discharges froin the eyes and noee, the palnful inflimmat:on eitendicg to the throat, the awell'.ne of the mucous liniii, causlng choklng sensations, cough, rinini; noieee in the head and BRlitttng headache - how familiar 'hese symplom are to thousands who suffer periódica! Irom liead colds or influenza, and who live In iünorance of the fact that a single application of Sanfobd's Hadical Cure for Catarkh wlll afford inrtantaneou relief. Bat thls treatment in canes of simple Catarrh f'ives bnt a faint idea of what this remcdy will do li the chrouic forme, where the breathing is obi-tructed hy chnblng putrid mucous accumnlations, the hearing cffected, sniell and taete gone, throat nlciTuted and hacklne coueh graduully fantening iiself npon the deWlitated system. Then it ü that the marvellous curative power of Sanford'b Radical Curk minifests iuelf in inBiantanrous and grateinl relief. Cnre bcelns from thefirst applicatiun. It is rapid. radical, permanent, economical safe. 8índford'8 Radical Cure consistí of one bottle of ihe tUnicAL Cure, one box f Catarbh.l Solvekt andan Imfrovbd; price, $1. Potter Dbi'q and o'uemxcal Co., Boston. PAINS all WKAKNESSES OF FEtlAL.ES Inptamly rclleved by the Cutirura Antl-Pain ter, a new, musí aiireahlt', il gtantancotie and infallible paln-killine plater, especiallj adaptcd to relieve Female Paina and WeakpeHet. W arranti'd vstly superior to all othcr nlasters. and the must perfect ADtidote to Pain.Inflammation Kiid Weakness yetcompoanded At all A'nzK ". Ï6 cents; flve for $1.00; or po-tige freeof Potteb Drug fc Chemical, Co., Boston, Mass. 1 THE CREAT Germán Remedy. IB TRÜTHS FOR THE SICK.n K..r til..' cl.-:itlily #1,(M1 will I'' I:1" BlHon8pell8depena for a case where II onSuLPBüBBrmtM hdb Brthu wil II it willciire vou. n..t aasist orcure. II J ,i r il en Q l" "' BUfllT Witll ¦ ¦nthattlreilaiulallgonc ck-nnsctlie vilint.MlT Illfeelinir; if bo, i,i„oi1 when yim Beclll lllscM'iiUR Bittebs; lts lmpurltiCB biirst-lll III 1 1 will cure yon. Ing through tho Bklnlll l "r"TT ñ Pimples, Bleti-hesJ I I OperaaTewboTe j Slre8; j,,,)v on HS"lo8l'ly coTifiniMl In ,,,.,,.,, liinïns M II nol procure sulncient _ _ _____ I Iexerci8e,an(lallwho sri.i-iu;n BITTI Rll lllareconflneiliniloorB. „.n (.ur(. i jln' ill Illshould use Si i.i'iirit , i .- 1 1 1 1 1 Don't lic clls-lll NI Bitters. They wlll .'.„„ragediitwUlcurclU ïïj not then bc weaï aml y,,,,. Q ÍSTÍ:;S;:.psS:Í Ilsririu-R Iíittkks; "'¦""'¦ III IJ il nern falls lunire BCLPHDB 1ITTKRS K Dmii'i lM-iilH,ut i wlllmakcyourbl Irq QlK.ttlc Trv lf vou pure, ric-h and strong.M Bwlll ¦.otr.'ín'ÍU.3 amly.mrncBhhanl. W III I.iidies in ilelii-iitr 'l'r.V Sll.Plilu BIT-II Illhealth, who are nll rElts tn-nlght, andM III ron down, (hoBMuM ron will ileep wellll 111 -, i i mi u l.ll II l: uAntUjHjli Do you want the best Medical Work puhliuhed? I end 3 '2-rcnt Btamps to A. P. ORuWAï & CO., I Boston, Mnss., and recelve a copy, free.


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