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A Famous Institution

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A correspondent of the Fairfield (Me.) Journal w rites as follows, from Uull'alo, " Kditor of Journal: - Thinking that It niight interest some of your readers nnd mnke good uiy prouiise toyou at the same time, 1 will write a few lines concerning the fameus Worlil'g Dispensary and Invalida' Hotel and Surgicnl Institute. Let me at lirst disclaim any selflsh motive, or desire to advertise or puff this or any induitry. Thousands of dolían are expended every inonth to keep the inerits of this Institution before the world nnd lts managen aak for ¦O FBEE ADTBRTISEMENTS. A healthier or more convenient city for those afü cted could not have been seleoted lu wtiich to place such an iiistitution than Bufl'alo, N. Y. But poneerning the city and its attraclions I will write in some Future letter. The World's Dispensa ry Medical Asso;iation occupies two large and magnificent buildings upon Main and Washington streets, and a branch Dispensary at No. 3 New Oxford strcet, London, England. The Invahds' Hotel and Surgical Institute fronts Main Street and Is attractive and elegant both inside and outside. AltbougU it is FILLED WITH PATIENTS trom all over the country, it is clean and neat as any parlor and is appropriately tcnneil the Invalids' Hotel and Surgieal [nstitute. Large and well lighted rooms, with elegant appointmentg make the sick heel at hume rattier than in a hospital. Parlors wilh line libraries and musical Instruments are accessib'e to those who are convalescent. A staff of eighteen SKII.I.rüL PIIYrlCIANS AND SÜRGBONS adininister to the siek. A splendid medical libiary cnmprislnif all of the Itandarrl works of refereuce, is in a convenient toom for consultation by any of the physicians. Any medical book of note or value 8 added to this magnilicent Oolleotion of booka as soon as publisbed. The collection ofsuigicil Instruments islirge and comprlses every instrument ot reul utility and value known tothe profession. A system of mechanical morement, pasBve exercise?, msnlpnlatloDS, kneadin; i uil rubbings, adininistcrcd by a large varii'ty of ingeniously contrived machinery, iiriven by steam is used as aidu: citlier medical and surgical treatment n p.ilsy, At (tened joints, crooked and ithered linib- and in those chronic cases so often given up by the coniinon busy practiiloncr ot medicine as incurable. ISüths of all kinds ure made u.-e of in those where they are indicated. Tliere is aothtug qnackish about the institiition. It s run I i:r.r. FROM ALL ÖDMB1 8. rr deccit. A large and wcll appnintei] Jrug room la llie basement of llie Hotel rontaius all of the medicines and clieuiiciils u-ed by pliyaiciatis and is n charge of authori.ed and nkllltd pharmacists ind iipothecaries. Each case is prescribed for accurding to tlie same rules and liuvs whichgovern any intelliirent doctor when wriiinj; a preseription for his patiënt. There Uno restriction used witb tlie pliysicia'is in tlie Institute nd they uuve tlie w lióle domain 9Í Materia Medica tn oíiooifl from. The proprietary medicines are only used or adyised when in tlie judgment of tlie pliyslcian (to wlioin tlie formulas are known) tbey are indicated. Many uid in fact every physician of any experience bas fuund sume remedies or coiiibination of drugs, to do good work Id a certain class of cases. Henee he writes the i-ame prescription over and over again till tbe druggibt knows it by lieart and sin le wben be looks at it. lint it id none the loss valuable for all tb at and the physiclftn wbo knows its value does not feel condemned for writi'ig it, and would feel hurtand stoutly defend it if be shoilld be criticisfd for its frequent repetition. The doctor writlng said prescription does not pretend that It will cure everythlng or that it applies to every case. Upon tbis principal Dr. Pierce has (with much greater experience thau ordinary physicians) devised, coinpounded and tliorougbly tested A FEW ritESCRIPIIOSS of remedies whicli in certain cases are curative aml stand the test of time. They are not patent medicines nor are they recommemled to cure every disease tliat flesb is beit to. Tbey are favorite prescriplions alvied in tbose cases wbere thej' are ipplictible. Those medical men who cry ' f rand ' and ' quack ' should remember that one man bas as much riirht to liis f a vi 'lite remedies as anotber. Neither i it any inore disgrace for a man to advertise and TAY FOK IT I.IK8 A MAN tlieti it is for a pbysician to get some one to write an item for the paper telling about bis skill in perforniing a inrglcal operation. I have seen an oíd pliysician who wiis a strickler as regards medical codes and professional etiquette, stop the editor of bis local paper on the street and teil hiin how ill ex-Gnv. X. was and hc had just fiiven him a pill or put a pUster on his b.ick. The doctor knew tlie newspiper would contuiii the news of lila belng called to see tbe ex-governor in ii in xt iitsiie. But nevertheless be shudders when he sees a legitim ite advei tiseuieut wbietl Mas been paid for. The people of this country ure familiar witb the portrait of R V. Pierce, M D. The doctor woüld be readily recognied by any one who ha! seen bis portrait. His is larr' and rell orbed, and ability and enteiprise are stamped upon bis feaiurt"( Mini movements. Starting without fame or fortune he is to-day the widest known medical man of the age. The fact ihat be resigned his seat in congress to attend to bis vast business speaks iouder llian words of his interest and devotion to his profi-ssiou. P.itients frooi the most dlatant states árrlre daily for treatment at the Invalids' Hotel and Snrglenl Institute. The U'orld's Dispensary, whicb fronts Washington street, is A GBKAT HIVF. OF ÖDD8TBT. llere tlie proprietary meilicines are put up and the printing and binding done. Poorteen Urge presses, driven by power, with mimrrous (bldlBg, trimming, cutting and gtltcblng machines are constantly ruiiiiing in this department. Hre the lainons ' (Joinmon Sense Medical AdVlser'ia prlnted, over IS30.000 copies of whicli have been sold. Everybody In Maine is familiar witb the memorandum books from tbe World's Oispensary. To speak of each Hoor with its work and uses would make loo long an article. Some idea of the magnitude of the busimseau be liad wheu it is known that tbere are neariy tbrce hundred peraoDI empluyed in the two building-:. It is a Mronjf recommendation tor any man or business lo be popular at borne. It is putting it mililly when it is saul tliat the Iustitution is popular ia Huff&lo, and both it and its chiel bonored aud loved by the iiihaljitants o' the great Metropolis of the Lakes.


Ann Arbor Courier
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