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BIG SPECIAL BARGWN SALE ! DURING THE MONTH OP OCTOBEE AT F. SCHAIRER'S Do not miss them. ÏÏERE THEY ARE LOOK HERE. 5O piceos stricüy all wool Dress Gooits were 5Oc per yd., cut now to 25c. 1 pieces S2 incli 75c quality Ladies Cloths now 50c. 28 pieces 5 inch Brnadclotlis worth $1 now 75c per yd. 1G pirres :{i inch Henricttas at 25c per yd. 27 pieces flneall wool Henrieltas in blacks nnd choice new shades at 40o, 50c and T5c per yd. We are still luim,' the Plush trades of the city. and will continne to sell a good Si Ik Plush at 60c per yd., same as other stores will Uk you 76e. The shades are new and it has a handsomc close pile. BARGAIN SALE TABLE LINENS AND TOWELS. 50 dozen 1 Hnck all Llncn Towels at 10c each 25 dozen Hurk nnd Damask Linen Towels at 12 l-8c. IS dozi'ii larse Huck Linen Towels at 18c. 20 dozen extra Iarge Huck Towels at 20c each. 5 pieces 64 inch Bleachcd aud ( 'nam Table Damask at 1 o and 50c er yd. 10 pieces 60 inch Cream and [Ueachcd Table Damask beauttful paterns at 65c and 75c per yd. 50 dozen Unen ïiapklns at 75c and $1 per dozen. lig drive in a 3-4 Linen Napkin at S1.85 worth $1.75 a dozen. Linen . at 5c 8c 10c and 15c each. 5 pieces Turkey Red Table Damask at 25c cr yd. 15 pieces choice beautlful tyles Turkey Red Damask at 50c per d. 50 large Turkey. lied Table CoTers at 75c and $1 each. 25 large Bleachcd and Cream Table ('lot lis at f 1.50 $2.00, and $2.50 each. Norelties in Lunch and Tca Clotüs, Bureau Scarfs and sidejoard Covers. 15 dozen lnnre cotton flllcd Bed Comfortables at 65c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1 25 nd $1.50 each. Bargains in white, 'ray and scarlet Blankets at $1.00, XI. 25, $1.50, $2.00. 92 50 and $10 a air. 2 cases ladies' Merino Yests and ants at 39c each. NOUR SHAWL DEPARTMENT WE OFFER O doublé wool Shawls worth 5.00 for 3.50 each. Single wool Shawls at $1.50, $2.00 $2.50. Braver wool Shawls at .v-i.oo, $2.50. $3.00 to ; 12.00. 100 Misses' and Children'g Voul Shawls at 75c and $1. 50 pairs Vottingrliam Lace Curtains were $1.50 iow $1 a pair. UMI pairs elegant Lace Curtains 3 1-2 yds. long ai 2, $2.5O and 3 a pair. 25 pieces Curtain Scrim at 5c, 6c, 8c anl 10c per yd. N OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFERNG ikrraiiii in Children's Xewmnrkets at 2 5O, $3.00, $3.50, $1.00 and $5.00. adies'plain and stripcd Newmarkets at 5, $6, $7, S!)to$l5. Ladie' Plush iackets, Sacques, Modjcskas and ïiewnarkets at $12. $14, $18, $2O, $25, $30, $35 and $40. Money saved buyin? Dry Goods of D. F. SCHAIRER SHOOLOF MUSIC (ESTABLISHED 1879.) BRANCHES OP STUDY. Piano, Voice Culture, Singing, Violin, Viola, 'Celio, Orcheatral Instruments, Organ, Ohoral Music, llurmony, Counterwint. Oompoiition, Science and Art of Teaching, l'hysieal Culture. ]¦ U ULTY. Albcrt A. Stanley, Dhreetor, rin Cady, m. l.udeier. Kranols I.. York. Keuben Jl Ki-mpl. Mrs. Anna E. Wanleu, Miss Marlan Smitli, Miss Martlia E.Ï9nney. Mrs. Julia E. i'íui Slyke, Miss Kllen K. Clarrlgue, Mr. K. L. Moore. Studentsareentltled to the Free lnstruc ion in Hariuony, Ensemble PlaylnR auü clioral Muslc, besldes all Recitals and Lecurrs Rlven ly the School. For l'urther lnfornation address, A. A. STANLEY, Director. Hoorn, Unlverslty Hall. Office Hours, 8 :u- :30 a. m., and IS- 1 p. ra. HUTZEL'SWATERBACK! A very important invention whicli will be hailed with delight by everyxdy using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of exlerience we have succeeded in producing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HTJTZEL & CO., l'lumbers and Steamfitters. ANX ARBOR, - - MICH GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. ¦Jecnrlty held Tor the protection of the pollcy holdere. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the followlng flrnt-claí companlef, o whlch ono, the Etna, hm alone paid f56,000,000 re 108BCB In Blxty-flve years : iEtna, of Hartford % 9,192,644 Fraukliii ot rhiladelphia 3,118,713 Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,06.'i,008 London Assurance, London.. . 1,410,785 Michin F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,008 N Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,590,07( National, Hartford 1,774,505 PUcenlx, Brooklyn 3,759,0JG Loisea liberally djuttcd and promptly pald Pollcie iued at the lowcst rate of premium. 1191tf


Ann Arbor Courier
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