POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlspowder ncver varíes. A marvel of purlty strength and wbolehomeness. More económica! thait the ordiniry kind, and cannot be sohl in corupetltl n with the m'iltilude of low test. short weight aluin or ph sphate powdere. tiohl oiUy in can. Koyai. Bkinu Powiiicr Co , 106 Wall 8L, N. Y. Scratched 28 Years. A Soaly, Itelilng, skin DIsease wltli i ii flo Suflerlng enred by Cuticura Remedies. If I bad known of Ihe Cuticcra Kkmedik twMit -elght yeare ago it w mld have saved me f'200.00 (two hundred dollars) and an iromeni-e amount ol miffjrlng. My desease (Psoriasis) cemm ;nred on my head in a spot not larger than a cent. li spiead mpidly all over ray body and g.H under my nallf. '1 he -CHlep woald drop off of me all the time, and my suffering was endless, and without relief. Oneihousand dollars would not t mpt me to have this diaease over atjairj. I am a por man, Imt Itel r ch to i e ralleved of whut tome of ihe doctors HHid wns leprosy, sooie rina-worm, psoriasis, etc. I took . . . and . . . Sarsaparillas over one year and a hall, but nu cure. 1 went t two or doctora n:il do cun. I cannit praise the CüTint'RA Rkmkdies toi in ich. They have mide mv hkiu as clear and free iro n acales as a baby's. All I used of thetn was tbree boxes of Cuticura, and three of Cutí i:ka Hbsohent. and two cakes of l iTcURA Soap. II you bad bien here and satd you would have cured mefor fiUO.OO you would huw liad the money. I loukud like the piftuf in yur book of rVoriasis (picture miin)i r two. "llow to Cure Skin Dleaeee''), but now Im an c]-Hr as auy ptrrson ever wís. Ttirongb lorce oi habit I ruh my b .ïids ovor my arma and letfn to rerstch oncfl in fi wnjlo, bnt to no purpose. 1 am ail (veil. I scratched twentr-cigkt yeais, and n 'n lo np n kmtl oi mw u ui.: mj nir. I timnk .u ;i ihonsHnd time?. Anything m re that you want kn"w rita mi', or any wlio reuds thie m ly wrile to me and I will au&wir H. DENNIS DOWiNISC. WATiuiirjiiY, Vt , Jan. 20th, 188S. Psoiiastí, Ecz?m:i, Tutter, Ringwoim, Lichen Prorltn-, Scall head, Milk Crust. Unndruff, Barhetv, Baknt, Qrocers1 and Watht'rwoman's Itch and ave y ipeelm of Itchlng, Burning, Scaly, Pm;;lv Hum r- of the Skin and Scalp nnd Biood, wltn Loss ol Hair. are poel'ively cured by Cuticuka. the graat Skin ('ure, and Cuucura Soap, an exquiaite ¦-kin B.antitlür oxtiTimlIy, and Cuticura KwOLVSirr, the new Blood I'nrifler iterually, vtien physlciau ai.d other remedies lail. Sold everwhere. Price. Cuticura, 50.: Soap 2") : Bksoltbivi $1. 1'rt'pared by tbe Potter Ullli: AND I'IIEMICAL Cl)., BOi-ti n, M 88. iS-Send for "How to Cure Skin Dlscsses," G4 patrts, 50 illustratioiw, and 100 testimoniáis. ni PI.ES, black .head, red, rough, chapped and r I IVl oily skin preveated by Cüticoba Soap. Sneezing Catarrh. The distresslng ineso, sneeze, sneeze, the acrid watery dischtrgea froin the eyes and nope, the painful innimmaton extending to the throat, the swelling of the mucous lining, causlnp choking sensations, cough, rinini; nolaea iu the head and plltting how familiar these eymploma are to thousands who suffer periodical irom head colds or Influenzi, and who live iu icnorance of the fact that a single appücation of 8anf.kd's Kadical Curb for Catarrii will allord instantaneoits relief. But tuis treatment in canes of simple Catarrh givea but a talnt idea ol what thls remedy will do in the chronic forms, where the breatbing is obftructed by choking ptitrid mncons accumulatlons, the hearing effected, sineU and taste gone, throat ulcerated and hackin? cough gradually fastening ltself npou the debilitated system. Then it Is that the marvellou cnratlve power of Santord's Kaoicai. Cure minifestn iteelf in instantancous and gratelul relief. Cure bei;lns irom the first appllcatlon. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economlcal safe. Sanukord's Radical Clrk consists of one bottle of the Kadtcal Core, one box of CatarrhaL Solven-t andan Imhroved Iniialbr; price, tl. Potter Ditro and Chemical Co., Boston. PAINS ancl WEAKNESSES of n;iMi.i Tnstantly rellered by the Cutloura AÜli-l'iiiii Pl-ter, a new, mosi agreable, ii stantaneous and infallible paln-killing iihter, especially adapted to relieve Femóle Pains and Weaknesses. Warranted vnstly superior to all other piasters, and tho most perfect Antidote to Pain Itiflanimatlon and Weakness yetcompoundcd At all driigg-Ki 25 cents live for $1.00; or po-tine free of Poiteb Drl'o & CheüiCíL Co., Boston, Mass. I0 THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRUTHS FOR THE S1CK. Kor U.oM ntlilyl 1,ihiowII1 1' 'i" Billón. SpelUdepenS for rase where si i-l I onsi i.iiii KUirii-Ks n.nt Uittkhs w i IJ I itvillrmvvon. not assistor cure. ltl ... nevcr fails. rn Q Do yon suner wltn ___g_i-U IthattircdandallgoiK' cieansothe vitiatc(lT feellng; if no, use i]oo1 when yon e' Sui.i'HUR BmtEBS; its inipuritlcs burst ¦11 it will i-ure yon. ng through the skinl I up,rat,,.;w1,.,ñ.!.v1.;:!: closely omlhied In ! " ,,„„„ Bitters, P EJthe milis and ;, „ "'iVJaith will iol " Hl shops; rlerk,wliodi 1 1 not procure su llii'lent _ mm __ __ I lllcxcrclst', andallwlm sii.rmK Hl rrERSlII lllarcconllnedindoors, lvui cure LlverComl II Illshould uso Sii.riifii pialnt. Don't lie 'M II III Bitteks. Thcvwlll ;.„„nigcd;ltwmcurclll Sn not thea be weak and -oa Q CÏanleklv - m I i ""T"TT StI.l'IHKlllTTER8ll If voii do n"t wlali wlinnliidvouupanill tosuu-erh-om K e„mf vou"etrongandl I ntlBin, uhc ft l.ottle of ,., III SI IJ III i: B1TTBH; '"¦'""' II It M-vpr fail toeiirc. güLPHÜB KriTEiixIJI ïion't l.e witbui wülinakeyourl.loodpi II' LailifS In delicate Try SOUPHB BIT-I I Illhenlth ivlio are all reit to-nlght, nn;l ?u ' '.wn,sl,ould..M' vou will sleep wellIB llm-i.rnrit Hittehm. jand feel lietter forlt-UI n„ yon want the l.est Medical Work imbllBhcd? Send 8 '-cent stamps to A. 1'. ürdwit & CO, Boston, Mass., ml receWe a
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