Literary Notes
Tlie is gomo deliRhtfiil literature abotit the Indinns In the November Wide A wake. The appeal tr the children to build the dioing room of the llamona Indu8tril School at Santa Fe Is repeated, and a list of those wliü have contrlbuted the last month is publlsbed - about one twentieth of the needed tum is alreai'y raised. Then there is a touching true Mr. John Gilmer Speed has become the editor of The American Magazine, whicli, under its new ownership, tui alreudy sliown inaiiy ovidences of vieor and enterprise. Mr. Speed, who belongs to the wt-ll-known Kentucky farully of thiit name, Is well fltted by tHSte and training to successfully carry out the uew work he h;is undertakf n. He has passed (hrongh all the grades of journalifm, and was for feveral years managlng editor of the New York World, Défore it was purohiised by its present proprietor. Slnce theD he has (pent much time in foreijrn travel, and has also been a frequent contributor to the inagiizines and newspaper presa He ha wrltten a Ufe of John Keats, aod editt'd his letters and poema. For this work Mr. Speed had peculiar advaiitages, as bis motlier, a daurh(er of Oeorge Keat, the yimnsrest brother of the poet, had preerved all of John Kfiit's letters to his brother, and miiny of the manOHirlpt Jiofins tu wliioli Gi-oifre Keata feil belr, upon llie untiinely dcatli of the vinnig poet in Komc.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News