Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT DAVINO BEEN MADE IN THK eonditions of a certain mortgage execnted b' Mary E. Fouter of Ann Aibor, In the County o w Mitenaw, and State of Michigan, toLucy W S. Morgun, ol the lama place, bearíng dale the fif tuenthdayof July, lfi, and recordé? i the office of tlie Kegister of Deeds for the County o V:ihtenaw, in liber 69 of mortLagcs, on page 46 nad liy which default the power of cale container in wiid mortae havint; become operative, ant no suit or proceedlng at law or in equlty havlng been iustltuted to recover the aniourit üue on u mortgage, or the note accompanying the same and being dow claimed to be dne on sale note and inortKage, the s um of thrue hundred anc eighiy-nlne dollar and sixty-fcven ceuis. Notice ík thereiore hercby glon tuut suid morigagc wil be fureclotted ouSuturday. tbc nintli day ui February 188!l, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, by a tale at public auctiun at the south front door of the Conrt House in the city of Ann Arbor, (sald Uourt House, belng the place of holding th Circuit Court for said county,) of the premises descrlbed In sald mortgace, or eo mnch thereof ae may be necesary to 8 itlsfy the amount of interest now due and reraatnlng unpaid upon eaid niortgage, togi-ther wlth rensonablu costs and expenses, iucluding an Attorney fea "f tlftecn dollars. Tne pr. mi-es wlll bc si.ld subject to the principio aiim nwmed in said mortgge, or ieventtin hnndreü, hereufter to fall du-, and the interest accrulng thereon. The prtuiiie to Ie sold are deecrlbed ld unid mortgave ae loUuwi: All tbat certain piece or parcel ol land sitúate and being in the townshlp of Aun Arbor, in the County of W'ashienaw, nnd State of Michigan, I and dtscribed as followíí, to wit : The South jmrt of tbe Northwest fracciona) qua-ter ol Section number twenty-t-even, in townctiip uumbt-r two, South in ranga ntmber six (6) Kust, accordinf to tbe patent thereof, ri'corded in thi' efflee of thu Rrrlater of Ueeds for Washtenuw Oonnty. In llber 2ot deeds, on page 2, it Deint' all of xsid Noitliwest fractional quirter lyitp onth oí the Iluron Kiver, contalniim liftylx and 5.VUW acres ol land, more or less, exceplii g therefiom a elrip ol' land I oue hundred laat wide, couvejed ti the Michigan Central Kuilro:id Oumpany lor ils r "ht of way by deed recorded In asid liegister'g ctlice íl líber L. of ilef d on ptlc &8U. OTIS C. JOHNSON, FRANK LI N L. PAKKER. K. D. KINNE, Kiecutors of the will of Lucy W. S. Morgin Dated November 6, 18ii(i. DEFAULT nAVINO BEEN MADE IN THE conditlons ot a certain mortgage executed by Mary E. Folter of Ann Arbor, Micbigm, to I.ucyW.S. Morgin of tbe same place, bv&rlug date the twenty-mennd duy of July, A. l). lgss and recurded In the office of the RestetM ol ds fur the i Dtinty of Wahteuaw, in Mher 69, of mortgaget, on page 48; and by whicll default, tlie power of sale, contalned In said mortyne, tiavinj ¦ operativo and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity, having been instituted to recover the amount due on said raortgnge or the note ace inpanyhg the rami', and thire bdng DOW clalmid iu be due on said note and mortgHge, the -uin of Three Thousand and Seventy-six Uulla t3,u7B.) No tice Ie therefore hercby civen that said m r will lie foreclojcd on Snturday the nintli dny of Febrnary tss1), at ten o'clo'k In the forenoou of tliatday, by a salo at ubllc auctio , at the Soutli front door if the Court lloose, in the city of Ann Arbor, (snid Coart Home belas tbe place of holdIiik the Circuit Court forsaid Oounty) of the pn mMM d.ciritud In aid niorlgage, ir io miich thcreol, us in y be necessary to salify unumi t otptimipal and Interest remaining unpaid upon i-aid niortL'agc, tnvethi-r with renaonabk costg and expense, Includliig un Atlorney fee of thirtdnllurs. which premisos aredesoribod in ontd m irtgage as follows: All those certain plecea of pur cel of land, sitúate and beinir iu the city of Ann Arbor, In tho Counly of Wushtenaw and State of Mii m, and described ae followx, to-wit: Lot mimber Twelv.' (12) and the Eist half of lot Thir) 'n hlock nnmber two (2) North of Uuron etreet, on ran'e nnnib T slx KMt OTI8 C. IOHN8ON, FltANKLIN L. PAKKER, B. l. KIXNK. Execntors of ill of J,ucr W. S. Morgar. Dated, Nor. ui, lt Wfñfffff Kewardpfl are those who reail H NiHI Ylllls '"1 Uien act; they wn fl,,i ilIVliW I ¦ .!¦ einployiiit-nt that wlll ooi t t it - tiii'tu from tiu'ir komu Hnil families. The proflti are lurm' and rore for everv IndoitrlonN pénoo, tminy tutvaj male and are uuwniaklni; scveral hnndred dollars, a month. n la eaay for anj one to Duake J.'j ind upwardl irr dny, who wiMIhk towork. liltluT Hfx, yonng ir olil; cnpltal DOt rier.l (I; we (tart vou. K'vci vt lilti; D No ipeolal ability reqalred, you, reader, can do ii n irell us ti 1 1 v oue. Write to n ut once for ruil particular, whicll we mail free. Addresa tlnson Co., Portland. Malue. SUBSCRIBE for tkOÜRm
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