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Typlioiil fe ver s quite prevalent at Ypsllanti. Milanites wlll roller skate on ' givingday. Saline shipped 1, ."1(32,500 lbs. of freight ' last montli. Cooning pai ties are quite successfiil in the country. Chas. Burkhardt lias moved from his farm into Saline. Now is a good time to get all your farm tools under shelter. Even the chlldren at MilaD wboop it up - whooping eough. Tlie p'entiful rains have made the roads quite bad tliia full. IV111. AVIialen, of Hamburg has been taken to the l'ontiac assylum. Howell folks exDfict to develop wonderful "paint beds" in thelr vicinity. The Milan sons of veterans expect to [ut a play on the boards tuis winter. In Waslitenaw county the late wheat erop averaged 98 per cent. in welght. Jas. P.Vincent has bouirlit out the livery business of II. A. Potts at South Lyon. The southeni W.ishtenaw chicken that Nissly doesn't get liold of roosts high. Stephen Stocking, who died on the 4th lost , ut Lima, was bom in 1815, 'in New Yoik. Nluly of Saline will alnnglitu more thun 1,000 turki-ysforThaiiksgiving next week. The South Lyon Plcket trotted out the biKKoi luuaici in Hiiue to crow over 'lection. Tlie Folktt house at Ypsllanti bas another new owntr. It seems to bo sort of jumbo. Amos Miller who lives on the York town line south ot Saline, is building a new barn. The Germán Lutheran church of Chelsea reaüzed $175 by a fair one evening last week. The postofiioes about tlie country appear to be bothering some of the party patrints very much. A man left a quarter of mutton witb tlie editor of the Milan Leader, and he calis t "poetry In lile." Miss JessieGrabam lias been appointed agent for the Pacific Express Co. at Milan. Good for Jessie. Teil your neighbor to subscribe for the Cocrier only $1 per year. Couldn't make a better investment. Mis. J. J. Eastcrly, of York, was surprised recently on her 40th birthday, and bad numerous presenta given her. The prohibltion vote In Salino has fallen from 54 gour years ago, and 30 two years ago, to 21 this ycar.- Observer. The heayiest winner on election bets In this vil lage, won $110, a new overcoat and a box of cigars. - Saline Observer. John W, Dancor, of Lima and Miss Lizzle Holler of Webster were married at St. Joseph's church, Dexter, yesterday. Many Waslitenaw farmers are going into tlie raising of Shropshirc sheep, whlch are equally good for mutton and wool. Tlie funeral of Mrs. Anti Coy, who died at M ison, on the Hth inst., aged 77, was held at St. James church, Dester, last Saturcliiy. According to the Obsorver Saline's society folks are "all broke up" over a prospective wedding; and no one knows who tlie bride is. Whent now on the ground in this county averages 84 per cent. in acreage sscompared wlth last year, and the condition 15 per cent. The H. E people of Pinckney are after the dimes througu a soap bubble social. The "soap" is what carries on churches as well as politics. 15 out of 25 milis and elevatois In the county reported 82,501 bushels of wbeat murketed during Oetober, with a total of 962,244 bushels since Aug. lst. Xcxt Wednesday, the 2Sth inst, tbc Saline PresbyterianSabbatb school gives the juvenlle oratorio of the "Indian Summer," to be conducted by D. A. Bennett. The Chflsoa llt'iald thlnks Aaron Diuand will be the next postmaster of Chel¦sca. Sadn't you better wait a few montlis before niaking these appointments? The condition of live stock in this county as reported to the state department is: Hnrses 9(5 per cent.; cattlc 92 or cent.; sheep Ü4 per cent.; swiue 08 per cent. Heport says tlierc was moie moncy bet on election in tliis coiiuty llian ever before. Now the paying up cauces mmiy to think, "wliata duin foo] was [."- Dextor Leader. Tlie Anti Aibor vine-c!ad billa will soon vie witli those of Flanee and Cali fornia. The grapu tadustry ia getüng to lic : big thlng in oíd Was'htonuw. - Dexter Leader. The Milan Leaderman perpétrate! ibis ¦uní Btill If rea : '-Tue odor of burnlng leavei in the air, whicli signilies the cleanly tendenciesof our citi.ens. Leaves ppring forth in the spring and faM in the fall." Those who spray 3 llicir Apple trees in the spring say they tbink it would pay well to spray two orthree tinies', and thus secure good sound fruit and a ood prlce tor tlie samo. Let's bear from otliers. - N. Lake Cor. Dexter Leader. Geo. Parker met wlth quite an accident wliile felling a tree Monday. Ilis Mc ui come in contact witb a large limb, and be now wears that portion of bis body in a sling. - South Lyon Picket. Is the "sling" on the inside ör outside ? The yield of clovcr seed per acre in this county for the season as compared wlth '87 is 92 per cent., and acreage 72 per cent. The probable yield of potatoes is 80 per cent. ('liarles IL Fellows, late prohibition candidate for Congress in this district, has decided to lócate here, and has rented the house on Ellis street adjoininsr S. II. Dodge's residence. - Ypsilantian. It is ust probable that the good republicans ofYpsilantl niaygetsome "political horse sense" in his head, ch ? Tho store of J. J. Kello;;p, of Stockbridge, had been systcmiücally robbed :or some two years past. A few days slnce Andrevv Palmer of that place waa irrested therefor, and it was found that ie giiined admission by rneans of a hickory key. He Uud got all prcparations made for a trip to California when capured, hut will now work for 2'years at xmia. Another pioneer passod away recetitly when Stephen Stocking dit d. The Chelsea Herald had the following sketch of lim: Stephen Stocking was bom in Aurelius. "ompltins county, N. Y„ on the 18th day of February, 1815. In his luiancy his father removed to Evans, Erie county, N. Y., where, on tlie 80th of September, 1841, he marrud Sarah Parkhill. After marrlnge he removed oHemlock Lake. N. Y., where he reskled until December, 1S70, when heeame to Michigan, and settled in i.iina, Washteuaw county. l.ast May he carne to Chelsea, where he dlea on the 4th day of November, 1888. The widow and fourchlldren- W. T. Stockng and Mrs. F. J. McMillen, of Lima, tfln !fellie Stocking, clerk in Auditor General's office, Lansing, and Miss Luceiie Slocking, Of Chelsea - to moum tholr irroparible loss. Mr. Stocking was an uprighi and acLlve iteBndfa7tnfur flusband and fther, and wal ligtily respected by all who knew him. The 'uneral services were held Weduesday, p. m., "tb lust . at his late residence, nttended by many of bis old uclghbors, Uev. Dr. Holtnes, offlciating.