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Sometblng That IaternU all Housekeepers. What is t? It ia H;iyl,.v'8 EleetroEnaiiiel Fuiniture PolUh. It imkes all old, scratcheri, marred, woro and ilisfit;nrtil Furnlture cqual to new. If yoa have nót tried it ret a bottle at once and be cohviiieed. Every bottle thornughly warrantcil to give perfect satisfaction or tlie money returncd. Priee, 25 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. Agents wanteJ cveryWhere. eot30 An Oliio farmer found his bees gettini; ready to Bwarqi and lie sweetened a calIon of whisky and put it in pans. The bees ot druok and lie liad no troublc in hainlllng seveuteen swarms. I)M 'III ION , ie kii. An oia phygloian, rotlred from practlee havlng had placed In hls hands by n Eust India misslonary the formulaofaslmple vegelable remedy for the speedy ani permanent cure of Ccmsumptlon, Bronchitis, Catarrh, A-thmunnd all throat and Lnng AlTectlons, also a posltlve cure and radical cure for Nervous üebillty and all Nervous Complalnts after havlng; tested iw wonderful curatlve ponrers In thousandx of casen, has feit It hla duty to makelt known tn hls sulterlng fellows. A tuated by thls motive and a deslre to relifve human suflTerini;, I wlll send f ree of chaise, to all who deslre It, thls recipe, lu Uerinau, Krenuli or Knxllsh, with full dlrectlon for preparing and aslng. Sent by mail by addresslni? wlih stamp, naming thls paper W. A. Novks, 14 Power' Block, Rochester, ¦" 1 yr eow Griet' is lesseued by cmninon endurancc; joy and hope. are sueeter by eouimou eiijoyinent. 'yo THE DEAF.-A person cured of Deafucss X and Dolaes in the heail of 23 years' standliiK by asimple remedy, will send a desertp tlon of it niKK to any Porson wlio applled to Nk HOI.SON. m&Kr. Dougall st.. New ïork 35 FARMSfcr SALE Thosc wUhlns to boy farm cheap come so.ui and Ree J. I. Van Keuren, real estale agent, Howell, Mic'li. Tbere Is 110 better country for ralilng wheat, ihwp and beans and general farming llian LI vlngston county especlally in tho viuiully of Howell. Koart (lilt list of 1 ai in-, for sule: THUKK 2OÜ KK F VII lis. TWO 1O M TWO 120 " I'IVK 1OO ' TWO ' li TllltKIC UIO kt All SrM otM fiirnis and wlthln ncinvrnlentdislance of Howell. Therelsone very (lne 101 acre (arm lylng about ly, miles from Ibe vlllage of Howell, near the Howell ra'lioid Junctlon, whlch offers many lnducementH to n imrcliascr. jr. I. VAX k i ( i;i Real Estáte Agent. Omce in Angel Block, Howell, Mlcli. OUTI1TG For Decembor will contaln the Illustratetl hlstory of tlie DETROIT ATHLETIC CLUB beslde.s the usual artlcles on Huntinir, AtlilPtics, ('iiinpinii, Yachting, F'slii'ifff CniMM'inL', i'ycllnp, Hoatinp, liaspbiill, Football, I''Vnif, Etc., Etc. AH Winter and Nummer Sports. TEEMS. #3.00 Ye.arly - Single Copies, 25c. SPECIMEN COPY FREE. Publlshed by OUTING COMPANY, Limited, Ü39 Flfth Avenue, ÍTEW YORK.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News