Real Estate Transfers
Chas. II. Kempfto A. J.sawyer, yivuii Ja, ö. Wood to A. J. Sawyer, Sylvan US MagKle Nowlen toThos. MaUie-ai. Ypsl. 2.Í.W0 )¦ ml ly S. Covert to Dan'l Broeit, Aon Arbor "u Kiinnlü J. Henion to A. II. Iloyn. Ann Arbor 'otw David Beanbein to Elliabolli neaubeln, Ypul Uradley M. Thompson to M. L. Tlioinpson, Ann Arbor ÏMK Jas. Mom to Ja. Mom, Jr. Lyndon ... "' Tobn Allen to üeo. E. Petera, Ann Arbor ' Chos. U Iow lo John II. Mlner, Ann Aibor 1(J J O. Horntng by C. C. 0. to Jiicob Luinbard, Freedom '"" Mary Coleman to Wm. N. Henderson, Ann Arbor Kllza Rnruliurn to Wm. H. Burnlum, York prudence West by tulm'r to Jolm Lawsun, Augusta " JoMpbU Rice to Charlotle M. Baxter, York !' Maria Bluiwlell to Hlrum Martin Brldgewater iiu.ii E. O. Lulck to Wm. F. V gel, Ann Arbor 100 Andrew Alllson to Clarence W. Maroney, Chelsea SU Wm. H. Jewett to Marllia A. Woodward.Ypsi Peter W. Carpenter, tl) KstherM. Fulter, Ypsl SOÜ Wm. E. Culver to F. E. Holcomb, York 5,800 Wm. H. Culver lo Mary L. Holco'nb, York z'200 Plilllp Bach to Chrlsllan Bonoleu, Ann Arbor llu Hudson T. Morton to Geo. H. Wllson, Ann Arbor " Jeremtah to D. Corcy to Wra. Hanham, Manchester öm Iloils, carbuncles, and otlier skin eruptions indícate tliat the system is endenvorinjr to reject pnifonous acids. nnd tliat Ayer's Barsaparilla ia mperaüvely needed. It tlie most reliiible of all blood medicine. Ask your druffgist for it, and take no othcr. Trne glory is the praise of men, the echo of virtur; but tliat upe of jflory, tlie random applause of the multitude, is often bestowed upon tlie worët óf nctions. - Tully. The fren.y of nations is tlie stattsmanship of fate.- Bulwer Lytton. The only thinRg you can safely put ofl until to-morrow ure idleness ind vice.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Charles H. Kempf
A. J. Sawyer
James G. Wood
Maggie Nowlen
Thomas Matthias
Emily S. Covert
Daniel Brock
Fannie J. Henion
A. H. Roys
David Beaubien
Elizabeth Beaubien
Bradley M. Thompson
M. L. Thompson
James Morn
James Morn Jr.
John Allen
George E. Peters
Charles L. Dow
John R. Miner
J. G. Horning
Jacob Lumbard
Mary Coleman
William N. Henderson
Eliza Burnham
William H. Burnham
Prudence West
John Lawson
Josephus Rice
Charlotte M. Baxter
Maria Blaisdell
Hiram Martin
E. Luick
G. Luick
William F. Vogel
Andrew Allison
Clarence W. Maroney
William H. Jewett
Martha A. Woodward
Peter W. Carpenter
Esther M. Fuller
William H. Culver
F. E. Holcomb
Mary L. Holcomb
Philip Bach
Christian Bonnien
Hudson T. Morton
George H. Wilson
Jeremiah D. Corey
William Hanham