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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thlf powde" never vflrl'8. A mirrcl of pnrlty, -tengt- "'ii w'ioi -Diii-nr-p. Mor ecoi&mkáj thfin rtie on'imry ktnflf, and cun ot bw toM in cnmp"ttli 11 with thr multitud1 ol low test slmrt w igb' ulnm or nh sptime p wlen. Snld nnly in cana hoTAX B I'uwdkr Co , lUtí Wall St., . Y. Scratched 28 Years. % Sraly. Itolilns. -kin Isi'ae with l-.iKiles uirrIiiK ciired by Cutit'iira Renit-dies. If I had known of the i'iticura Rkmethktwi"t'-elülit years ai; it w mlrt hnve saved m.$200.00 (two hiindre'l loilars) and un iromenw ¦Mii"uni oí puff ring. My ilosene i Píorlasi-) C( mm -n ed on m bead in a poti)"t larer tban a cent. 1 t-pu-üd rapi-ily aM over niv body i'JB onder oiv naiW. i he cOf wo'iltl dro[) ' 11" ol cío ill the ttm'. and mv sutr -niiu' ni t-nd'a-, in l without rvllef. One ih"U;ti d doilart would not t mpi m t) hve ih diseñe civrr an. I ai a io ir man. hnt leel r c'i to 6 reli-vfl ol w 'iit -oiiie ol ihdoctore whs lepiov. wme rinu-w irro, porlaid. ele. I iO"k . . . and . . . Sar-aoarillm' over one y-ar and a hall, but na cure I went to two or thre" duet ra Hi'd no cure. Icnnn.ii ptaise tbe i'UTicrR Rkhedies to . m ich. l'hey hiivc m irte my f kiu a;1 cleür and free tro 1 peale as a babvV. Ail I uíed of thiin was thiee boxea of ('uticura, and three of Cutí ura KKfoi.ENT. and two cake of i ut.ciha Soaf. It you hart been bere and ald ymi would have cured mefor $2IX).OO yon would have had ttie monay. I look-d like itnplctnie in yur iik of i soriaols (picture num )¦ r two. "How to Cure Skin Dlseasc"). bnt now 1 m as clear as ny person ever was. Turough torce oí bsbit I rub my b mis vit my arme and letrs to scratcü once intwnlie, but to no purposa. I am ail well. I geratched twenty-eiuht jears, and it giitto beakind of-ecoud nanretbW. rthank vou a ihrm..Til lini'-s Anythin ni ih ít vrtti waut know wrlto rhi', oí any rmn whti reade thie mny write to me and I -JflEiWwMÍ Watsrboiit, Vt , Jan. 20th, 1988. PaorlanK Kcsema, Tenor. R'ngwirm, I,irhen Scill hanK Milk CruM. Diindruff, Barner.-', Baken., Grocers' and Wa.-h rwoniunV Itch and eve y oucie ol Itchtng, Burning. Scaly, Pimplv of ihe skin anl Scalp uid Biood, with Í.OS8 ol Hair. ore p.wt'ively cured by Cutici-RA thegreatSkin Cnrr.aud Cuucura fxquisiie Km Bautifier exi.-rnaüy, ai dCrmcuKA Kesoi.vknt, the new Bl.iod Pnrifler itcrnally, hen phyeiclane ai.d other remedies lail. Sold everywhere. Price. Cuticcra, 50.: Soap " ; Resolvent tl. I'repared by the Potteb nitri. a-d Chemicai. C., Hot' n. W bs. S-Send for "Huw to CufP Skin DieesBe.". 1 paei-s, 50 lluetratlons, and 101) utimoulala. DIHIPLBS, blackheadB, chapped and oily Win il IV1 pievented byCUTicUKA mkdicatsd Soap. Sneezing Catarrh. The diatrexalrjï íneoz !, sueoze. Bueeze, the acrid watery diseñares frotn the eyes and nose, the pflinfal inflimmat'on extending to the throat, the swelling of the mneona linin?, causlnp choking Beneations, eimgh, riniiiii? nilses In the head and plltttng headaches- how fimiliar ihcse symptoms re to thoasand who suffer perlodinal lrum hcad colds or Influeof.. and who live In lenorance of the fact that a ingle npplication of Sanpord's Radical Cure fok Catarrh 11 aflVird inslantaneout relief. Bat thts treatment n cajes of simple Catarrh eivei but a laint ide,i of what thls remcdy wlll do in the cbroulc forras, wbere the hreathiug ia ob Htrucled ly choUng putrld rnucons accumnlatmns, the hearing effecied. Binell and taie Koi.e. throat ulcoruted ana hackine couch gradoall fai-tening iiself upon the dehllltated sysiem. Then It ib that the marvellous cnrative power of Safokd 8 Kadical CUKKm.nilcstó iwelf in Initantaneone and urateml re l.-f. Care bi-ülne trom the flrxt application. lt is rapld. radical, permanent, econ""roKD'i Radical Turk coneists of one nottle of ihe Kadical Oure one hoï "f CataRrihi. üolvest indan Improvbd Iniialkr; prii-e. il. Potter Drcq ad Uhkuxcal t-o., boston. PAIÑTaiTñAKNESSES OF FEMARES ttM. ln-'a"t'T relii-vfi by the iitiourii HbAnll-l'ain l'l ¦ ter, au e w m.. JKBr areabie. stantaneons and inrallihli¦WTiK ),l.i-ier, e-pecialh udapted ¦Kmr to relieve Fenvile Pai"8 and Weak¦¦fcUJ j,,.,., Warrauted vmtly saperlor t" all ot' er plaxters. and the m-i-t perf. et Antidote to Pain Ii.flammatiori'ifd W.-km8 vete imnounded M all 11 Üw - 8. 25crn-; flve for 1.00; or p. freeof PoVteu IkUü & luEmc.L Co., Boston. Maas __ The Greatest BlooJ PurifierJQ I ThU Great Germán Medicinéis the#. II llchcapcst and best. ïaSdnsesof fvlr-M j II II l'Hl IS IHTTKIlSfor1.00,len9tlii c I Mono cent a close. Jt wlll cure tlu fc UI SS worst cases of skin iliscnse, frorn Q U i rammon pim))le on tno rai'c , fTlto thnt awful dUeaM .irofuln. I Ibest medicine to use In a l# I llcascs of such etubljorn nndYonr Kul I II Illdcep Beated diseases. DoneysariMiutUI Ui nüt over take MPru !'t8r S m ai IIP Pil l S #SIIMMIUKE BLUE PILUS #IUTTi,is. Il m Hl ormcrcury, tliey are UCB'I )U are gii-k, no III III ly. Placo ymir trviBt ln#,í,itterwliat nlUl I 1 1uLl'lIUit BITTEIIS lUBe II the purest and hcst. , . „... ill lllineiUcinu ever 'ade.Ju]pu]f jJltterS ! J I II offen"!v-yU V;;'"f ySlü'l'liurll lUsi -'ij'Hrii ' Xfhe Invalid'8 Friend.K SlmiiMMIatélviieronnR.tlieagedand tt-i ijl Is yuur Vr-Mtc-rmi Boon jiiade ' "J 111 I ropyí c'lo.idU"ère, imay m e y.mrl I I II udy. orjfllfe, it lias aved 1J{.llEas- I ? f Try a Bottle To-day ! E3 il i # Are vou low-spirited and weV: IT


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