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HP! UB! Fine work for dainty lingera. Table Linens, Bureau and Side Baard Searfs, Stand Covers, Clialr Tidics, Towels and SplHshcrs all stainped in outline for artistic embroidery. BEAUTIFUL GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAYS ! Big Bargains in Linen Towels ! One lot Irisli Huck Linen Towels at 10c each. One lot Huck Linen Towels at 12 l-2e each. Oue lot extra large Linen Towels at 15c each. One lot extra flnc Bleached Huck Knotted Fringe Towels at 2Oc each. Beantlful Damask Sets for the Holiiliij s at t3.50, $4,00 $5.00 and $6.00 a set, put np in boxes. Ladies do jon know that we are sellIng a Beautiful 42 inch Black Silk Warp Henrietta at $1, per yard? Yes and jou trv and flnd a better oue at #1.25 per yard if you can. And do you know that we are selling a Fine Elegant Black Silk Finish Henrietta at 75c, per yard Other Stores will askyou$l a Yard for no bctter goods. Yes ! aud we have just opened a case of Broadcloths whlch for a little fun we are going to scll at 5Oc per yard. They are worth 75 per Yard to any one. And to makc it still more interesting for our lady frlends we'll put on sale 15 Pieces of 52 inch wide Broadcloths at 75c, per Yard. f 1,00 a yard would be cheap for them. No sucli low prices ever made on Black and Colorea Silks and Rliadmes as we are now nniklnir. Do you know tliat we are dolng the Cloak Trade In Ann Arbor and are solling Elegant Plusn M'raps at #15.00, 18.00 and 2O.OO. Cloth Newmarkots at #6, " aud $1O. Misses Cloksa at :i, 1, 5, and n. Come in and Examine Our ÍUrgaln It will pay you. RespQctfully Yoius, I D. F. SCHAIRER SHOOLOP MUSIC (ESTABLISHED 1879.) BRANCHES OP STUDY. Piano, Voice Culture, Singing, Violin, Viola, 'Cello, Orehestral Instruments, Organ, Choral Music, llarmony, Counterpoint, Composition, Science and Art of Teaching, Physical Culture. FACÜLTY. Albert A. Stanley, Director, Orín Cady, Wm.X..uderer, Francls I,. York, Reubeu II. Kempf, Mrs. Anna E. Warden, Miss Marlan Smitfi MIbs Martlia E.Tenney, Mrs. Jalla E. Van Slyke, Miss KUen E. Uarrlgues, Mr. E. L. Moore. ___ Studentsareentltled to the Free lnstruc tlon In Harmony, Ensemble Playlne and clioral Muslc, besldea all Recitals and Lectures glven by the Scuool. For furtlier lnformattou address, A. A. STANtiKV, Ircolor. Ante-Room, Unlverslty Hall. Office Hours, S:W- 9:30 a. m., and 13-1 p. m. HÜTZEL'S WATER BACKl A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in . producing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sedimente which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoms ing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZBL Sc CO-, Pluniber and SteamfitUrt, ANN ARBOR, - - MICII GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secnrlty keld for the protectlon of the po'.Icy bolden. CHRISTIAN MACK RrnreaantK the followlng flrdt-clacs companles, of ShfcToie. the iBtna, hu alone paid 56,000,000 flrc loases In slrty-flve yoars : jEtna, of Hartford $ 9,192,044 Franklin of l'hiladelpliia 3,118,713 Geruwnia, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,908 London Assunince, London.. . 1,41G,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67y National, Hartford 1 ,774,505 Phojnix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Loiset überallT djuitid and promptly paid. Policies iiiued at the lowest ratea of premium. I umi


Ann Arbor Courier
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