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I pBPRICE's CREAM OWDEp Its superior excellence proven In mlllious of Iioiiii'k ftr moretlian aquiirterofacentnry. It lKused ly ihe L'nlti-d SlaMa governmeDti Bodorsed by the headsof the U rent Uulversltles aH the ötrongest, Pnrent,and most Healthful. Dr. Prloe'stlieonly Bkinis Powder that doen not contaln Amnionla, Lime or Alom. Sold oniy In cana. PRICE BAKIXG POWDER CO., BEW YORK. CHICAGO. 81. 1.OÜI8. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE ('OXGRATUliATES Evcry American Farmer, Wage-Eamer and Business Man, the ünion Yoluiiteers, the Settlers of the Western Territorios, every Young Man and Woinan, the Freedmen of the stiuili, onr American Klshermen and Suinbnilders, nul the Whole People Generally, on the SALVATIOX OF THEIR WELFARE, which was won at the polls on November Ötli. In the prosperity, wliich is likely to follow, the men of both rvtrtic will share; but to tlie Republlcau voters, woikers iind press, is due the credit. During Oen. Harrison's aduiiuUration, 'l'lie Tribune will continue to advocale the great mcasures of public policy, wlth wliich its name is identitied. Great respnneihilities now rest, not only on the adininistration, but on the Kepubllcan party and prc.-s, with reference to shaping IcgMaflon so as to give practical ettert to the willoftlie people. It is no time now, lor fnnners, wage-earners, Uniou veterans, and olhers, whose Inlertsts have been imperiled by an adoiinistration of free trader?, and rebel brigadiers, to rel ix their interest in public iiftairs. and let tilines take their course. On the contrary, it would seem to be the duties of all voter.-to co-opcrate earnestly In the advanoement of measUTM undert.iken in their behalf, and to lend their suppoit to newspapers, which are doiug original and aggressive work to proinote their welfare. It is conceded by the entire country, thal the NewYork Tiiliune hasinitialed a great variety of tin; valuable and successful popular dlscu89oiis of the pust year. lts. labor for the farmer(iiot yet hall llnished has been aggresslve and eftVctive. lts great ex pos u re of the sliiun "reform" of tlit Cleveland adruiuistration w;ts orathlnjf and final: no attempt was ever made to answer il. lts positlon on teinperanci bronglit back mmierous third party voters to the Kepublican ranks ItH broadiMtl on the taritt" and other questions have done mucli to prove, beyoud ques tlon, ilml the republican party i.s the best friend tí the poor people of the country and of the settlers of the western tenitorieB. It lixed beyond oonlrovcray the responsibility for the defeat ot' muchnevded pension legilation in Con}{rei8 On many other Important questions the Tribune did loyal and sucesstul work. It undertook, for the s;ike of the cause many important, 1 iborious and lirlonchine taska, involvinsf immense researeli, and useful In Settlnjr in qulcker motioii tlie furces wbioh won tlic vic tory. lts course in the future may be judited by the past. The Tribune is not exclusive ly devotei to politics. It is a newspiper, presenting the news of the world in each issue, tojfether with ñction, miscellany matter "for the home Cirele" and for "Youiik Folks," with excellent and ac cúrate inarket rtports, book reviews, ant forelgri correspondence, and two pages a week on Agriculture. For tui Fhtnüy, it is abs-olutely unexcelled among news papéis. Subscriptlon Rates- Weekly, 1 a year; extra copy wlth every flve. SemiWeekly, $2 a year; extra copy will eveiy tive. Daily, $!I.5O per year. Sunday Tiibuue, $2. New gubscribers receive the paper until Jan. 1, 1890. Premiums- (1 ) Waverly Noyels, complete in six yol. (2) Cooper's fascinatInj: "Leatlier Stockinr Tales," 6 vol (3) Irviiiji's "Life of Washington." (4 Ten oue-dollar books, any Olie of whiel is sent for two subscribers, viz. : "Kssay's of Lord Bacon;" Edj;ar A. Poe's Tales;" "Freuch Hevolutlou by Carlyle" "Great Generáis by Great Authors;' "roems of Sir Waker Scott;" "Greek Mytliolo{;y ;" "Don Quixote;'' "Arabian Niglits;" "Roblnson Crusoe;" and 'Swis Family Hobinson. ' (5) Wlneliester Huntlng Rifle, breech loading (6) Remington breech-loading Shot Gun (7) "New York Tiibune's llistory of the United States and pocket Atlas of the World." (8) The Tribune' trreat "Book of Open Air Sports." (9) "Wood's Household Medicine." (10) VVebster's Uuabridged Diclionary. (11) Waltham Watcli. 8end for cicular decribing theni in f uil. LIBRARY OF TRIBUNE EXTRAS. Every year the Tribune prints an Almanac anil Index and several bou ui "Extras." It is jroposed now to systematlze the publication of these Extra, and to issue tliem, regularly, once a moiith, 12 numbers per year. The Almanac will be issued in its oíd íorm, only with new, valuable and extensive lulditions to the contents, the number for li89, by the way, containing complete retuins of the presidenta electiou. The other numbers will be mude up wlth paKM of nbout monthly magazine size. There will be one or two number, per year, devoted to latest ideas in "knilting and crochet." Several will contain complete novéis. Others will be made up of enteitaiuing features of special and permanent valué relatinjí to Science, Society, Literatuie, Politics, etc. Single copies, 25 cents. Pi ice, per year for tlie 12 numbers, $2. THE TRIBUNE, NEW YOKK. A Frenchraan spent ten years of liis life to invent a noiselessclock; and when he had succeeded nobody would buy it. A boxlng match between two London boys ajred eight and ten years respectively, resulted in tlie death of one of tbein. A "century plant in bloom," is adyertised as on exhibitat a hall In Botton. It coBts twenty-five cents to see it. Syrup oí Figs Is nature's own true laxativo. It is the most eaaily taken, and the most effective remedy kuown to Cleanse tlie System when Bilinus or Costlve; to dinpel Headaches, Coldg, and Fevers; to cure habitual Constlpation, Indigestión, etc. Manufactured only by the California Fig Syrup Company, San Francisco, CalSold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles by Ebcr. bacli & Son. A pood many chaps wbo were looking np maps and worryinjf about Stanley last summer nre dow lookinx through their pockets and worrying about their winter eoftl. The laws of nature are inflexible. Bucklen'8 Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuta Bruiscü, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Uhilblains, Oorns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to tlve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbach & Son.


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