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VjV[CHllGA!r Time Uble taklne effect Nor. 18th, 1888. Omtral Studant Tiae. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. I i! il & Li A .tio... fi L ñfi0 Ilif!íli8li_ a. a. a., r.a. i..- P.H. ¦¦ ;hicgo..Lv. 00 00 810 4 40 10 10 810 Calamazoo. . . 1030 H0 668 50 7 10 J 85 ttf fettK Crack. II 161 3 18 7 83 7 55 i 1 ÍS arkson 120 415 8 4 S 15 4 46 JnixiLake....! 143 65 641 601 'neis 201 „. 10 U 7 10 5CT Jexter 2 17 124 77 541 elhl Mills... %m ¦-. 71 Vnn Arbor.... 2 43 5 30 9 41 1040 7 60 6 ÚÓ fpíilanti 300' 645 63 1053 808 17 Vaym-Jiinc. 3 605 H 11 8 3J 649 íetrot ....Ar. 4 1(1 6 4S 10 45 - 11 fO 92J 7 W it.Thoma.... 10 10U105 SO) 1245 SU fallsVIew 844 . FhII, 221458 J47 650 3iifftlo ... 8 30 4 35 7 15 9 10 i 556 06 DETROIT TO CHICAGO I I n 'A s si i; .TAT.O.. .?LL tf á r L_ i. _ L A.M. A.M A A M A. M P.. A.M. Bnffalo 1130 5S-T 500 00 12S0 .. . N. Falle, U 43 . .... 204... St.Thomas.... 4 5ft IOS 6 40 .. a. a a. . p ¦¦ r m. p.m p.m. a.m Detroit.... Lv. i 7 31) 910 i 4 U0 800 10 15 345 Wayne Judc. 8 11 6S ... 4 45 838 1055 .... i'psilanti .... 8-Ö1O17 2 13 S 13 900 1118 4 45 AnnArhor... 8 50 10 40 2 Ï4 580 15 1186 Delhi Mills .. 900 542 Deitt-r 908 550 9 44 Dhelsea 3S 6 05 10 00 SrasíLake... 43 -. 671025 Jackson 10 li 11 45 3 27 710 1055 1254 Battle Creek.. 1209 111) 4 38 XK21327 215.... KslaiuaK. . . 1350 1 ñ5 5 15 9451 1 jO 3 0" Chicago... Ar. V li H 40 9 O. I 7 00 7 45. ... O. W. l.-C' .i.i. KK. H. W. HAYBM. G. P. 4T. Agent Art., Ann Albor. Cblcafo. To wlo, Ann Arbor & XOrtii Michlao Railwaj. TIME CHKDULB. To take effect nt 12 o'clock, noon, on SunÚy, September 30tl, 1888. Traine rnn by Standard Time. QOINQ NORTH. I fc L g STATIONS. ï ö gd PÑ ft. Ia. h. p m. a. m. Toledo L 55 8 25 00 ManhatUa Junction 5 40 3 81 6 10 Alexi 6 45 3 38 6 8S Sainarla : 6 10 8 SO 7 15 Monroe Junction 6 19 4 05 S 00 Dundee 6 27 4 18 8 21 Azalia 6 gl 4 23 8 60 Milan 6 46 4 31 9 16 Urania 7 00 4 43 9 86 Piltífleld 7 08 4 5210 15 ADQ Arbor 7 5 07 10 60 Lelanrt 7 8S 5 27 13 00 Whitmore Lakc 7 49 5 45 12 M Ilowell 8 45 634 156 Uurand 9 35 7 15 4 20 Coranna 10 00 7 45 p.m. Owob?o 10 10 755 Onbeso Junction . 10 20 8 00 Ilhaca 11 36 V 18 SL Louis 1155 9 85 Atoa 14 0.' 9 41 Mt. Pleasant 1145 10 20 Farwell 1 53 I OS Cadillac Ar 8 30 12 65 P. . p. k Flushirff 1Ó.Ï7 East Sujjiuaw „ _ 12 30 GOING 8OÜTH. TTMS STATIONS. f! lL ilf Cadillac Lv 4 15 2 OU farwell 5 50 Í 50 Mt. Pleasant 6 40 4 85 Alma.. 7 2J si:"!: 81. Louis 7 80 515.... Ithaca 7 50 692... Owosso Junction y 00 6 S2 . ¦ Owoeso 8 06 6 35 5 10 Cornnna in 6 4 5 50 Hurand $5 ; U 6 66 H'well 10 11 S IS 930 whitmore Lake 10 55 8 60 11 16 '¦eland n 10 9 U6 13 0 AnnArbor n J6 20 M 60 Witi-field 1)40 9 3 1 80 V"H 1147 9 40 1 55 Milan 12 uu 9 60 2 85 Azalia 12 10 li 16 8 10 1 ondee 12 m 10 13 s 40 Monroe J unction 12 S4 10 SOI 4 06 amarla ia 4B 10 SB 4 46 Alexis 12 56 10 80 til Manhnttan Junction 1 W 10 65 5 SS Toledo Ai I 10111 0 5 45 p. .[r. u.jr.u. P. M. Final! In ir „ 6.06 Kast Sagloaw _ I„„4.U0 South Lyon Itraneh. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. bOUTH BOUND. Traln 8 Timin 6 A. ¦. A. M. 8 15 Ar. Wordens Ar. 8 54 8 30 Ar South L700 Lt. 8 40 Connectlons: At Toledo, wlth rallroadi dlvergIne; at Manhattan Juuctlon, wlth Wheelinr Lake Erie R. R.; at Alexis Jnnction, wiih M. C. H. R., U S. 4 M. S. Rt. and P. 4 P. M K. H.; at Mouroe Jnnctlon, with L. 8. M. 8. Ry.; at Dondee, wlth L. 8. & M. 8. Rv.. M. 4 O. Rt.; at Mllim Junction. with Wabaob.St. Lonln 4 Paciíc Hy ; al Pittnfleld.with L.S. M.S. Hy.; at Aun Arhor wirh Michigan Central R. R., and at Bonth Ljon wlih Detroit, Lariflne Northern R. H.. asd MJch. A. L Div. oí Graiid Trnnk Rt. At Hmbarg wlth M. A. Line DlïWon Grand Trnok R'y. At Howcll with Detroit, Lanstnr 4 Northern R'y. At I)nrnd with Chicago A Graud Trnnk R'jr and Dotroit, Grand Haven t Mllwnkec R'y. Ai uwoto Jnnction wiih Dftroll, (.rand llnven 4 Milwankee R'y and Michigan Central R. R. Ai SL Urali with Detroit, LaDaii;({& Northern R. K. and í-Ll nav. Viliiy et. Lonlí R'y. At Alma wlth Detroit &, Nnrthcrn R. At Mt. Plcasant wlth í'lmt 4 Pcre Mdrquette R'y. II. ¦' ASHLKT, Genera' iliintatr. W II. BENNETT, A. J. PAISIKY. O.-" I.... .¦ Tirk"t '-- I.-w-t ¦¦¦¦' 1 'Iximx.fl' Gala In pnranancs and hjr virtue of a div ree of me Circuit Couri i' r the o.tiniy of Waahlenaw tu Chancery, in the State of Mlchlgn, made tnd eniered ou the iitirmh day of Junuary, D. 1888, In i certajn caus therein pendiiwj, wberein Wllll.nm K. Bus h c-omplninant and John lodlíh lluriiuiie nd (litherlne M. Horuang re defeiidanin. Nutice la hen hv glvea, loat ou Tuea day, the lourth day uf Decem')er, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenooD of sald day, I bal ¦¦lint public anctlor. or vndae to thé hh beul bidder, at Ihe eat fronf duor (heinjr the Fonrth Knet eniranoe of ïlie Court Bonte, In the city ol Aun Aib r. In sad coanty of Washlenaw ind S'Ate of MirhiL-un, íhícI Oonrt House belng the place lor hoklini; tbe Circuit Court lor iwld couot)) to raise the amount due to the eaid complalnam for principal, Interes! and cwta in thit caoc 11 thoe ocitain piuce or parctls of land lima'ed in the townahip ol Freedom. Connty of Wahtentw and oí Michluan, aud decrihed a follows: V'z: The nor'heat qnarierof tbe toti hweat quarter and ihe nurtbwest quarier of the eoothean quarirr ui xectlon thlrteen in towu three, sonth ol range tour enst: and al-o the north half of tbe lontheatt (immer of the southweet qnarter ol ettkm thirteen in aald lowu tbree soutb of raime foor eat, and tn m ikiuf sald sale all of sald land wil] be oflVrcd aud ftold as one tract or parcel of land in acoordince with the ternn of aatd decree. Dated Anu Arbor, Michigan, Oct. 15th, 1888. FRANK JUSLN, Circuit Conrt Oommiieloner, lu and lor the County of Wanhtenaw aud State of Michigan Kl'QENK K. PRÜEl'PP, Solicior fjr O. mplatnnnt. 31 örTmilëFrëstorative nervinê J Pfl cuntüius no Opium or dan5j( Kerousdrug. Canbetakco #ftSpM Ly nnv one at any time. íVí-f The late and btst DUM+Ï'L rowrt for HE A Dit' 11 E. mSfSBk sl"l UtlkNKsS n. wjrvtlft'WW tuvors Niïïtfiw old by Oruggists. Sample Bottles FrH


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