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A Wonian's Discovery. ¦'Anotlier wonderful liscovery lias been made anii Üiat too by i lady In tliis county. Dlsease fastened ts elutches apon her :ind for .even years she witlistood its Bererett test, but her vital orfíans were nndermlnéd and death seenied liuinineiit. For tliree inonths íhecoughcd nccssantly and couhl Bot sleep. She boujrht of us a bottle of ür. Eing'a New Discovery for Consuniption and was so miich relievi'd 011 takiiif; flnt dosc thiit she slept all nl;ht and witli one bottle has been miniculously cured. Her naiiiH is Mrn. Lnther Luts. Tlm write W. C Hamrick & Co., of Bhelby, N. C- Qet i (roe tril bottle at Eberb tcli & Son's Drugttore. Motto of ragplcken - "By hook or by o rook." Biiokleo's Árnica Sal re. The Best Salve in the world for Cuta, Bruto, Hores, Ulcere, Salt Itheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Banda, CbllblalD, Corns. and all Skin Kiuptions, and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It ia ffoaranteed to ;lve perfect sutist'action, or money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per box. For Sale bv Eberbacb & Son. HcEiiiAM'o Pili.s cure blllous and ners'oua Uto,