County Agricultural Society
The regular annual meeting of the Waphtetiaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society was held at their room in the court house yesterday p ra. After listening to sorne excellent sugaestions from President Braun, (which Wlll be íjiven more fully hereafter), several contestad cases were taken up, errors in the committee books oorracted, bilis allowtd, etc. The regular business ui the meeting was to elect offloers, and tlie following were chosen : President- F. B. Braun. Ann Arbor Town. Recordlng Secretary - Ueo. H. Pond, Aan Arbor City. Corresponding Secretary- Ilenry S. Dean, Ann Arbor Cit.y. Treasurer- Jesse A. Dell, Ann Arbor City. Vlce-Presldents-F. R. Mills, Lodl ; I)r. I). P. McLachlan, York ; Albert Graves, Ypllantl ; W, S. Bojdeu, Dellil Mills; E. X. Walker, Salem. Board of Managers- A. V. Roblson Ann Arbor City; Jolin Keppler, Ann Arbor Town ; W. SV. Uell, Augusla; James M. TonnK, Bridgewater; Chas. Dyer, Deiier; Jacob Bauer, Freedom ; E. A. Nordman, Lima; Leopok! Hlaess, Lodl; F. A. Howlett, Lyndon ; Orln Walt, Manchester; E. E. I, eland, Norllifleld; Henry Paul, Pittsöeld; W. H. Dell, Saline; Wllford Thompson, Salem; Ueo. A. PeIim-s, solo; Jno. J. Roblson, Kharon; P E. Galpln, superior; Ueorge E. Davis, sylvan ; Oeo. Phelps, Webster; Allred Unvenport, York; Judge Thomas Nlnde, Ypsllunü City; Benj. D. Kelley, Ypsllanti Town. The correspoiidiiig secretary was requesteil to notlfyeftch man of lus electlon, and to ask hiin if he wlll serve in the position. President Braun and Secretary Pond hut li very :r;icefully declined a re-nomiri:it;on, hut the meeting wouldn't have it thut way.
Washtenaw County Agricultural and Horticultural Society
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Wilford Thompson
W. W. Dell
W. H. Dell
W. E. Boyden
P. E. Galpin
Orin Wait
Leopold Blaess
Judge Thomas Ninde
John Keppler
John J. Robison
Jesse A. Dell
James M. Young
Jacob Bauer
Henry S. Dean
Henry Paul
George Phelps
George H. Pond
George E. Davis
George A. Peters
F. E. Mills
F. B. Braun
F. A. Howlett
E. T. Walker
E. E. Leland
E. A. Nordman
Dr. D. P. McLachlan
Chas. Dwyer
Benjamin D. Kelley
Alfred Davenport
Albert Graves
A. V. Robison