FOK THE MAN Y COMPLAINTS Incidental to fod and ievere reather, i Extract wlll be found i welcome and tfï.ctive remedy. (Jse it In all cases of Chllblalna, Frozen Limlis, Stlffneu of the í ? ï 1 1 1 - , s wel Ie n Face, Ctiapped Hun ds and Lip, RoughneM of the M'i caued iy harsli windt, Hoaneneu, Aithtna, Ac. ( '.itanh it is remarkably eWcaelon. Avoid imUationt, A colored man IMyeari oíd dfcd In Georgia last week. Auitraltan yacbtsraen propose to compete for the American cup. A Valuable Medical Treatlie. The editlon for 1SSII ni tlie IterllDg Madloal Annnal, known m Hottetter'i Almanao, is now roady, hii1 ma y be obtalned, Iree ol ooit, ofdraegUti and general couuiry dealen In all pari of the United Htates, Mexico, and Indi-eil In every clvillzed portlon of the Ui -I . em Hemliphere. Thls ulrnanac has heen luned regularly at the eommeneement oí i-t-iy year for over one-fourth of a rentury. It combiues, wlth the souuileKt praetloal advice for the preservatlon and restorallon of h. all li, ¦ larue nmouut of inlerotlnu and amuslng llghtreadlnt:, and tha calendar, atronomlcal oaloulatlom, obronologloal ItemM, 4c, are prepared wlth (real oare, and wlll be found entlrely accurate Tho iRsne of Hot't Alrnanao for 1689 wlll he the lururst editlon ;i mediaal work everpubllshed In any ooantry. The proprlelors, Messrs. BoetetU i , Oo., rillsburgh. Pa, on recelpt of a two cent stamp, will forvard a copy by mail to any penon who vannot procure one In hls nefgnborbood, A tvmiiiiii win in wenk, iiorvinii and sleepless, iind wlio has cokl hand and feet, nannot feel and aot ltke u well person. Carler'slron PIHb cquaüze the clrcnlatlon, remove uervouaness, and glve atrength and rt.