A House Not Made With Hands
'l'lie fnll eapaeity of the lungs s ahou :!20 cubic Inches. The biinian sheleton consistí of more Ihan 200 distinct booet. Eacfa pcrsplrutory iluet is niio-foarth of un incli in lenjfth; of the whole about I niix' miles. Abotlt IWO-tilird of i pint Of :iir s ulialct) miiiI rxh-ileil at each li'i-alll III j (iniii .iiry i espIratloD. TluTe a re more iluin 600 Mparate inusclcs In i lic body, with au equiil niimber of oerTei mid blood 7ewl. The weiht of lh heart is Irom eivht to Iwelve niiDce. It beaia ldO.diio lioiei ' in twenty-four hoin. 'l'n fUiii coolaiiM more tlian '2 000,000 : opti!)iii;s, wiiich ftfö Uln oulliMs (ii an eqanl oumber of Bweat idmíds. An ainouiit of bloixl c(iril to Ibe wliole i quantity in the body pH8-ei through tiiu j heart once every minute. The stouiach dally prnducn otne poamli "f gHSlrlc julce fur illjceflion ui food ; lts capacity irt aboul live plnu. A man lue.iiiies elgiitfen llmea n mlnutB and 8.000 cirblc ftrt, ir hooui ;!?.") hoshe.-uls ut' : 1 1 i-very lnuir of II ia rxUtcnoe. The HVeri'go man lakes live unü ; hal! poumls of fool umi ititnk ettoli d y, wbtch miioimu lo olio ton t s lid mui llquid Hom Uiiiin'iii aiiini illy.
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Ann Arbor Courier
Old News