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American Producers Will "corn" Europeans For Once

American Producers Will "corn" Europeans For Once image
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The plan for a corn exhibit at the Paris exposition is rereivlnc a good deai of attention on the New York produce exchange, wlicrc the designs for the " eorn p il.icc" to be shown at the exposition have been displayed for some days. The supervisión of the ezhlbit will be ander the control of the njricultural Je. p.iilnu'iit dl the American commlulon, i.lthimgh It la expected to rutee the $25,000 estiinntcd tobe needed to meet the expenses by tubscriptton. The exhlblt wlll locludo a parillon, the roof, columns and chimney of which will be built of the cro fbdder, and the interior and exterior will be covered wlth the corn stalk and e:ir. A good deal of mosaic work A-ith torn {rralm of varied color and a minilier of figures and einbleins. all in corn, will be ahown. l'li.itosrapbi ol corn exchangs 'o t Ui country and big map-i showing the corn Itrowine dUtricU of the country will be Ilicllldeo in the displ.iy. Fromsn Auieiican kltcheu, equipped witli Amtricn rangen, cooks will Uistribute free of charge all tlic known prepir itions of corn ns nn artlcle of food, In the ihapeot bread, sanip, puddings, etc. A ;impetent inun will dollver short lectures cvery buur on Uim uaes of corn, the vy f preparing and cociking It, and its gen eral bealibfullnewM an article of uiet Pampblets setting forth the same faets in E'iglish, Krcncli and Germán will also be Hlgtrlbuted.