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Salt Rheum The agonlcs of Ihosc who suffer f rom severe salt rheum are indescribable. The cleansing, heallng, purifylng Influences of Hood's Sarsaparilla aro unequalled by any other medicine. " I take pleasure in recommcndlng Hood's Sarsaparilla, fot it has dono wonders for me. I had salt rheum very scverely, affecting ine over nearly my entire body. ünly those who have suffered irom this disease In its worst form can imagine the cxtent of my aflliction. Itriedmany medicines, bot failed to receive benefit until I took Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tlien the discas bcgau to subsile, tlie Agonizing Itch and Pain disappcared, and BOW I am entirely free Irom the disease. My blood seems to be thoroughly purified, atld my general liealth is Kreatly benented." Lyman Allen, Barton H, E. Church, North Cliicago, 111. ' My son had salt rheum on his hands and the calves of his legs, so bad that they would crack open and blced. He took Hoodi Sarsaparilla and is entirely cured.' ,r. I!. Staxto'. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. From 108 to 135 "Iwas seriously troublod with salt é'1 [nr three years, and receiving no benefit trom medical treatment I decided to try Hoodl Sarsaparilla. I am now entirely cund of salt rheum; my wcight has inrrcascd froni 108 lbs. tol36." Mrs. Alice Smitii, Stamford, Conn. If you suffer from salt rlieum, or any blood disease.try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It liasciircd many others, and will cui e yon. Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyaUdrucgiiits. Jl;siifor85. Preparedonly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Pi I-I ü I ü 4 Oh A Í3