A C'iiril of Thaoks. I wlsh to publicly thank Mr. Wm. Frank and famlly, proprletor of the Qermaum Hotel for thelr kindness to me in my trouble. Mi. Frank is one of those genial good bearted land lords tbat win picture to big guesu a fair itlustration of home. Recommend the Germanla, Hotel to all traveling men thut seeks a port in Aun Arbor. V. H. FEBGUSON. Pleasant rooms to rent, both furnished and unfurnished, at No. 18 Geddes Ave. 1861- 28th Annual Display.- 1888 of Holiday GoODS. Opening day Wednesday, Dec. 12th, 18S8. It s a surprise to ourselves, tbat in telling this story for the 2Sth time vve can truthfully say, that ve havc very many more new and bc;iu tiful goods in our usual line of holiday prcseuts than ever before. Our stock has been selected with great care, and will be sold at prices which will distance competición. From Dcc. 15th to the 25th, we shall sell Ordinaky Mixed Candt at 9 cents per Ib., and the usual Assortmf.nt of Ckeams at 12c, and Chocolate Drops, at 14c per Ib. A careful examination of our stock is solicited. 30 Dean & CO., 44 S. Main St. The annual meeting of the Stockholers of Forest Hill Cemetery Co. of Ann Arbor, Mich., will be beid at the office of the company on Tuesday, Jan. 8, '89, at 10 a. m. to eloct oftlcers, and transact such business as may come before the meeting. W. V. WjnrS, Clerk. Dec. 18, 1888. 3t GRAND OPERA HOUSE One week commenclng MONDAY, DEC, 31lt The National Theatre Co. Supporting Ibe talented Eugllsh actress, MI ROSE (illllll 111 ! ESTIRE CHANCE DF PROERflM NIGHTLY Note our prices: 1O 2O and 25 cts. AWEWLAUNDRY! A newLmmriry has been opened by LEE ¦INC) l'lMiWKH, in the St. .lames bluck, Hrat door we-t of (he Ann Arbor Ravlngs liank. FIRST CLASS WORK GUARANTEED. Md prompt dellvery r anieles. All kinds of clotbes neally lauudricd. Cali and ee hlm. ATTENTION FARMERS! We respectfully cali your attentlon to our newlv erected Elevator 6 Farmer's Custom Mills We are now prpptired to do all kind of Keed grinding wltb the lalest lmproved, tbree reductlon ROLLER G-RINDER In conneotlon wlth the above we have a Corn CobCruKher so that we are able to take In corn on the cob crush and grind rame. We Cay hlghetit Ilarh.-i prlre for all iidM of rain. We ure also prepared to dellver promplly to any part of the city v I. Vour, Frrd. Itulli l Hay and tttraw. Telephone Ho . Si . Office, N0. 9 Washington St. Elevatör uear T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., Wash logtuu st. HEINZMANN & LAUBENGAYER
Holiday Goods
Heinzmann & Laubengayer
Grand Opera House
Forest Hill Cemetery
Elevator & Farmer's Custom Mills
Dean & Co.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Frank
W. W. Wines
W. H. Ferguson
Lee Sing Pangwee
St. James Block
9 Washington St.
44 S. Main St.
18 Geddes Ave.