Summary Of The Week
In Um SciKitf Ibe Tnr IT lull wan fiirtlior dlscussed on tho istli. BUU WW introduced for the reorgan .atton and Increa&ed efficiency of ttao navy, for the establishment of purefood división of the Department of A(triculture, and to remove tho politica! disabilltles of HarrletH. Robinson, of Mldillearx County, Mass., and to declaro her a cltlzen of tha United States, wlth all the rights aud powers of cltIzonshlp, Includlng the privilege of voting or belna voted for In the House the Military Academy toill approprlattng KKW.OW wal reported, and the General Apnropriatlon blll, carrying nearly (21,000,000, vas passed. A blll was also passed to Increaso the pensloa ot Jacob Rogcrs, one hundred and tlve years old. The House bilí incorpóranos the American Historical Asjoriation was passed In the Senate on tho Jflth. The remainder of the scBslon was occupled ín discusslng theTariff bilí. A rcüOlutlon was Introduced "that the Government ot the United States will look with disapproval upon any conncctlon of any Europoan Uovernment with the construction or control of any snip canal acrost the Isthmus of Darlen or across Central America.".... In the House another bill to prevent the corrupt ue of money at election was lntroduoed. It wis announced that tho Territorial bilis nould not ho callad up for consldcriitlon untü Junuary 15. Tho River and Harbor bill was consideroil. THK Señale discussed the Tarlff Mll on the SOtb, and all the prlvato pension bilis on the oalendar iclnoty in number) were pasaed, also the bill opemne abandoned military reservations In Nevada. A blll was Introducod to pay to soldiers ot tho late war who were pro motril ulule üorving thelr term of enllttmcnt the bounty thoy would havo boen entitled to had they not been promoted. A resolution was ofterod for the appolntmcnt of a select committee of thlrteen to inquiro into the state o( suffragp thrnugtiout tho United States.... In tbc Hoime the time was occupied m conslderlng the Rivcr and Harbor blll. lx the United States SeDato on the 3Ut a bill was introducod makinx it a crlmo aga'.nst the United staten, puntshable wlth severe pennlty, for any person to offer or receive a brlbe for a vote cast at any Prcsldentlal or Congressional cl'Ttiou. The Public Printing DeSclency blll (fWO) was passed. After debate on the Tarlff bill an acljournmcnt. was taken to .lanuarv I In tho House tho timo was occupied in commlttee of tho wholo in dtscussIng the Nlcardguo Canal bill. Adjourned to Jar.unry ¦.'. DOMESTIC. Khhvh s. Pakkku, tenteneed Octobcr 15, 1873, from Erie County, N. Y., for murdcr in the second dogroc, to lifo iniprisonment at Aubtirn prison, was pardonod oq the IStb. b.v (iovernor Blll. A NF.ORo who shot and fatally wounded Captain Duunavant on the 18Lh near Chattanooga, Tenn., wa? caught and lynched. A FiuE on the 18th at Iron Motintain, Mit'h., tho business portion of the town bcfore it was controlled. A riitr. on tho 18th at Manchester. Kan., destroyed tho school buildinz, postofflee and sevcral business house. The cornor-stono ot the Good Samaritan Hospital for roloied pcople at Charlotte, N. C. was laid on tlie IStb. Thrkt men, uamod Johnson, Oaks and Docke.v, ware drowned on the istli while croRsinp from Iroqtiois, Ont , to the. Amei'ican sido of the river. Clay agod live ydari, was instantly Killed by a grip car in Kansas City on the lSth. His mothor was ill, and tho shock of tho nswi throw her into convulsión, from tho oftects of which she dieil. The fiiiHnces of Indiana were on the lSth said to be in a bad way, and the State ïreasurer anuounced that the Legislatura would have to borrow about 14000,000 to meet expenses du ring the next two years. SIemoehi. services tn honor of (ieneral Bheridaa were held at Boston on the 18th underthe auspices oí thü city, Ueneral F. A. Walker delivering the eulogy. Becaube his wifo had thrcatened to leavo him after frequent quarrels Stephen Mead, of Cain, Neo., killed her on the lSth and then killed himself, leavin? their four small children orphans. Manufacturera of indurated fiber goods in Lockport, N. Y., and Portland, Me., formed a trust on the lSth, wlth a capital stock of t500,000. A PAXTHEit, supposed to have escapcd from a monatferie, was preying upon stock in Southern Wisconsin on tho lSth. ASTATEMEXTon the 18th showed that the Secret Servico Departmant of the Oovornment durinff the past year captured f2,117,523 in counterfeit money, eighty-five plates, forty dies, forty-six molds and a large quantity of other counterfeiting paraphernalia. During the year only two counterfeit notes made thcir appearance, both being silrer certifleates. The fourth annual meeting of the National Indiau Defenso Association was held in Washington on the lSth, and Hev. Alexander Kent was re-elected president. At a masi meeting of Germán Evangelists in New York on the 18th a crusade was inaugurated against the power of the Roman Catholic church in the United States. A wind-storm on the lSth unroofed nearly every house in Emporia, Va,, and in Surry County barns, fences and chimneys were blown down and trees uprooted. In South Carolina thousands of dollars worth of property was destroyed in the Cumberland Valley. The residence of Charles Wilhite, at Haughville, lud., was wrecked on the l'.ith by an explosión of natural gas, and Mrs. Wilhite was fatally injured. BMCOTL Smitb and a man who refused to give his name were arrested at New point, Ind., on thel'Jth for passing counterfeit money. They attempted to throw away over one hundred dollars of the stuff. Naxct, wife of David Harris, a Germán farmer residing near Hrazil, Ind., gave birth to three boy babies on the lOth. Tho mothor is but tiftecn years old. William Tomes, deputy postmaster at Hampton, Ia., dlsappearud on the 19th, leaving a shortage of fifteen hundred dollars in his acecunts. Tbe watermelongrowers of South Carolina and several other Southern States formed a trust on the 19th. The steamer Trave, which left New York on the 19th for Kurore, took out $1.000,000 in specie. The White Caps on the 19th tore down the saloon of John Messamore at Rawson, O., pouring the liquor into the erutter. Mks. Mters, wife of Dr. Myers, of Stovens Point, Wis., shot herself with fatal effect on the 19th. Family disagreements caused hef suicido. She was twenty years old. A tire on tho 19th at Russell, Kan., deBtroyed a number of business houses. TnE State Geologist said on the 19th that the natural gas arca of Indiana was 165 miles long and sixty-flvc miles wlde, and contained :J81 paying welK The aggregate flow cf gas was 1500,000,003 feet. There wero sevonty-nino manufactories with a combined capital oí 14.500,003 and employing fifty-eight hundred men. TnEitE was a severe carthquake shock in Washington and Warren couuties, N. Y., on the 19th. Thres men worc drowned on the 19th by tho ccllapse of a bridge over the Merriniuc river near Uookset, N. H. Thoma Mi Con nk li., a school-teacher al Añílale, Kun , became engagod n an altercation with his pupila on tho UHh and was struck with a poker and fatully injured. Jonx Bladdox, of Augusta, Ua., accidentally Rot and killed liis twelveyearo!d dauglitcr Maggio on tho lPth whilo handliug an oíd army riflo which he supposed was unloaded. An extensivo roligious revival was going on among tho colorod peoplo of Jeftersonville, Ind., on tho l'.HIi. i-onducted by a whito lad, se ven toon ycars old, nam cd Harvey Smith. Am armed posso on tho lOth overtook four of tho negro participant in the recent tragedy at WahalaU, Miss., and shot onodead nnd hanged tho othor three. Tnr house of Martin Requa, near liunt. Ington, W. Va., was destroyed by firo on the lBth, and two of lus children and his mothcr perishod in tho flamea. Johx Metkiis Dokkmts, who in a flt of anger murdered his sou last Juno íor interfcring to protect lus mothcr from the fathor's abuse, was hanged at Haekensack, N. J., on Ihel9th. Chaki.kx I' Uateb, of Baltimore, was on the l'.ith elected president of the Baltimoro & Ohio railroad. QBOBOI W. Davis, of Marictta, Ind., whoso daughter LllUe was abdueted and ruinoil by William L. Grejory, thoindicted White Cap, shot Gregory dead on tho 19th. Tuf Calumet & Hoela mine tiro in Michigan was pronotinccd extinguishcd by tho officials on the 'SUh, after naving burned just a moiiHi. Thkki: maskert men 1111 'JtHli robbed fj 11. Cntlcr, a (Jinoinnati cattle buyer, of tl, 000 near Winchester, O. At Wilminffton, Dol., William J. Calhoun, convicted of criininally assaulünij a youiig woman, wa sentencod on the 'JOth to be hanffet on the iWd of Staroh uext. Bofcoa O. .Iknkins, awaiting trial for murder, hunged himself in the New Haven (Conn.) jail on the 20th, leaving a written confession of his crime. Edwaks Mkaub, aged fifteen years, and Charles Piatt, aged sixteen years, sons of prominent Columbus (Ind.) farmers, wero arrested on the 20th for horso-stealing. In a row on tho 20th at Monktown, Tex., Floyd and Lawson Todd (brotheré) were killed and a man named Choate fatally woundod. An epidemie was reported on the 20th autonir the norse on tho ranches of tho Lower Yellowstnne in Dakota, whloh was killinp: niany valuuble animal. It aftected the glands of tlie throat Wim k Mis Moore, a widow, was absent froni her home in Indianai)olis on the 'JOth tho house was burned, and her two children, aped twu and four years, who were lnckeu up in the building; perlshed in tho Sames. TbbBB boys al Providenco, 11. 1., were drowued on the :Mth bv broaking througu tho ice while skating üii'HiiiKitn prevalled on the 2üth at Unionvillo, Mich., to such au alarming extent that children under eighteen years ol age wero not allowed upon the streets. The old Doty tavern in Cantón, Mass., was burned on the 20th. Tho building was a noted stopping place in Revolutionary time. Both Washington and Lafayette dined thero. The pupils of the high school and the grammar school at Khelbyville, 111., on the 20th struck for a longer vacation than the board was willing togrant. Ox the 30th F. E. and W. J. Murphy, sons of Francis Murphy, concluded their temperanco meetings at La Porte, Ind., over three thousand persons having signcd the pledgc. Okace Y. Davis, the sixteen-year-olc son of the postmaster at Onaville, Tez. robbed tho postofflee of a largo sum o] money and a quantity of registered letters on the 20th. Five iiundred people professed Christianity at Bloomington, IU , during a three-weeka' revival which ended on the 20th. A boiler exploded In a spoke tactory at North Vernon, Ind., on the 20th, íatall scaldingcight men. Elias Jacksos, on trial at Wabash, Ind., for tho murder (Thanks giving eve) ol Curtís Jellison, who had estranged his wife, was acquitted on the 30th. Charles Kctz and his wife were found murdered in their house near Littlo Rock, Ark. , on tho :lst. Robbery was the cause for the crime. Jonv PniLLii's, William Smith and John Maher wero all fatally injured by the fal! of a scaffolding on tho 21st at Newark, N. J There were 311 business fatlures in the United States during the seven days endec on the 21st, against 303 the previous seven days. The body of S. J. Hughes, of the Unitcd States Coast Survey, who feil overboard from a steamer in Pugot Sound two weeks ago, was recoverod on the21st, thirty miles distant, with an immense devü-flsh fast enod to one leg. Bexjamin Hofkixs, of Cincinnati, sentencod for embezzling and misapplyingthe funds of the Fidelit.y National Bank, was pardoned on tho 21st by President Cleveland. It was said that Hopkins could live but a few days. The committee of Congress that Is in vestigating immigration abuses learnec while in session at I'ittsburgh, Pa., on the "Ist that niany alien paupers become sub jects of public charity as soon as they land in this country, and that notorious crimináis are sent to this country from Europe as immigrants. Strobel & Co's picturo-fraine factory at Cincinnati was destroyed by firo on the 21st. Loss, lüOU.OOO. One of tho walls teil, burying a number of flremen, of whom three or four were fatally hurt. Three oounterfeiters were arrested it Altoona, Pa., en the 21st, and their outfi seoured. Bracken's stave factory at Frankfort, Ind., wa-s blown to pieces by a boiler exploding on the'Jlst, and Martin Nolan, the engineer, was killed, and Walter Tensteraacher and Albcrt Fra ntz were fatally in jured.
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Congress
U. S. Secret Service
Public Printing Deficiency Bill
Nicaragua Canal Bill
Miscellaneous / Unclassified
Indian Defense Association
American Historical Association
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
William Tomes
Stephen Mead
Samuel Smith
Nancy Harris
Jacob Rogers
Harvey Smith
Harriet H. Robinson
General Philip Sheridan
General F. A. Walker
Erland S. Parker
Clay Kelly
Charles Wilhite
Alexander Kent