
A new set of CROWN DRUMS for sale at ½, price. Cali Sophia at 764-2684 or 764-9198.
SAAB OIL CONCENTRATE (Hi-M). 18 oz cans for 50¢ each. Or $3 a case. Call Donnie at 761-4700 Ext. 349.
6CA7 AND KT-88 OUTPUT TUBES for amps. Better than 50% off list price. Also have quality Mullard tubes. Call Doug at Audio Unlimited 761-3878. Or stop by at 323 E. Hoover between 11am-4pm and 6:30 pm and 9
YAMAHA Y C-30 PORTABLE ORGAN. Slightly used Rock & Roll equip. 761-2621 Ask for Craig.
SOYBEAN CELLARS NEEDS AN INEXPENsive supply of spring water. Cali 761-2231.
THIS SISTER WANTS TO WRITE to other sisters--Will answer all letters. Write Sherry 24431 Chamalea Dr., Mission Viejo, Ca., 92675.
BEAD BAG WANTS WALL HINGINGS, macrame, etc. to decorate our walls. We will display them free and you can put a price tag on them.
SERVICE ON STEREO AND BAND equipment. Call Doug at Audio Unlimited 761-3878 or stop by at 323 E. Hoover.
WANTED: DRUMMER AND SINGER with own equipment. Bar shit for now, then tours. Also organ player. Call Lennon, Michigan at 313-621-3972 and ask for Jim.
SUB-LEASE ON 1½ bedroom apt. on campus. May 19-Aug. 31. $150 with fall option. Stop by at 310 Liberty Apt. no. 3.
NEED PARTS FOR MY FORD VAN' One steering column with 3 speed linkage and a Ford 3 speed transmission. Call Ed 1-517-783-5385.
THOSE INTERESTED IN BEING ON THE forthcoming aesthetics commission for the city of Ann Arbor should please contact R. Leonardo Redmond at 665-4908. (Please leave name and number if not in.)
MY NAME IS TIMMY SULLIVANS no. 76432. I'm twenty three years old and would like to correspond with anyone who feels and needs expression. Write to Timmy Sullivans 76432 P.O. Box 788 Mansfield, Ohio 44901.
MAN WITH TASTE FOR THE FINER THINGS IN LIFE would appreciate hearing from anyone. Being incarcerated is a real drag. Write Jonny C. 130-549, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, Ohio 43216.
l'm BLACK, LONELY AND INCARCETOTED In dear need of establishing a sure lasting and sincere relationship. Somebody please drop me a line or two. Write- Harold Lee Johnson, P.O. Box E. 112685. Jackson, Michigan 49204.
PAT SINGLE WHERE ARE YOU? The Warren Ohio jail in 1970. Write! Or anyone up to his location. Lee Boy Barnett, no. 132-099 Box 511, Columbus, Ohio 43216.
Convict in Ohio Pen WANTS REAL PEOPLE TO communicate with. Any race, religion, sex, just be real and lets rap. Write to the above addresses.
I'M TWENTY THREE YEARS OLD A PHILosophical Child of the Universe, a Greek Orthodox Jew and am very much alone, here in this dark exile of freek absurdity. Brothers and sisters of the living, intimate vibrations of the Cosmos Mind heart and soul. I seek love and peace, l'm incarcerated and promise to write to everyone. David A. Bullis 114747, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, Ohio 43216.
ANY CONTRIBUTIONS OF LEGAL MATERIAL such as pamphlets or brochures or contributions for the obtaining of such; or above all, contact with some real people from the real would be appreciated. Please direct all mail to Gary Beeman 83305, P.O. Box 788, Mansfield, Ohio 44901.
I'M IN THE OHIO PENITENTIARY AND would like some mail. Please write Dave Pilkington Serial No. 133-960 P.O. Box 511 Columbus, Ohio 43216.
Freeing John Sinclair
Old News
Ann Arbor Sun