Regents To Restrict "u" Access
The U of M Regents meet on campus this week to vote on the passage of new regulations which will restrict usage of University facilities by student and non-student groups.
The new guidelines effectively make the use of U facilities difficult to impossible for groups the University doesn't like. The new rules, in the works for over two years, require among other things that groups keep their funds in a University-controlled account, require a cash bond up front prior to the event (very hard on groups without capital reserves), and bar facility usage for a year as punishment to any group which does not follow the rules.
The guidelines come in response to the historical use of U auditoriums by radical and alternative organizations, including anti-war rallies, Human Rights Party gatherings, and the John Sinclair Freedom Rally. Most recently they're being directed against the alternative campus film groups.
University personnel, faculty, students and other involved parties are expected to protest the guidelines before the assembled Regents, but it is unlikely that the Regents of the U Administrators will be stopped in their efforts to assert total control.
Freeing John Sinclair
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