Argus Credit Union Re-Elects Trombly

Argus Credit Union
Re-Elects Trombly
Russell C. Trombley and Her-
bert G. Pfabe were re-elected
president and vice-president of
the Argus Employes Credit
Union at the annual meeting in
the Grotto Club Saturday night.
Also re-elected were Henry
Christopherson, treasurer, and
Mrs. Dorothy Lavin, secretary.
Elected to the board of di-
rectors were Neil Podewils and
Donald Crump. Hector Hess
was elected to the credit com-
mittee, and Roland White was
elected to the supervisory com-
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Russell C. Trombley
Roland White
Neil Podewils
Mrs. Dorothy Lavin
Herbert Pfabe
Henry Christopherson
Hector Hess
Donald Crump