Argus Tells Three Appointments

Argus Tells Three Appointments
Two local men and a New
Yorker have been named of-
ficials of Argus Cameras, Inc.,
marketing subsidiary of Syl-
vania Electric Products, Inc.,
which owns the local Argus
Cameras Division.
The three are Carlos A.
Chapman, who was elevated
president in charge of
and planning; Herbert
Hall, vice-president of mer-
chandising and advertising;
and Terry Southard of New
York, vice-president of field
The appointments were an-
nounced today by Jack Riggs,
President of Argus Cameras,
Chapman, who lives' at 1300
Red Oak Rd., joined Argus in
1948 as sales analyst and has
held various marketing posi-
tions, including market re-
search manager, product de-
velopment manager and mer-
chandising manager,
Hall, who lives at 2323 Lon-
donderry Rd., an advertising
and merchandising consultant
to Detroit firms in recent years,
takes up a newly-created posi-
tion at Argus Cameras, Inc. He
will be responsible for all plan-
ning and direction of Argus'
national advertising, sales pro-
motion and publicity activities.
Prior to joining Argus, South-
ard was vice-president of sales
for the 0. W. Ray Corp., Inc.,
of New York. He did market-
ing work for 13 years for
Times Columbia Distributors,
Inc.. of Columbia Records,
Southard will be responsible
for all sales of Argus photo-
graphic products to distribu-
tion outlets, including the su-
pervisory responsibility for
Argus' national field sales
Chapman will be responsible
for both short and long-range
planning as they relate to
Argus' over-all marketing oper-
ations. He will co-ordinate the
efforts of marketing and pro-
duct planning groups in the
development of new products
"that are compatible with
Argus' marketing objectives
and brand image."
Herbert Hall