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ROCHESTER CITY STORE; Fout Sloty Brick Store, Ann Arbor, {Lower Villa ge.) TH1S DA Y RECEIVED, ftájTfe Pieces Beover k. Brood Clothe, mW from 18a lo 7,00 8 ' Cadet Broad ClotbB from 12 to I6s. 20 Satinett & Sheeps Grey " 4 " 12s. 30 " Fr. Eng. & Ger. Mereno Sl 44d. I2s. 40 ' Saxony fcMiielin DeLanes l8d. 5s. 200 Fr. Eng. & Amer. Calicó 8 to 3ld. 10 " Ladie8 Camblets d'ble widlhs 5 to 7a. Silks and Lace Goods, Ribbons, Silk Shawls, Silk Mantillas, Dress Shawls,(jloves and Hosiers; wíth a full aesortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, aliof which the public are respect fully invifed to cali and examine, uui they w ill then be convinced tbat they ;an bny Dry Goods a3 cheap at the Roche6ter City Store, as tbey can in any Easlern City or Village. ALSO, READY 1MADE-COATS, Omade in the latest 8lyle.e_QJ PARDE'E, Agent. Ann Arbor, Nov. 28, 1841. MORTGAGE SALE. BEFAULT liaving been made in the payinent ofn certain sum of money, secured by indenture of mortgage. fïxecutcd by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere and George B. Daniels, dated, July the 21st, A. D. 1337, and recorded in ;he register's office in the county of Wash:enaw, Michigan, on the 28th dayofAujust, in the year of onr Lord one ihousand ïight hundred and tljiny-seven, in liber five oï mongagea at page Ivo hundrtd and sigbty-Uiree, whereou 13 due at the date of ■!i8 uoiice two bundred and eight dollars ind forty four cents, which said mortgage lias been duly assigned to the eubsciiber. Notice ia theretore hereby given that on rhureday the third day of February next, at nne o'clock, v. m., at thcCourt House in tlm illage of Ann Arbor, in the county ofii-uuvv, win ue suiu at piiüiic auciion ma premises in said mortgage described, beïng all Ihat certain piece or parcel of land sitúate ia the counly of Washtenaw, State of Michigan and bourulcd and described as followa: it being the west half ofthe eouthwest quarter of section number seven, iu toivnehip number one eouth of range number four ea8t, containing eighty one and thir ty one hundredlb acres of land. FRANCIS iW'CONIN, Assigne L. H. HkwetTi Atlorney. Dated Nov. lst 1841. TAir.ORING BUSINESS' A M. NOBLE, would respectfully in-' 7- form the citizens of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, that he hes recently opened a shop in the Lower Town, immediately over the late mercantile stand of Lund fy Gibson, and opposite the shoe sture of J. Beckley, bc Co., where lie is prepaftd at all times to do work in his line, with promplness, and iu a neat and durable tnanner. Particular attention w il 1 be paid to cutting garments. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done at bis shop.- Those who have cash to pay for Bervices of this kind, are particular invited to cali. Ann Arbor, October 6, 1841. tf NEW GOODS. " AGOOD assortmentof most kinds oS Goods that are needed are now opened and ready for display or sale, ot the store formerly occupied by Degrojfk, Townsend, n Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) which will be " sold to those whó wish to buy and pay moaey or almost any kind of Produce, by F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. 30tf JV. B. Not knowing the pnces at which Goods are sold in this región, I must request Lb'qse who vish to know if they are cheap to -all and examine for themselves. Pork, Wheat and Butter are taken in exciiange for joods and at fair prices. F. D.UN A TJ AtiHiVIiSJNT. In attachment, bef ore C. W, Lañe Jua tice. L William Sperry. 1 i vs. Washtenaw connly, 8a. t Carlo3 Joslin, ) BN altachment having issued in the above entitled cause, and the defen. dant not havingappeared at the return there, of; notice is therefore hereby given that the , eaid cause cause is continued to the l3th ' day of November next, at one o'rlock in the afternoon, at the office of the said justice in the village of Ypsilanii, in said county. WILLIAM SPERRY. , August 4, 1841. 27-4 w TAKEN ÜP BY the subscriber, living ia the town of Green Oak, Livingston County, on the 5ih of October, inst.. a dark brown. sfeer, two years oíd; no oiher marks perceivable. The pereon, owning such 6teert will coma forward, prove pruperty, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of accorditig lo law. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 12, 1341. CAÜTION. ISRAEL E. GODLEY, an indented apprentice, about fourteen years old, having been coerced f rom the employment of tliü subscriber; ihe public are hereby cautioned against. trusting said Boy on his accourit, as he wilt p.y no debts of hie contracting fiom the p: tsent date. Z. WALDRON. Norlhfioltl, Nov. 17, 1841. 30 Liv Prodiscc of eves'y Dcscriptiou, EECE1VED n payment foy Job work, Advertising and Subscriplions to the "Sig.val op Liberty," if delirered at th. Office, immediately over the Stjre of J, Beckley, & Co. pri 28. DYE STUFF'S. ÍNDIGO, Wadder, Alum, Coperas, Sec for eale cheap at Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) by F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, May 12, l4l. Woo! Woodfwood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fevr cords oí good hickory wood in exbange for the "Sickal of LiBtaTx." THE Publishers of the New York Trib-. une, eucouragod by the generous patronage and hearty approval which has been extended to their Daily paper 6Ínce its establÍBhment, and whicli has aircady rendered t the second in poiut of circulation in the eity, propone to niiblish on and alter lite lSih day of September, a Weekly edition on a sheet of marnniolh size, excluding all matter of si local ur iransitory interest, and calculated mainly jbr Country circulation. The Tribune - whethor in its Daily or Weekly editio - will be what its name imports - an unílioching supporter of the People's Rights and Inturesls, in stern hostiliiy lo the errors of superficial theoriat#ihe iniiuence of unjust or imperfect legislntion, and the schems and sophistriesöt'sdf-seeknig detnagogues. It will strenuou=iy udvo. cate tlie Pro'.ection of Atnoncnn Industry, againstMho gra.-pii'g, and to us, bliglitmg policy of Euro,;ean Govcriiments, and th'j unequal competition which tliey force upon us, as ;ilso, against the present depresaing syatcm of late Prisbn Labor. It will advocate the resloration of a sound and uniform Na ional Currency; and urge a diècieet but determmed prósecutipn of interna! Improvement. Tíe Iletrenciitr.rnt, wherever prac ticable, of Gtoverninapt Expenditnrea and of Exectitive Patronage, will be zenlously urc ed. Jn sliort, djis paper will fnithfully moin'. luni and oarnes'.Iy advocate the Principies and .Measures which the People approved, in devolvingon VVhigstateomea theconduct of their Government. Bul a stnall porüon, however, of ita columns will bc d.'voted to purej.y Pohticul discussioi'p. The proceedings of Copgress will bo carefully recorded; the Foreign and Do mestic inteiligence early and iucidly present ed; and ivhatever shall appear calculated to pnxnote morality, mamlftin social order, e tem] the blessings of edacation, or in any way eubserve the great cau'se of human pro- gress to ultiniate virtue, Hberty and happiness. will ílnd a place in our columnsThe JVeekly Tribune vü! be pubüshed cvery Salurday morning in Qiinrto fbrm, o:i a very large imperial sheéVv(3i by 42inchep,) a;d üfFordifd to subsenbers at TVVO DOLLARS a year. Six copies will be forwardcd a year for Ten Dollars. Ten copies fur iifteen dollars, nnd any larger nu.tnbër i the latter proporlion. Payihcut n advanca will be invurinbly required, and the paper stopped whenever tüe term oisucli poyaie'nt cxpiris. Subscriplions arertppctfuüy soiii-ited by GKEELY St McELRATH, o Ann -st. New Yotlc, August 17, 1U41 . Edilors of weekly Journal who desire nn exchange with the Tribmie are reqoeuted to ?ive this Prospectus an insertiou in their columns. H. GRIFFEN, Principal, wlmforja.JX.Q n;erly h,id charle of tiie Teachers' Seminary at Ann Aibor, and also at Grass LrKc. The eixth term of th'i3 Instilution-wiï] coininence oi Wednesday, THE.24TH DAY OF NOVEMBER n ex I, a rul continue eleven weeks. Whilc ib'ú school is equally open lo aü ofbolh t-pxes, who wish to ucquire a good Ériíísh cducation, particular attention will bcglvèn to those prepuring to Teach. The Langua ges not beif.g taught in tiiis Sfeitiináílhé more exclusive and uiiin'errcipted nUentiúü will be piven lo ir.ipart a practical knovvledge oí ihe Englisli Branches. Apparalus. - The Insiicutior is furnished witli Clienácal, Phüosopliical and Astronomical Appuratus, Stirveyjrig Instruments, &c. &.c. to the arnour:t of 300, Tuilion. - In lboCommon English Branches, f 3,50. In the Higher English Branches, from $4, ro0 to S5,00. Extra Branches. - Mrzzotinto and Chinese- or Theorem Paiating, &3.00 each, for 12 Lissons, t?.ughtby Mp.s Griffin. The ttiition is to be paid at the middle ofllie leun. Io ueductiou for absence willbe made except for protractrd eicknesp, and no oe will be receivtrd for lesa than five and a lia! f weeks. Board for Si ,50 per wcpIí, including washing. Rooms raay be liad reaeonable, where persons tuny board (heiiiselvee. For further particulars onquire of the Principal. YpsilanU, Oct. 27, lS4l. 27-3w PïnHE undersigned are manufuctiiringand JaL 'ill kcp[ eonstantly on hand at "tliei shop tw.o and a haií'milee west of Ann Arhor, near (ho Rail Rond, HORSE POW ERS anüTHRESHING MACHINES.- The horee power is a neiv invenlion by S. W. Fostkr, and is il cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to 'hu Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, vvith a good Threshing Machine is lí0 dollars, at the shop; without Uie Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be sed with two, Ihree or four borses to good advantage. Three men with twy horses, can thresh one hundred bushels of wheat per duy (if it yields middJing wel),) and it wi!l not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thresker can both be put in a common waggon box, und draiv Hny distdnce by two horses. The Tico Horse Power will be eold at the shop, with the Tkresher for one hundred dollai6; with out the Thresker, for scventy-five dollars.' They also manufacture STRAW (JUTTERS, pecently invented by S. VV. Foster, which are decidedly preferablc lo any others for cuüing straw or corn stalks, by borae or vater power. They aleo work [xj hand. l'rice, fiftcen dollars. - ALSO- C AST-I RON MILLS for grinding provínder, at the rate ofsix to eight busnels per lour, with two horses or by water. - Also- (tSMUT MACHINES of superior con'tnietion. Invented by S. W. Foster. ?rice, sixty dollars. . W. FOSTER, k. Co. Scio, June 2d, 1241. 10-ly OLANKSofevery descriplion neatij -"- executed at this office. The peculiaritiee of this Chemical Cornpound, are owing to its evtraordinary eftects upon the animal fibre or nerves, ligaments and mnseles, its virfues being carried by thctu to the immcdute seat of diseaso, or oí' pain and weakness. Howcver good any interirtl rempdy moy be this son externa! appüsatioo, will prove a powerful mixüiary, in reinoving the dieease and facililating the cure, in caee of Local 1ñiimm.-aioD, iácrofulous AfíectiotiF, King's Evil, Gout, Inflamatoria au Chronic Rüeumatism, and in all cases where eeated paiu or weaknes3 exista. A gentlemen travelling in tho South of Euiope, nnd Palestino, in 1C3O, heard bo much said in the latter place, in jrft!s6 of Jew D.ivid's Piaster; nnd of the (as he considored) miracuious curt-s it pprartned, tha he was inducod to try u on lus own person, for a Lung.ind Liver offocMon, the reroóval ofwhich hud boen the ciiiefobject. of liiqjoürney, but ".vhtch had rcRistcd tl;e geni-jl iiific eiice of that b;i!my ünd dclicious cliinate He pnt over ths región over the livr; in ihe mean time he drariU freely of wi hejcb tea of laxativo qnoliiiee. Ho soon found his healih improving; md ir: a fe-.v weeks his coiigh left hirn, (le sallcnvness of!;is stiin dsop)eared. lúa pain was removed, And A$ healtli became perniansniJy reinftr.ti-d. lt has Itkewiso been -( ry beneficie! in casos of Iveakneöé; euch as vea!;ness and pain in the stcmach, weali limbs, lameness, and afTections of the ppine, female wtaknoá?, f-c. iYo femalesubjecl to pain or-weakuoss in Ú)O back or eLe should b without it. Married ladiea, in delicate Eitualions finil frreat relief from constanily vearing tiiii piaster. No puffing, orgreat notonotis certificatcs is inlended. Those who wêh !o falisfy tliemselves of the efficacy of thi; plriglcr, can obtain sufiicient to spread G or 8 piasters for 50 conts, a sum not háif söfficient lo psy for the ir.sertion of a single ccrliflcatn into any of our most common prints, a eingle tune. - Th:s trifiing price )ier box ie pl.iCfd upon it, in ortler th;tt i', niay be within the moarïs of every aíüicícd ton or daugliler of ih community: that all, whether rich or poor, mnv, obtciin the troasuro ofheáúbi ithioíi rcsulls fio-.n ils use, Jew Davtd's or Hebrew Piaster, ia a cer- tnin cure for corns. Directiona accomp&ny rach box. Pr=ce 50 conts üiioüttie li Ray, agenta for Michigan. Country agente suppüetl by M. W. Birch ard fc Co., Detroit. Sol.l by Dr. McLean Jatikson; Dewey & Co., A'upoleon; D. D. Kiof, Manchester; Ejifa Pierson, Clinton; t . Ha)l? Leoni ; ti. G. Grewell, Grass Lake; Kffeler & Power, Concord. 2" Ann Arbor. May 12, 1841. tf V.UIC1I SELLS IN TÍUS COL'NTRV KOK. $18 TO #25 PER COPV. Every man. woman and child in the United States, who possc, a Bible, tcill surely furnish themsrfves with the Jollowing beautiful series rif Scripture ÏUustratlons. riCTORlAI, ÏI-MJSTRATIONS Oï TUB ÜÍDLE, AM) VIKW OF Tírn Iï O L Y LAND. JVno, chcap and valuable pub lien !im. Fovr hundted pagfs, 3 vo. fine paperjiandsomel; bound. Price only TÏVO DOL LARS. The snijsenber re?pectfu!ly invites the atlention of deryan-n, Telch-rp pf Sab!)8th Kcl)ooii, lieads of-Familieband Booksellers Ibjrooghoüt he United the above New, Ciionp and 6plendidly lllustraced work. PublisheiJ and for sale at No. 122, Neesnu fitreef, Tlew York city. lts features are better ilefinrd by t!io title: - Two hundred Piclorial Illustrations of the SCRIPTCRES, CONSISTIDO CF VIEWS IN TfliO HOLY LAND; Together with many oftiia most remarkable objects mentioned i;i tlia oid and now testamente, represent in;; aacred historical events, copied from cöftbratod pictures, principally by the oíd innxvs. t!ie landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with ful] utíá intertsting letterpresa descriptions, devoted to an examination of the objects mentiopeti ;n the socred test. Oti examina; !nr-, this wiü he found a víry p!e;isant and profiiable book especialiy for the perusa! of i'nursG People, abounding in he most válusUlp infnrmution, collccteil with great care, frotn the best and Jatest sources. j It may, very pr-.p.'rly, bc deáignuted a j morí place l);mk fnr èvéry thing valuab'e ' lating to orienta! uíanners, cusroms. &c.nnd { comprises vvithin nolf a complete library of reiigious ar.d upèful knowledge. A rolurae like the present, is far superior lo the coinmon Annuals - t wilJ never be out of ciato.It is beautifully printwl in new long primor type- liandBOii-.ily bonndin Muslin, güt and lettered; and is di cit!edly,tho best and dieapest publicatioü (fot ile price,) ever issued frotn the American Ptí'ís. UCTJte hoye wirk moy be had r;t iho Book More oí'J;ca. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lt-.ïyelle Hoiiee, Aun A'rbor. A liberal die;üiul made to wholesaie purchasers. Persons n t!re country, wishing to et ns agents, mny ühtufri all the necessary in-, formation, by adiid hsing their letters (o the subscriber, No. jü2, Nassau Ktreet, N. Y. ROB;-:íT b-'UARS, Pubüsber. Clergymen, Si!ierntendants and Teachers of sabbatii schools, agente of rehgious leivöpapers and periodicals,postfnastet-s and xroksellerw, throughout the country, are respectlul'y requested to act as our agents. No letter wi!l be taken from the ofjfice unless post paid. To Publishers of Papers througkout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, copyiog tlie abovj entire without any alteration or abridgemnt (including this notice,) nd giving il 1 inside insertions, ehall rt- ccive a copy of the work, [subject to their order.) by sending directiona to the Pubsher. L&-12v CASH FOIt WHEAT. WJ1 DENISON wül pay cash fo Yiheojt JgJ e 0:' ülivoïj at bis store. For remnving iseases arising froman nbn of Alercury, clironic and constituüoS diseases, such as ecrofula or Kintr's e secondary syphillis, ulceratiojisf corro sions of the tbroat, nose, cheeks, lïps, earl and oifcer parte of the body, en.püons " Ihe skin. rneumatic aftecUons, vvhiie swel hngs, pains in the bonea nnd joints, feJl sores, obstimito old eor-S) s?alled head sa 11 rheum, ring worm ar.d other disoase arising trom au impure state of the blood AIbo, habitual costiveness, piles, chron offeciion. of the liver, lu a,d S pn.cs ó the stornach and sidte,.nighi 8lVeat8 &c. it .8 likeivise mucli recommendedas i c.eansmg spring medicine. This compuuAd extract s (omiWo DuuKic, Diophüiv.tié, Laxativo. AromP undsügtuly 6(irn..lent,and may be used si r cmiixUy ir. scwffulu? and syphüoid discasS" and t bai shnttor.a slate of U,e Cn.ijiuS5 whiv-h so ohen füHows theabuse of mercurv exoioses or morh.d enlargemeiit of the bonll supiginous rnustulea of ulcere üons carire of the oones'; carvite-I, gesofjhenoie, mouth, W.ith the other dié oases mía mcntioned. and all diseases ari8v mg fi-otn a morbid arate of the. blood There is hardly a pl.ysician wb 'has nol had occasion to observe with p!iin, ,g0 ph eclerac vane!; of hibs;, and, ia spite ot alt thcir remedies he coujd bring ogainst thi& crue] disease, was coinpellcd to acknowiede thclr jnemcftify and allow the monslcr !a currodo and detroy the dosc,. chedes, lm? eyeJids cara and icmples; of which thU malady gcuüitüy uffecls a preference. Bul in Usía extrect, wiJl be found a perfect rema. oy, ui al! midi cases, and where the disease has not produced a very great deiarvgement of structiise, it wil! oven yield to Ihia re::iedï na very aiiort lime. ' Withina very short penod, there lias beet) great improvements in Fránce, on the pharrnaceutical and checnica! treatment of Ssraa ;;in!l, and it bas been fül!y proved ihat iiine-teiiths of tho active principies of that valuablo root i8 actuaüy lost i the usual mude of preparing ií for medical use. The compound extract being a vory n;ca pharinaecuticül preparatie, requirea t'ha most rigid caro and skillful iriai;aement,and aot: without stnet reference tothopecuiar active principio of eac!,Qf ii8 coDstitueots. loel'rench Cherajsta have ascertained bv aclual experiment, that tho active principio of basaparnla is eüher destrojed by cliemicalchange, or drivon offby the heat ofboiling water; consequently the preparationa rum this root in general use, (which are alsp quently prepart-d by persons unacquain. ted with pharmacy, and froin materials rendcred nert by nge or otherwise,) can have li.tleor noeGoct tpon the system. b V' JV' $' la.kins advaataffe of these facts has adopied an improvi-d procesa for ïxtracting (he medical virtues from the uclie ingredienta of this compound iuid ex tract, jvhicji are nine in mirober. without .ical; that is to say, neither concoction, infu. iion or macoration are made use of; nor is .he ttrnperature of the menstrual alloived to xceed 80 deg. fali. tmtil every üariklè of SCtiyé principie i8 exhnusted, lea ving a tasteom mase bebind; thereby obtainin tlio Viiuleofihe soluble active principie in a giily concentraied state, Jcavin out theiccti.a wornfy íibrp, c. which encumbers üie extract obtained by decoeüon. The pro. prielor, tí?erefore, lias not on!y tbe sftüsfacliun oí' nssuring t!;e medical faculty and the public, thatlhis remerfy ís preparod accords ing to strict theinical and pharmaceutical rules, but thnt h aláo united Borne of the officinaie valuablo and active vegetables, all oflJio choicest edection whiclj mattrially euliances íts valué 'n ihe trcatmeiU of tho (tiscases obovO named. He is thereforc in duced to offer íhis fluid extract to phyBicians and others, onder the fuJJest conviction of Cs superiority over that n common use. Physicians will find great advanlage iö ihe use of this extract, and a great relief from tbe perplexities attendant upon ihe treatment of thoso obstinate cases which bid defiance to every remedy; thuir confidenre prompt8 liicm to prescribe sucii a diet ar, ■'. régimen as in their judgenjent the case vroi. i seem to indícate; Hiere giving the extract ifu!l influence. This extract is preparod from the beats [ected m&teriaJ8, without heat, by an íliproved process;. on necount of whieh, it iá preferred by physicians aa being more active .hnn any othernow before the public. Prepared at the Chemical Laborutory of [J. W. Merchant. Cbemisf, Lockport, N.Y. N. B. A liberal discount uiade to dealers nd Physician3. The nlove arlicle may hc had at the sfore )f J. Mcliean, Jackson; líalo fc. Smitb, 3rass Lake: and by tl.-j principie Dtuggiste hroughout the Statn. W. S. Sf J. W. JMuynard, and J.H.Lumfc gents, Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor, Nov. 24, 1841. 3lff