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CLOTH DRESSING! THE eubscribers respectfully announco to the citizensof Ann Arbor and vicinity lat they are prepared to dress a ff w hun red piücea of clolh in the best style, and n the shortest notice. Having ftood ma iiinery, experienced workmen, and long ractice in the business, they have the utmosl onfidenco thatthey shall give conplete sat faction to thcir ctistomers. Send on your loth without delay. J. BECKLEY, k C. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1841. 84ROCHESTER CITY STORE; Four Sioiy Brick Store, Aon Arbor, {Lomer Villa ge) THIS DAY RECEIVED, ffiáfjfr Piecea Beaver k. Broad Cioth "BW from 18stoS7,00 20 M Cadet Broad Clotbs from li 10 lüs. 30 " Salinen & Sheepn Grey '" 4 12a. 40 '!. Fr. ling. &t Ger. Mersno 44d. lLa. 40 Sxony & Muslin DeLaoes löd. 5s L00 " Fr. Eng. & Atner. Calicó 8 to 3ld 10 " Ladïea Cambíela d'ble widths 5 tó 7. Silke and Lace Goode, Ribbons, Silk shawls, Silk Mantillas, Dress Shawl9,Gloves and llosiers; with a full aesortment of ali kinds of Dry Goods, all of wliicli the public are respectlully nvited to cali and examine, and ihey vuil tiien be convinced that ihey can buy Dry Goods as cheap at the Ilochcetor City Store, as tbey can io any Eastera City or Yilloge. AL8O, READY MADE COATS, (['"raade in the latest eiyle.jJJ A. PARDEE, Aeent, Ann Arbor, Nov. 28, 1841.MORTGAGE SALE. HEFAULT having been mado in tha B poyiüeni of a certtün eum of money, eccured by indenture of mortgtge, cxccutcd by Bamey Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere and George B. Daniels, dated, July the 21et, A. 1). 1837, and recorded in the rogister'á office in the county of Waahtenaw, JWichigan, on toe 28 Ui day of August, in the year of our Lord one ihousnnd eight hundred and itiirty-sevcn, in liber fíva of mongages at pago two hundnd and. eighty-tnree, whereon u due al the date of Ihis nolice two bundred and eiyht dollars ind forty fout cents, which eaid mort gago bae bten duly assigncd to tho Eubsciiber. Noüce s theretore hereby giren that on Thursday tbe third day of February next, at one o'clock, r. m-, at the Court Hou6e in thn village of Ann Arbor, in tho counly of Washtenaw, will bo sold at public nuction the premisee in eaid tnortgttge described, benig all that certain piece or parecí of land sitúate in the county of Wasblnaw, Stat of Michjgao and bounded and described ai follow: it being the weel half ofthe ooulhwest quarter oï eeclion nurober Beven, in ownship number on eoutti of range num er four east, containing eighty oos-and thir y ono hundredth acres of land, FRANCIS 31'COiNlN, Asrignec, L. H. Hewett, Attornej. Dated Nov. let 1841. TAI LORING BÜSINEÜT A M. NOBLE, would respectfully h. L fonn the citizcns of Ann Arbor and ta vicinity, (hut he has recently opened shop in the Lower Town, immediately over he late mercan tile stand oí Lund íf Gibson, aud ppposite the ehoe store of J. Beckley, kr (Jo., where he is prepared at all times to do work in his line, witli promplnees, and ia a neat and durable inanner. Particular attenlion will be paid to cutting garments. Produce vrill be taken at the isudl prices, for work done at lus shop.- Those who have cash to pay for eervicea oí ibis kind. are partícula invitcd to cali. Ann Arbor, Oclobcr 6, 1841. tf NEW ÜOODS. AGOOD assortmeutof moet kinds oL Gooiíá tbat are needed are now opened and ready íqi display or tale, at tbe etor "orraerly occupied hy Dtgrafflg. Tovmsend, n Ann Arbor, (Upper Town,) wbich will be sold to thoee who wish to buy and pay iuqney o alrnoet any kind of Produce, by F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Not. 1?, 1841. SOtf V. B. Not knowing the prieca at which Goods are eold ín this región, 1 muet requeet hose who wish to know if they are ebeap to ' cali and examine fot thtmBelvei. Pork, Wheat and Dutttr are takea io tfxchange fox goods and at fair prices. F. D.IN ATTACHMENT. lo attacbroent, before C W. Lans Jwmtice. VVilliam Sperry. i va. Washtcnw eoaaty, M. Carlos Joslin, j BN altachment haring iasned ín th above entitled cause, and the ilefendant not havingappeared at the return theroof; notice is therelbro hereby given that tb s;iid causo caus is conlinued to the l3lh day of November next, at one o'clock in tbe afiernoon, at ihe otTice of the aaid juetice in the villoge of' Ypsilanii, in eoid couniy. WILLIAM SPERRT. August 4, 184f. S7-4w TAKEIS ÏJF BY tho subscriber, living in the towa of Green Oak, Lit ing ston County, on the fvh of October, inel., 5 daih brown 6teer, two years od ; no otter marka perceivable. Tho person, owning euch eteer, will come forward, prove propeny, ptr charges and take hito away, otherwise he will ba disposed of aceordiiig to lavv. JOHN MONAHAN. Green Oak, Oct. 12, 1 n4ï. CAUTION. ISRAEL E. GODLEY, ai indented apprentice, about fourteva years old, havingbeen coerced trom the eoiployment f t!u subscriber; the publie ars hereby cautiüiied againat trustingsaid Boy on his nc count, a he will puy uo debta of Jiir con- tracting from tiie pr iseut date. 7. WALDRON. Northficld, Nov. 1, i8il. Sw Produce of ;vcry Descriptiou HECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Sib6criptkne lo tho "Si( o Libbrtt," if deUrered at tb Office, iimnedialely ovr vb St)rc of JL Beckley, U Co. Ipri 8, PYE STÜFF'S.'"' INSIGO, M adder. Mum, Coperas, &ch for bulu cLoay at Aun Arbo'r, (Uppwr Town,) by T. DENISON. Ann Arbot. Muy Tí), 184 . WoodI "wöod! Woodf WANTED IMMEDIATELr, f#r corda oí good hickory wood m exchang for tho 'Sivaz. o Ltbc&tvT TR03TKCTV3. THE Publishcrs of tlio New York Tribv une, cncouraged by the Lenerous patronage and henrfy approval wtlièfi lias been exlended to their Duily paper since iis estabÜtshment, and whicti has already reudered it the second in point of circulation in the city, propose to publieh on and after ihe l8th da'y of September, a Wcekly cdition on a sheet of mammolh 6Íze, excluding ali matter of a local or transitory interest, and calculated mainly for Country circulalion. The Tribune - vvhether in ta Daily or Weekly eclitíSn - will bo iriname imports - an unflinching supporter of tbc PeopleS Rigiití and Interosts, ím stern hosüli;y lo the errors of superficial Ihoorists. tiie iofluenco of unjust or imperfect legUlation, and theschetns and sophistrics of ït;lf-seekïng Il yyill sireuuously idvooate tho rro'eclion of American Indi'stry, sgainft thr graspifig, :inil to u;--, blighting poli'-y of Euro,ea;i Govt'rriirients, atsd the tiüeqim] cotnpetition wliicli tliey llirce upmi us, ná al?o, ogajjjst the present rieprcssinir systein of State Pnson Labor. It wül advocate the resloration of a sound and uniform Náíional Cuvrency; and nrgjo a iliscriíct but dctermined prosecution of IiitertKil Improvement. The Iletrenciiir.rnt, wherever j)racticablo, of Governmuiit Exenditürca and of Executivé Patronajn.j vvill be zoalou'sly urjjed. In short, (his pnpor vi!l f.iithfnlly m.iintain and enrneslly advocate the Principies and Mcasures wliicli tho Feople approved) in devolvingon Whig stuteiiaicn the'conu'uct of iheir Government. .Rul a sniaü porlion, liinvevor, of !s coliHTiïig wili hv devotsd to purtly Political disciKssiions. The procecdinge of Congress wül be carefully recordee!; the Foreign and Bo mestic inlclligent'c carly and iuciclly present ed; and vvhatever shall appcar calculated to premote rnoralily, mainlain social order, ex tend'the blessings of edncaiion, or in any way subserve th9 great canse of human progress to ultímalo virtueliberly and happiuess, will find a p!nce in our columns The fï'eelcly Tribune will be pubühed every Salurdty morning in Qnarto form, on a vory lurge imperial sbet;l,(31 hy 42inches,) and airbrd'd to subscribers ntTVVO DOLLARS a year. Six copies wiü he forwnrded a yrar for Ten Dollars. Ten cupies for j fifteen dollars, and any larper number. 'u: the ] latter proportion. Paymentin iidvance will i be invarinhly required, and tbc paper-tppped ! wheneyer the term of such pnyment expires. ! Suhscriptions are respvctfuily solirited bv GREELY & McELRATH, SO Ann -st. New York, August 17, 1343 . Editors of weekly Journals who dt-siro an I e.xchange with the Tribune, are reguéis led to give this Prospectus an iMèrti'bn in ihcir columns. yPSILANTI ACADü.VtY, TEACHERS' SEMINAR Y. Nk] EX, Principal, wbofoT' -a--Et-O mcrly httü charge of-tirë Teachers' Sminary at Ann Arbuj-, end ;lso at Grass Lak e. Tlie sixth ferm of th'ia InslHulion wi:l co;n menee on YVednestJay, 'JEHË 24TH DY ÓF NOVEMBER I next, ;:i ! cominue eleven wieejís. While jthis schooi is rqual!yOpcn (0 alloflvui) sexes, who wisli toaèquiè a éood Enlis!) eduoation, particular at!e::tion ?vill be jfivea to those preparing to Toacii. TIig Lanjiija. gés inof b'eing taught intiiis SemTnary? fh'6 more exclusive and unintermpfefl aïtertfiorj Wijl be given lo inipart a practical j edgo of the Engiisii Branches. Apparalus.- The Insütutiori is furnislied wil!) Chemical; Philosophical and i nuinical Apparatus, Surveyi'g Instruments, i &c. &c. to he amount ofigSOOt Tuition. - Jn ihe Comr.ion Engiiah j chee, JÍ3,5O. In the Higher Engüs!) Branches, from $4, 50 to $5,00. Extra Branches. - Mczzotinto and Chinese or Tijeorem Paintuig, ig3,00 each, Tor 1.2 Lcssons, tinglit y ?1rs Uiukki:ï. Tiic tuition is to be paiil at the muidlo óf thetenn. _ No deduction for absence vvillbe made except for protracted sickness, and no onc will be receiyed for ]es3 than five and a half weeks. Board tor Sl,50 per week, ircuding washing. Rooms tnny bc had reasonable, vvhere pt-rsons may bnard Ihemselvf s. For further particulars enquire of the Principa!. Ypsilanti, Oct. 27, 1841. L7-3wTHRESHING MACHINES, flORsË" POWER, MILLS, Sic. VW HE undersigned nro manufacturmg and _ffl_ will koep constanlly on Jiand at their shop two and a hnlf miles westof Ann Arhor, near ihc Rail Road, HORSE POVV ERS andTHRE31ILG MACHINES.- The horse power ie a new invention b S. VV. Fostkr, and 3 doeidedly superior t any t hing of the kind ever befoi-e offered to the Public. The pnce of a Fonr Hors Po teer, vvitli a good Tlireshing Machine i 10 dollnrs, at the shop; withou Uie Machine, ninety doilars. These Horse Powers can be iised with two, thrco or fou horsèa to gnoJ advantage. Tbree men with two Jiorses, can th'-esh one hundred bushels ofwheat per day (if ityields middling wel!,) nd it will not bn hard work for the horses. Th o Horse Power and Thresher can bolh be )t in a common waggon box, nnd drawn ny distance by two horses. The Two Horse Poteer vi!l be sold at the shop, with ..he Threaher for one hundred dollars; withou J. the 'ïkresher, for seventy-five dollars. Thcy ülso manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recenily invented by S. V. Fosteu, which are decidedly prelerable to any olhers cuttinp straw or corn stalks, by hor.=e or vater power. They a!so work by hand - Price, fifteen doüar3. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eigl,t busheis per jour, wit! two horses or by water. A 1,90 ff?SMÜT MACHINES of superior contruction. Invented by S. W. Foster.-- Price, sixty dollar?. B. W. FOSTER, fe Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-ly OLANKS ofevery de.scription neatlj Jm-V executed at this office rUBUSHKI) AT DETK01T. MICII. Tho Secorfd Volume of the Western Far mor will commen?e on the first of January. noxt. The encourngement extended f.n the first volume, and the prospect of ircreascd patronage, vviü ennble the pubüshcr to present tho nest volurnw with nov typt', better ] paper, and embellished occrsionally with engravings. Tho pjibliïHcT WOtiW udd, that tlio Editorial Depnrtm-'iit vyj3 bs undcr th? direction of Bela Hubbard, K-; , of the State Gological Department, nnd whósé interes!" ing" nnd valuable Communications ju the first volnine. nnd familiar to ihe public. It ia designed to mnke this volume uf the Farmer first and chiefly.a medium of commutiiciüien amorig the Farmers ófthé West, of their irv3 and e.vpcrifnce, and n dissemïnntor of useful knowledfrn on the sui!ject of ignculíure - the most usoful and hunoiabJe of all ocenpation?. In adiiition, it n proposed to di volc soine p'ortic'jri óf tho pnper to nich othcr General Intclllgence and Literature as may be read with profit at cvery firesjd.e in the S'.ate. Wc ptoposn, also, to inrnisli St'ilisücal and oi!;er iuforniation, that will rendcr onr paper iisefu! to the gencrDlrcader, ano yelüabíe for futuro referencc. No Sf.ate is more fortunately situated for agriculttiro; yet there is tint a papjr in Michigan, ours excopted. uhic'i is even partiaüy devoted to tho Fartner'd interests.- The rest are governnd by party politics.- Our paper is, hy far, ihe chcapest pi.bliihed. in tho Stute; and with the support wc promistï oursetves, we hopo to mako it tiiofics'. Karmkrs of Michigan! 5í,000 i :iumber, and friends of Agricnl'uro in the VVchi! in vio sv f these facte, wo ask 3'nur uid to dustuin us throiigh a second voluim'. TER MS. One dollar ayear, paynbloin ad vanee; one dollar and fifi y cents i f paid witlnn's or two doliará if :iot paid unül tlie expirit-. tion of si.v inonths. No subscripuon will li considered in advanco nnlcss' paid at thu time of subscribir;:. A'y pt-rson wh') u forward os tbe ñames of five subscribers, and five dollars in cash, will he entitled to the &ixtli copy ] i?. Persons acting as ogentP, will pleaso friftvárd the namea of guci eubscriber.s as thry may obtain, a3 soon a3 praciica!}.!e„ - In no case, wil! the Farmer be sent to any subscribers who 3 in arreara for the first Voluitte. Subscribors' namef, and remitianefs, if honded to Post Maslers can rj forwardod freo of Pnstagre. All Jelters musfc be ' dressed (free or post paid) to the pnblisiici-. B. F. AJtMSTRONQ. Celroit, Mich., Nov. SOtb, 1841. WHICII SELLS IX TUIS COUNTRY TOK $13 TO S25 PER COI'V. j Evcry man, woman and childin the United States, who possess a Bible, toil sunly furnish ihemsducs with the Jotlmoing [cauüful series of S'crvjftvre Iliúúrátións. rjCTOItlAL ) L LIJST P. ATI O -NS OF TII1I BIBLI'J, A.VD Vir.TY OV Tlïlï H O L Y L A N D . JVew, che n p and váluáble publicadnn.- Fóur kundieilji&gfs, ?, vo.fuie paper. handsñtnely bound. price onïy TlfO TJOL LARS. Tho suiiscriber respcctfullv invito.; tjijb attëntinti of Oiergymèn) TétchpTB of Sa.hbath Schooi, Head of Families, and BooksellêTs ITirónghout the Uuitcd ?'tatgs,to the ahovo New, Chc.ap and splemli'd.iy li!u?tratcd work. Publíshéi ;,nd for sale at No. 122, Nn.ssnu ffree', N'cw Vork city. lts féatáreS are bcücr déñni d !y thJe tiiíc: Tuv hundred Piclorial IUuslralions of the SCHIPTCHES, CO.NSISTING OF VIEWS IN THE HOLYrogether with many of the most remark;.bio olyects mentipned in the oíd and new testamer.t?, represeniing sacrcd historical evente, copicd from coiebrated pictures, principally by the old roosters, the landscape scène, taken from original sketches made on th) spot, with full find intereeting letierpress descnptions, devoted to an examinHtion of tne ohjecls mer.tinned in the sncred text. On examina: ion thía will !)G found a very pleüsant and profitabfe book, eepecially for the peitjpal oïYovya Pkople, ahoundmg i;i the most valuadle nfurrnuíion, coilecled with great care, froro the best and latost sources. I lt may , very pn-períj;, bo designated a ' mon p.ace buok ü,r t-very Ihin valuab.'e reiating to orieni.j! marmers, cusioms. kc.and compnses vvithin itself a coroplete librarv of religiousand usefoiknoívledge. A vou;r.o the presen', s far superior to the conjnon Annuals- it yijl never ba out pTtttUq. It is beautifiilly f.rintud m new long primer type- handsonioly bound in MuVlin, gilt and lettered: and is ,1, -c-dodlv,'; best and chonpest pubhcation (lor the prlce,) ever bsued from th American ïrs.Lf"lhe ahoyé work may bc liad at the Book store ofBea. Chas. Mosely, one door west o, the Lnf.yeite House, Ann Arbor. A liberal discount made to wliolesale purchBsers, Persons in the country, wishin to act as agents, may oHtaln al] the r.ccessary informruion, by a&áñfanag their letters to the subsenber. No. i i22, Nassau street, N Y RO5?;:tT SEARS Publisher.' -.lergymt-n, Snpcrintendants and Teach. ers of sabbath schools, agents of reli"io;;s newspnpers and per!odicals,D08tinaster?ond booksel ers, throughnut thocountry, are respectfülly requesied to act as our agenlP. No letter w, bo taken from tte office uulcss post paid. nSfl 7I,blJshersf pwm árougiát tke United btatet -Newspapers or Magazines, :" the above entire without any altertion or abridgemr-nt (ncluding this notice.) nd ginngr a & inside inserti0on;i) eha, r civc a copy of the work, (subject o their raer.) by sending directions to the Pubsher- - 29-l2v F CASH FOR VHEAT. DJSNISON wül pay cash for Wheot O on deüvory nt his store. For removin t'iseasosari?; froman abua of Mercury, clironiq and consütuUonal diseases, such as scrofula or Kin evi seeoiuiary s-yphillisj ulcerations corro' sions of tiie tftroVt, n'osc, chéefcs, lips earè and otber paria of the body, -erupifone on the. skin, rhetuntiiic aíTections, white swellings, pains in the bonen and joints, fever s'ufés, obstinate u!d sorpg, scallod head sait rlieum, ring worm ai,d nther diseases riejag froin a;i impuro state of rhn blood Also, habitual stjyeness, pilca, chronic offèctiöns of Üj livor, Junga aiul chest pains in the Ptomach nnd Biles,njófit stveais Sic. It s Uïiewko rcconirnendcdas a clcansing spring medicine. This compounil fluid 'ojct.ra et is Ahcruive Dum-iie, Díaplioretíc, Laxativo, Arom-tic' and sliirhtly fümnle;;', and may be usod suc' ecssfuiyin sctöffulua nntl yjühiluM titseèsék ancl thJit shrt.-red otato of the Coustibtüim! hyhieh so ofien follows UicaSósc of merrurv ie.-ioícscs or mor! Í3 e'nlargeraênt oftiíebonía Mp:ginuiis rïiuétftlëa of ringworm; ulcora-. tians ianfirally; oariis of th bones'; caníleges of (hu nost-, mouih, wit!) the otherdis ..ases abovc mentioned, and all diseages aris mg from a tnerbid state of (ie blood. 'Tberc is Inrdly a piiysicicn w.'io has not had occasion to observe uiib pain. the phatr. :■: variety of huibs; and iti spiie ffa) thcir remedies lie couiii briag cainsl Uii cruel discase, woscompelled to adinow!éd4 their mefiJcacy and allow the monster tn, corroda nd tiostroy the nosc, cheeksj .Ih jeyelids ears and tjempjes paris of which thh ; ma&dy eñcralíy affects .1 preferencc. Sat' in this -.trüct, wil! be fontid a perfect rétiiedy, in r.H such csses, an:l wherc tlíe diëèasd ha not produced a very greafc detanenient ftf structuse, it will even yidd to Utis rsmedv iñ a very short tiuie. Wiihina very short period, íhoríhiB bceh lreat improvcments in Francf, on the plmrmaccutical and chcoiical treatment of Saisapar.iUa, and it bas boen fully proved tliat" nine-té'njlis .of thé.active principies of iiJat vaiiniblo root is actiially lost h the Uáua[ mod of preparing it for medical ge. Tho compound extract beinor a Vciy nica ipharmaceuíiCul prnparQtion, rerpjires jbo moht rigid care anti skilift-.! manaement,hil( j not without stnet referenco lo the peculiar ■active principio ufeacli of ils consiiiuents.. TbeFrench Chemists have nscertained by actual experiment, that the active principie of SaeapariÜa is either desiroyed by clieinii col cliargo, or driven off by the heat oí boilirig water; conscquentlv the prepnraliona from Ins root in general use, (which are aÍ6u, fnquenlly prepared by persons unacquain. ted with pba'rrnacy, and from materials rem dered inert by age or otherwise,) can bava Iittlt'or no efli-ct upon the eystem. G. W. M. laking advaniagre of thèso fact3 has adopied an improv. d proress for extracting the tnedica! virtues frora i!iö aciive ingredients of this compound fluid ex. imet, which are nine in numbeï, without heat; that is to say, neilher conenction, infu. sion or rnacoralion ure made use of; nor is the te -mperature of iho menstrum aüoivcd l f.cecd 80 c!eg. fah. until every partícío of activo principie is pxlmiiöted, uavinga t.isteic=s mass behind; thereby ofcteinihg tiio vhole of tlie so'ubíe active principie "in a highly concentrated etnlc, leaving out tho feeuïa woDtiy fi!)ro, kc. which enciirhbera Us extract obtoincd by docociian. The pro. prietor, thereibre, ita, not nniy the salisfaction of nssuring the medical tcal!y and til pubiiö, thntthis nrüc.'y 13 prepared accorosi...„ -.w Duibi .iicujiuui wiu piicrmaceutical i r'í?' !iut tJiat '1C also "nií-cd some of thfr rfhn.nnla activo vegetables, ai jofihs choicest etjjíeotioi) vybich materuliy enhances íts valué ín he treatment of the disoascs abovs narnéd. Ho is Uiersore n duced to offer this fluit) extract to physiciaua and others, nnJor tjie QiJlest convietma of its etjperiority over that n cotöir.on use. Phjsicians vviïl íhui g.rcat dvanlage a Iheuse of tlii;-; extract, d ; reüef from Ihe perp]exi?!os ïttèndant unon the Ircatment of thoso cbsrinato case wliich bid defiance to every rcmeoy; {lu-ir confidenro prompte them ti prescribo sucii a diet air! régimen ;.s in theirjudgenioht i!if; cnse tou!! áecm to ndicato; thero giving t!ic extract IN ful! influence. Tliis extract is prepared from tho best ?' - lected materials, wil hout beat, hy an ioi proved process; on account of wliicb, it ia preferred by physiciana as being more active tlinn any otliernow before the public. Prepared at the Chemical Lsboratory of G. W. Merciianl. Cheinisf., Lockport, N.V. N. B.A libera! discount made to dealers nn! Physicians. The a!)ove ariiclo mny iic hn -t the s!oro of J. McLenn, Jackson; Hale êc Ömitli, Grass Lako: nnd by the principio Druggists thronghout thé Stalej! W. S. J. W. ?1ayflar(l, and, sgents. Ann ArLor. Ann Arbor, No. 24, 184!. 3ltf