Moral Condition Of Slaves

The following is from the S. W. Chris- tian Advocate, June 4, and was written by Bishop Andrews, Of courae it is not an abolition story," 'Oh what a work is ibis! thousands and tensof thousands of immortal souls living jn this lam! of visión, who know little more of God or heaven than their sable brethren in ihe interior of Ãfrica, for whosesoul no ' man careth, while with the avails of their öweat and toil the Southern Church has been contributing her thousands losend the Bible and missionaries to perishing pagans beyond tho seas. 1 have noquarrel with what has been done for foreign work, we are still in airears to foreign pagans; bul when the balance sheet is slruck, how fearfully will Southern Christians be in nrrears to their own slaves! Jn this case, at least, chanty should begin ot home : and it seems to tne that we should never f urge t that the first and greatest claimants on the charily of the Southern Churches are the slaves of our plantations There comes up a voice from the cabins of our rice fields and cotlon farms to which wc mu3t listen. or meet an awful reckoning at the bar öf God. Chrisiian slavehoiders must be brought to feel that their negroesare more than mere property - that they arefellowheirs of immorlali'.y, and that we must care for their souls as well as their bodies. - Until Christian masiers have thcir hearts deeply imbued vvith ibis principie and recognize it fully in their conduct, we shall not be well pleasing to God!" VVhat a dreadful picture'. Thousands and tens of thousands of immortal souls who know but little more of God than the distant hcathen, who never saw a Bible or heard the name of Christ pronouncedi - What then are we to think of Southern chnstianity? for these slaves belong to professed christiun masters, not lo inh'dels. But again, it is stiid, for these "áouls no man careth." Christian slavehoiders, and vet not care for the souls of their slaves! - We repeat, what is Southern christianity? Still worse, while they do not care for their souls, 'with the avails of their sweat and toil the Southern Church has been conlributing her thousands to send the Bible and missicnaries to perishing heathen beyond the seas." Undersland, the "Southern Church" has done this, not Southern infidels. These slaves. as gnorant as the distant heathen, for whose souls no man cares, belong to church members, for the "Soütheen CiiüRcn" has taken the avails of their sweat and toil "to send the Bible to the heathen beyond the seas."
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