Classified Ads

"NO REPUDIATION-" SJTATE SCRIP will be taken at par for )v5 Goode at the etoro of tbe eubscribers for a few days. J. JONES, b. SÃJYS. Ann Avbor, Jan 12, 1841 FORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. Drnison, for whicb goods or raoney will be paid at fair rntes. Ann Arbor, Dec 21, 1 8-1 1 . 26-tf PfillDlOTHY SEED AND HIDES.- -- Cash will be paid at all times tbr Timothy Seed, Hidks und Whkat, whcn delivered at my etore in Ann Arbor, (Upper Town.) F. DKNISÃN. Djc.29, 1841. S6-tfECONOMY IS WEALTH." TUEsubscribers vrill pay two centa per pound in Gooo's or Paper for any quantity of good clean SWINGLE TOW, delivered at the Aon Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES SONS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1L, 1842. ANTI-SLAVERY ALMANACS FOR 1842 - just received and for 6ale at thi office. Price 6 ccnte single ;75 ets. per dozen. CASH FOR VVHEAT. FDENISON wi!l pay cash for Wheat 6 on delivery nt his store. June2S, 1841. 9-tf ROCHESTER CITY STORE; Four Story Brick Store, Ann Arbor, (Lok. er Villa ge.) TUIS DA Y RECEIVED, GhéTÃL Pieccs Beaver St Broad Cloths, &%JP frora 1 8s to S7,00 20 " Cadet Broad Clolhs from 12 to I6s. 30 Satinett &Sheeps Grey " 4 12s. 40 " Fr. Eng. fc Ger. Mereno 44d. 128. 40 " Saxony foMuBlin DeLanes l8d. 5s. 200 " Fr. Eng. & Amer. Calicó 8 to 3ld. 10 " Ladies CambÃete d'ble widths 5 to 7s. SilUs and Laco Good?, Ribbons, Silk shawls, Sitk Mantillae.Dress Sliawls,Glovea and Hosiers; with a full aseortment of all kinda of Dry Goods, all of which the public are respectfully invited to cali and examine, and they uill then be convinced that kthey can buy Dry Goods as clieap at tho Rocheator City Store, aa tbey can iu ony Bastera City.or Vlllago. ALSO, READY MADi COATS, (Tfraade in tho lalest Btylo.L5 A. PARDE'E, Agent Ann Arbor, Nov. 28, 1841.THRESHING MACHINES, HOR SE POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undorsigned are manufacturing and will keep constantly on hand at their ehop two and a half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERS andTHREÃHING MACHINES- Tlie horse power is a ncw invention by S. VV. Foster, and is docidedly superior to iny thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnco of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 120 dollars, at the shop; without he Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse 'owers can be ustd with two, three or four iorse3 to good advantage. Three men with wo horsee, can thresh one hundred bushels f wheat per day (if it yields middling well,) nd it will not be. hard work for the horsee. LMie Horse Poioer and Thresher can both be lut in a common waggon box, and drawn ny distance by two horses. The Two Horse Poioer wiïl be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for eeventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. VV. Foster, which are decidedly preferable to any otuers for cutling straw or corn stalke, by horse or water power. They also work by hand. - Price, üfteen dollar3. -ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rate of six to eight bushels per hour, with two horses or by water. - Also - OJSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Fobter. - Price, sixty dollars. S. VV. FOSTER, b Co. Scio, June Zó, 1841. 10-ly MORTGAGE SALE. jÃfcEFAULT having been nado in the $ pcyment of a cerCain sum of money,. secured by indenture of mortgage. executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelere and George B. Daniels, dated, July the Llst, A. D. 18S7, and recorded in the registers office in the county of Washtenaw, iWichigan, on the 28th day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, in liber five of mortgages at page two hundred and eighty-lhree, whereon is due at the date of this nolice two hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents, which said rnortgago has been duly assigned to the subsciiber. Notice I3 theretore hereby given that on Thursday the third day of February next, at one o'clock, p. m., at the Court House in th village of Ann Arbor, in the connty of Washtenaw, will be Hold at public auction the premises in said mortgage described, beïng all that certam piece or parcel of land sitúate in the counly of Washtenaw, State of Michigan and boundcd and described aa followa: it being the west half of the southwest quarter of section number seven, in township number one eouth of range nuraber four east, containing eighty one and thir ty one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS M'COMN, Assigneo L. H. Hkivett, Attorney. Dated Nov. lst 1841.TAÃT.ORING BUS1MESS! AM. NOBLE, vvould respectfully in forra the citizens of Aan Arbor and its vicinity, that he has reccntly opened a shop in the Lovvcr Town, immediately over the late mercantile 6tand of Lund fy Gibson, anu opposite the shoe store of J. Beckley, &. Co., vvherc he is prepared at all times to do worfc in his line, witn promplness, and in a neat and durable manner. Particular attention wllà be paid to cutling garments. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for work done at his ehop.- Those who have cash to pay for services of this kind, are particular invited to cali. Ann Arbor, October 6, 1841. tf CLOTH DRESSING! HffHE subscribers respectfully onnounce lo. -â - tlie citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity (hat they are prepared to dress a few hun dred pieces of cloih in the best style, and on the shortest notice. llaving ood ma chinery, experienced workmen, and lontj practice in the busine6s,they have the utmost confidence that they shall give complete Bat isHiction to their cuetumers. Send on youc cloth without delay. J. BECKLEY, Si Co. __Ann Arbor, Dec. 1S4K 34tf "KfcLANKS ofevery description neatlf - executed at this office. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 184a. The most splendid and valuable Monthly Perioflical ever published. Tlie only magazine devoted to Ladies and conducted by members of their own sex. Cornposed en-, tirely of original articles, by the most eminent writera of the age; and embellished with a larger number and a greater variety of costly,'elegant and attractive pictorial illuatrations, than any similar publication. EDITED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Halo, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, H. Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTOR8 TO EACH NUMEER. Miss. C.M. Sedgwick, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs.C, Lee Henez, Mrs. E. C. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E.F. Ellet. In announcing to his numerous patrori9 and the public at large, his arrangements for the year 1842, the proprietor of Gotley's Lidv's Buuk, lakes occasion toidge the unparalleiec and triumpliant succcsa fhis Magazine, which iias now reached he extraordinary number oïforty thousand nonthly; b"ing a larger edition than has ev;r been prmted of any other work of any lescripÃiun in America. This succss he is iware has been attained by tho vast uperijriïy which the Lady's Book bas always uaintained over thecontemporary magazines vhich have atlempted to rival its merits, a Mjporiority which he is still determined to jrcserve by keeping it, in all its departments iterary, inlellectual and mora!, as vvell as ctorial, emblematic, artistic, and mechania!. That this is no idle boast, bc appeals to the experience of the past twelve years, n all wliich time, he has made no promise !o t he public which he has not strictly performed, nor underiaken anylhing which his means dul pot enable him to Acconiplish to ihe utmost. Entering, as he is about to do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Boolc, with increased energy and accumul.ited resources ;with an ampie knowledge of the bu siness in which he is engaged, acquired by long years of unremilted application: with a subscriptlon list unparalleled in the annals of literature; with numerous facililies not possessed by any other publisher; with welldigested and wideextended arguments; and above all, with a steadÃast purpose of inaintaining the lofty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur exponses, which under ether circum 8tance8 might provo startling, but by means of which he will be enabled to uiake the Lady's Book, the richest, the rarest, the most attractive, and the most valuabie periódica!, intrinsical and extrinsically, ever offeied to the American public.Literaby Departmemt. - tt has ever been the aim of the propnetor to impart to tho Lady's Book a high lilerary and moral tone, and f'or Ihis purpose he hap, without regard to cost, procured the aid of ihe most eminent vvrilers and, for several years past, has commilled ita editorial supervisión to Vire. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia B. Sigourney,and Miss E. Leslie, ladiés of kom not only their own sex, hut the whole country, havo reason to be proud. In this respect, tho Lady's Book enjoys a decidcd advantage over uil other publications, as it is the only work devoti d to ladies, ladies derive an ad vantage vvliich must be obviouá to evury parent, husband, brother, and well as to every lady who properly appreciates tho dignity and importance of her sex. - To add to its supenority in this particular the proprietor has secured inaddition tu the ladies aiready mentioned,thu iuvaluable services of Miss C. M. Sedgewick, author of Redwood, Clarcnce, Letters fromEngland, &LC &c. ; a writer, whoso efforts in raising the intellectual standard of her sex, and vindicating tho truc rights of woman,uot less thau her richly-gifted intellect and yaried information, have gained her a reputation as wiJe as it will bo enduring. He bas also made arrangements, by which, besides regular contributions frora Mra F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, Airs P S O3good, Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs M H Parsons, Mrs. J. Tliayer, Mr3A MP Annan, Mrs. O L.lHentz, Mm E FèEllet, Mrs. E.C. Sedman Mrs. Dupuy. Mrs. Duncan, iWrs V. E. Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Miss E, Allen Mrs C H W Esling Airs R E Parley, Miss M, B. Snow, Mies E. Leslie, Kate Franklin. He will be euabled to furnish articlesfrom Maria Edgworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mary R. Milford, Mrs Hoüand, Mrs C BWilsoo,3 Mary Howiu, ind other English lady-writers of distinction, sotne of whom liave already published in the Lady's Book the only original conLributions they have ever made to American litcrature. Nor has he omitted to pro cure the assistance of eminent writers of both sex. A ware of the universal and well dcservcd populaiity of N. Willis, Esq.; and confident that tho productions of nis graceful and elegant pen will be highly acceplable 10 the readers of the .Lady's Book, the proprietor has entered mto an arrangement, by which ho will be able to give in each nuinber of bis work an exclusiveâarlicle from the gentleman; and he has also retainall of the contributors whose writings have heretofore given such ampie satisfaction in cluding Epes Sargent, V. G. Simms, Esq. Geo. P. Morris, Professor lngraham, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimitry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Walier, . N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, R. S. Macuonzie, A. M'Makin, T. S. Author, Eeq. L. F. Tasistro, II. VV. Herbert, Rufiis Dawes, Jos. C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. Mitchell, Jas. Aldnch. With such aid, it is not too much to say, that the Literary Department of the Lady's Book vvill eurpass any thing that has ever been or can be atternpted. Ornamentad Djspartment. - It is a source of no little pride to the Proprietor of the Lady'u Book, that he first introduced into this country the plan of furnishing, along witiia mónthly periodical oÃ" elegant literature, embellishments of an attractive and costiy charncler. The first 6teel engravings accompanying such a work vvere given by him; the first mezzotint engravmg was given by him; the first patterns of lace-work andembroidery were given by hivn; the firstcolored plates of fasbion were given hy hira; the first music was given by him. These are things to which he vou!d not refer, if eome of Ihose who have essoyed to füllow in his footsteps, not content vvith imitating all his designs, even to the form of his bctok, the size of his type, and the color of his cover, had notfoolishly put forward claims to orig inality, and ottempted to found a right to an exclusive raerit on doing that which they have borrowed from his example. JBut what he !a9 done heretofore in the way of embellitjhments to his Book, though kfarexceeded any effbrt of those whq strovo to cwpy his movements, canuot compare with what henow means to do. His arrangements for this department of his work have been projected on the most liberal ecale of expenditure, involviny un extent of outlay such as has neer befoie been dreamed of in any periodical, European or American. As au evidence of his intentions, he now states that cacli uuniber of the Lady's Book for the ensuing year, vvill coutain atleust tbree splendid engravings; embracing in .h: series every possible vancty of subject s. Historial,Landscape, Picluresque, Portraiture, Imagiuative and Emblernalical, and executed in every possible variety of the art; mezzotint, line and mezzotiut, stipple, medalion, and that most cha6te and expressive mannor, the line and dut cornbincd, which has given snch worlcl wide celebrity to the vvorka of modern artists. Splendidl colorcd platea of tho fashions, will also begivon every rnonth, containing at least four feraale figures, and embodyinjr in every instance ihe lutest costumos, received directly from a correspondent at Paris. In order to give the greatest attractiveness tö the subjecls of hia embellishmenls, the Proprietor bas given orders to vaiioua American Painters, of established reputation,who are now engaged in preparing expressly for the Lady's I3ook,numerous original picturès, on National and Historical events, soine of which are nearly completed, and soon will be in the hands of the engraver. 'Among the painters thus engaged ho may enumérate; J G Chapman, Painteroflhe National Picture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P F Rothermel, J P Fraukenstein, . S S Ossood.of Bost.l Williams, &ic.He has also established a correspondence n London, through which lie will rcceive early prooi' impressions of the fim-cát prints executed in that metropolis, and will thus be constanlly supplied with an immense variety 'rom which to make süjt&bié selecücns as well as a series of pictorial illustratiuns of Shakespeare; two of which, A o na Page and Master SJender by Iieslie, and Kalliarine and Pctruchio, by Cattenuole, and are nuw nearly ready. Among tho subjects at present in preparation for the Lady's Book, may ae menüoned Morning Devotion and Evening Devotion, - two superb pictures of domestic piety; the Effects of Industry and the EÃFects of Idleness, - admirable illustrations ofgreat moral truths; Tbe'Old Soldier and bis Family, a beautiful transcript of patriotic feelings; several ot Sir David Wilkie's moal vulued compositions. Departing for the Fair and Returning f'rom market, - charming specimens of rural lifejThe Viüage Amanueiibis, Fortune Telling; The Seciet Discnverod, The Maulen's 'Jhamber, Thu Elopement of Bianca Capella, kc-; and Edwin Lundseer's last and greatest production. Youthful Innocence,of which the only copj inthe country is that which belongs to the propnetor. Determined to gratify every possible variety of taste, Ãlie proprietor has also made arrangements for a series of the most buperb Mezzoiints ever executed in this country, several of which are already engraved, and will be given to his 6ubscribers, as soon as a sufficient rtúmber of impressions can be taken to supply his immense edition. Beeides hz services of H . S. Said, of New York, who has novv in hand a number of plates, the proprielor has secured the services of Mr. Humphuey's of London: who is universally conceded to stand in the ioremost rank of English Engravers, and vvhose splendidefforts in mezzotiat have command ed the admiration of tho most dislinguished amateurs and critics. This eminent artist is now engaged in preparing expressly for tho Lady's Book, a number of mezzolint pictures, which tho proprielor pledges himself wi.l bö of an unsurpassed excellence; and of the most interesting and attractive snbjects. To guard against all possibility of difiiculty hereaftor, he has likewise ordered from Eugland, a complete mezzotint establi'shment, and immediately on its arrival, Mr. William E. Tucke r, of this city, will commence operations, in that department of art. In order to procure these various embellishments in season, the proprietor has made permanent arrangeinents with the following eminent engravers, all of whom are now engaged in executing steel plates for the Ladv's Book.New York. Philadelphia. A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, VV H Jackman, J B Forrest, J G Dunnel, VV H Ellis, A Joues, E Humphreys. Transmission by mail. - One advantage the subscribers of ihis work will have, will be iteearly recepüon. It will be received at the remotesi cities of the Union, by the first day of the month of publication. Clübbing. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year, $5,00 Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,00 Do Arnateur's Musical Library, (containing 200 f ages of newand beautiful mueic.) 5,00 Do Scott's Novela and People'a Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do Scott's miscellaneous works and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do All Scoi'ts Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, l&,00 Do Thier's History of the Fr. Revolution. 10,00 Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Young People's Book, 10, 00 Lord works; Tlners History of the French Revolution, and Waverley's Novele, in 5 vols. 20,00 Do Thiers Revolution and Scotts Works, complete in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Department. - The price of tbis publication is three dollars per annum - two copies, one year, in advance,ïi;e dollars. Those of our friends "wanling to 6ubscnbe to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, pubjished in thia city, can be-... - _ - - - - - ï ccommodated aa followa: Two copies of tbe Saturday Courier, one car, and Godey's Lady's Book, one yonr, ent for 5,00 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Five copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 yrv nd Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Dieven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr 20,00 Thirteen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 'yr, and Walter Scott's Novela, complete, or hij niscellaneous works, whichevcr usy ba prefened. 30,00 In all cases where money is remitted for 'Clubbing," the rnost liberal allowances wili )e made. The money, in all cases,, to ba lositively rtceived belore a number is. sent. Vo letters will be laken from the Post Officó unless the postage on theni is paid. Unlesg; )ositive orders ure given at the time of 6ubv scnbing, the work will be cuntinued after he firat year, and if not paid during the 'ear, the price will be increased to 4 dollars Address L A. GODEY, 101 Cliesnut street, Philadelphia. YVHICH 8ELL3 IN THIS COUNTRY J'OK ($18 to. SL5 per copy. Every man, woman and child in the United States, who posscss a Bible, will mrely furnish themsdves wilh the Jolloioing beautiful series of Scripture Illu3lrations. P1CTURIAL ILLUSTRATIOKS OF THR BIBLU, AND VIEW OF THE HOLY LAND. JYew, cheap and valuable publicatian. Four hundied pag'S, 8 vo.Jinepaper,handsomely bound. Frice only TWO DOL LARS Tb.e eubscriber respectfully in-,, vites the attention of Clergymen, Teachers, of Sabbnth Schools, Heads of Families,and. Ei)oksellers thronghout he United tÃtates,toihe above New, Chenp and splendidly lllustraicd work. Published and for sale at No.. 122, -.Nassau streel, New York city. ha. features are better'defined by the tille:- Two Inmdred Pictorial Illustrations of the 6CRIPTURES, COSISTIKG OFVIEWS IN THE HOLY LANDp Togethcr witli tnany of the most remarkable objects mentioned in the o!d and new testament?, representing sacred historical events, copiod frotn celebrated pictures, principally by the old masters. the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, witli full and interesting letlerptess descriptioris, devoted to an examination of the objects mentioued in the sacred text. On examination this will befounda very pieasant and profrtable book, especially for the perusal of Youns People, aboundmgia the most valuable informalion, collected with great care, from the beet an latest sources lt may , very pmporly, be designated aconamon place book fur tvery thing valuable re. lating to oriental manners, customs. kc.and comprises within itself a complete library of rcligious and useful knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the cominon Annuals - it will never be oat of date. It is beautifully printed in new long primer type - handsoinely bound in Muslin, gilt and leltered; and is dfe:(ledly,t'ie best and cheapest publication (for the priee,) ever issued iVoin tho American Press. Clergymen, Superintendants and Teacb. ers of sabbath [schools, agente of rehgioua nevvspapcrs and penodicals,postmastersand booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our agents. No letter will be taken frum the office unless post paid.To Publishers of Papers tliroughoultht United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteratiun or abridgemúnt (inciuding this nolice,) and giving it 12 inside inserlions, shall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order,) by sending direetions to the Publioher. L9-12v UThe ubove work may be liad at the Book store rf Dea. Chas. Mosely, ono door west of the Lafayette House, Ann Arbor. A liberal discount made to wholesalepurchaeers. Persons in the country, wishing to act ae agenta, may obtain all the necessary in- formation, by addressing their letters totln subscriber, No. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. . ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. BJatsïi ! Blaiilts ! ! Blanks ! ! ! WUST PRINTED, on fine paper and @ü' in a superior style, a large assort ment of blank summons, subpcenas, Execu tions, &c. - For sale at this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood in ex change for the "Signal of Libektï." Ann Arbor, Dec. 2L, 1841.
J. Jones & Sons
Anti-Slavery Almanacs
Rochester City Store
Threshing Machines
S. W. Foster & Co
Mortgage Sale
J. Beckley & Co.
Godey's Lady's Book
London Pictorial Bible
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
F. Denison
A. Pardee
Barney Davanny
Jacob L. Larzelere
George B. Daniels
Francis McConin
L. H. Hewett
A. M. Noble
Sarah J. Hale
Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
Morton McMichael
L. A. Godley
Miss C. M. Sedgwick
E. Leslie
Mrs. E. C. Embury
Theodore S. Fay
N. P. Willis
C. Lee Henez
T. S. Arthur
Mrs. E. F. Ellet
Mrs. F. S. Osgood
Mrs. M. H. Parsons
Mrs. A. M. F. Annan
Mrs. Dupuy
Mrs. V. E. Howard
E. Allen
Mrs. S. E. Parley
Mrs. H. B. Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mrs. S. Smith
Mrs. J. Thayer
Mrs. C. L. Hentz
Mrs. E. C. Sedman
Mrs. M. Duncan
Mrs. M. St. Loud
Mrs. C. H. W. Esling
M. B. Snow
Kate Franklin
Maria Edgworth
Mary R. Milford
Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs. S. C. Hall
Mrs. Hofland
Mary Howitt
W. G. Simms
Park Benjamin
R. S. Mackenzie
H. W. Herbert
Joseph C. Neal
R. T. Conrad
J. K. Mitchell
Epes Sargent
George P. Morris
Joseph R. Chandler
Robert Morris
Finy Earle
N. C. Brooks
E. Halden
A. McMakin
L. F. Tasistro
Rufus Dawes
E. G. Squier
J. McLellan Jr.
James Aldrich
William E. Tucker
A. L. Dick
N. Gimberede
W. H. Jackman
J. G. Dunnel
A. Jones
J. B. Neagle
J. B. Forrest
W. H. Ellis
E. Humphreys
L. A. Godey
Robert Sears