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Mr. Gidding's Pledge

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Mr. Underwood, of Kentucky, who, by tho way, is ns we know, net among the worst of the slave breedrs in Congres9 - we were on the point of aaying the best, but we rather incline to believe, on further reflection, that best has no appheation to euch folks - Mr. Underwood, wo say, made soine honost confessions in the House of Represeulativea tho other day, going to shew that the siavcholders' threat to dtssolve the union whonever any thing and every thiog that ihey fancied was even for a moment withheld from them, ia all humbug. AbolitionÍ8ts have all along known this, and constuntly urged ie un the people of the North (scared almostoutuf their wits by il) that Southern elaveiy, as Mr. Underwood says,could nut exist if the union were dissolved In the couree of hia remarks, Mr. VV. appealcd to Mr. Giddingaof Ohio toknow among othcr things, the prevailing sentiment of the abolitionists in reference to the Congressional stipulation to suppress all atlempt8 on tUe part of the oppressed to acbieve their own libertjr. Mr. Giddings' reply, as it is given in the Globe, as tothe nolitical ohiects of the abolitionistö ie whatit oughttu have been - but nothlnL s said in it om the main point. And we have our fears founded on what Mr. Underwood said immediately afterward, ihat Mr. G. may have gone further in his a6suraoces to the Suuth then he was warranted in doing. - The remark of Mr. Underwood to which we have alluded is this. "As the gentleman (Mr. Giddings) had said to him, that he had no intention. to ïefuse to pay taxea and to march when necessary" &.c. Now, if Mr. G. gave a pledge on behalfof the abolitionists, that they would take up arm and march to the South to put down, a whatever expense of blood, an insurrection of the oppressed made to recover thei liberty, and solely wilh this view, he ha in our judgment, greatly misunderstooc and greatly misrepreseated them, and o course greatly misled the slaveholdcrs. - We have had our conversation with the ubolitionists at least as loog as Mr. G. - perhaps a good deal longer. Our acquain tance with thom we thuik, too, is a goo deal moro exteimve ani thorough than his We should consideí ourselvesas brineintheir love of liberly and jusUce, 03 a principie, into gross dispnragement were wc lo represent ihem as willing to render aid to the Blavcholders in the ca6e supposed. Should a conflict ensue between the oppressor and the oppressed of the South - and tho probabiüty of it wilt be increased just in proportion as the South is encnuraged by promises of fureign aid, sach prumises as we foar, Mr. G. has given - should, we say, such a conflict ensuc, tbe pymptuhies of abolitionists must bc with the wronged, with tho oppre9öed, wh bocauae of their wrongs and the onprëssión under which they groan, strike for freedorn. ín all our largo acquaintance wilh abolilionists, we know not one, of whom we could say, his sympathies would be with the oppressor in such a conflict. - The con8litulional stipulation, by which the power of the Union is pledged for the suppression of every attempt that the most deeply wronged men on earth may thcmselves mnke for the recovery of their inalienablo rights - this too, when the govern ment of the Union is making no movement looking 10 their relief - carries with with it, because of the fundamental injustice, not a featner's weight of moral obligation - not more than would a süpulation to encouruge and forward the dishonoring of fathers and mothers, or lo connive ai murder, or rolbery, or theft, or perjury.- So abolitionis - 80 all just men, who think that God ought to be obeyed rather than mun, regard it. Consistently with this view they wil] act, if the occasion - which nothing but emanciparon can long deiay - should ever occur when they will be callcd to act. Let not, then, the slavc bveeders of Kentucky, or the slave-consumers of Mississippi take this opiate - that theabolitionists will, in any possible caee, become the military execulionora of theirCaptain Gabriela, thoir Denmark Vesey r Madison Waingtonp, that they wili iavo any, iho leas, ngency in tnanaclio; fresh their enslaved countrymeu who rise p agaD9t oppression with ten thousand mes more of provocation to excite thetn ïan our revoluiioaury falh'erB had,or thai jey will ever be found arrayed against ie banner under whicli theso same fathrs fought, on which they eee written in etters oí eternal sunlight, all men cheaTSD EQ.UAL; ENTITLED TO LIFE, LIBERTY, UR8UIT OF HAPPINES9; 8ELF EVIDENT RUTIISJ THE QIVT OF THB CrEATOR; INLIENABLE. No, never. If,then, negro whippersgo o sleep relying on the abolitionists to deend the frora their oulraged victime, leira will be the eleep of death. They ïave beon appealod to for ten years inces anlly, to ceaee from their wronga; Ürey re fully adtnonished; they musí girnrd nd defend tlicmsclvos agaiast tho Icguimate, the natural consequencee of thei wn inhuman syatem. The "Sontheru hivalry" hn8 often boasted of its unaideri Drowess: it mav soon have an ouportunitv