Mississippi Life
- They liave hfhtimes u'mong themembers of iho Legislature atJnckson. Challetiges have pissed, und refusals to filu have been followcd by "postÃn;" The corespomlent of Ithe Natchez Frea Trader, uixler date ot' tlio 15thsays: "Memhcrs are poing nboiit with doublé barrelled guns n their hnnds, and loaded down with other weapons. - Mr. J. S. Fall hns posted Mr. 'J'hompkins for not receiving a comrr.unication t'roni another, which he foore, and it wasapprchended that bulléis would settle this mitter in tho public stroets to day; butso far as this is concerned, no blood hns been spilt, and I sinceroly (rust fur the honor of Mississippi none wil!." New Orleans has 833 grng-shops of HifÃferont grade?, payiog for liccnscs $19S,100. 'i heir coöt to the city is estimsited l)v the "Bec"at Five Millions Tvvo Ilundrcd Thousand Djllars.