Murder Probe Begins to Stall
_ . _ _.= ' stabbed 'shot and raped in T h s Eastern M i c h 1 g an eniw Cougtyt gfflggt ugglsgg, House was in the hands of ggjstgg Zigihzggltié at car tothe
Communications Officer David Gray where_Pol1ce Chief Walter E. Krasny Northfiéld Township last Mom U _ A _t coed from P1 mouth atey _c_on ac e __ _ _nf police were labeled untrue by d _ E ro Ae this Qummer
ch` cli? tl? electronic Aran srgor :IEP hasig ordertgd iiciétid-u_p£;a;_tr‘o:sai1;o1;l:le day’ stm occupies a major part Wtgvtxsiged more than 5 dozen iuglécargties for additiona 1 or- _ Krasny ggi légere _uvagppostmaé-ked Sat;
eh °?ll1;eP3ll1etSqtllr?:Sn:hg 0ltl:1`SSt\S(S‘lY;ll0t; X; l;3(hY‘ 3; fl\Y0 Polelce' “nits are een: 0fHhe lmtbe. b lut 1 verified” times’ stored in ein earthdnthe1_ But ‘that balloon “teeny” blew Whi1edM§>i‘ Ihze?mf1En<§:1Ileni£1i urlelay flfthmooned h r ularl
The circle in the center of the map centratedinthe. campus area at vari- el as ecs&_3§ y S lar for several ays an 1 .en flat when_ a Wyoming, Mich., ;éreP§'eR _d t new her Bird ah er sail s ef eg hey
_ includes the main University campus ous times of thaday and night. A §§;1t1_;’3n;s8 ein me D353-hogsé §l_;_l;hP<;fl_ 3116 hxghgfeatif eigzeleé man, l:_V1lh&11r__hMcg;_?;_d2% aviglécg fa§`;I;r_ Jitlggpsia Oélggouncéd he iévsrt ciime ogg z;€n<;_haroI1j_x?1iver_
_ ' ' _ 9 1 B 9 _ 1 ' "
V at 416 S- Ashley St-, Chief Kras- thesrity last July 5. giganig sie; months, was arieest- ' was donating the $1,000 she was sity’s General Library. _
nysays- ` That murder is one of two in ed for the Gehring murder. to have used for 3 t1`1P~t0 “She used to te11_uS1 Every-
A Peuee leffieer saw her there the six which are Ann Arbor Kent County sheriff’s detectives Europe this summer to_ the body walks around here. What A
at that time although a seeend Police Department cases. ` said _Moritz had been dating Elniverséty) College of Arehltee- should! I io? Have th; Xllllih _
1‘eI>0rt that she WHS still at the o, Police Chief Miss Gehring. They called the ure an esign. me w_e11 80 S0rr1eW e ~
Depot House with foul' young K1-'1;;§ydai’)Ssp;§y Chief Harold case a “1over’s killing” with no _ The money is to be used as a _Iron1ca11y, _local officers say _
men et ztee em' the sane dey E. Olsdn and P r o se c utin g possible connection with the memorial in her name, Uhlyer- the_Federo1 Bureau of lhVeSt1'
is still being checked, _Krasny Attorney William F_ Delhgy 10¢s1»s1ayings_ _ i s1ty_author1t1es said. _ _ gation may yet. be asked to as-
- ef 'ee .iss an
The Milan stabbing Game Yes' would be necessary. of leads in the Ka om case con- age near _ , _ _ _ _ . f t' 1 _ t_
terday afternoon and sent_Sher- _ While the officials decslined to sinus to appear and to be pube articles to remind the grieving tips in out-o -s ate oca 1ons.
iff’s detectives, on edge from ---i**”
three days of frantic tipecheck-
ing, racing to the scene. _
t Sheriff Harvey says Richard
Mulligan, 29-year-old odd-jobs
laborer, walked into A & A Self-
Service Laundry, 34 Dexter St.
in Milan, about 1 p.m. and
l approached 15-year-old Gale A.
Without a word, Mulligan, a
Monroe resident Working in
Milan, whipped out a knife,
placed his hand over the girl’s
mouth and stabbed her in the
back near an arm pit.
Then ‘Mulligan released the
_girl and ran out the door of the
laundry business, dropping the
knife as he f1ed,~ Harveysays.
Lessf than an hour later,
Milan village police officers,
led by Acting Police Chief John
Tramontin, apprehended Mull-
igan as he hitchhiked south on
US-23 about three miles south
of Milan. He offered no resis-
tance and was not armed, Chief
Tramontin said. ‘
The chief noted the self-ser-
vice laundry is located in the
Monroe County section of Milan
and the Steinman girl walked to
the business place shortly
before 1 p.m. from her home
across Dexter St.
She was reported in “good”
condition today at St. Joseph
Mercy Hospital. Mulligan was
arraigned today before Ypsilan-
ti District Court Judge Edward
D. Deake on a charge of
assault with intent to murder. He
demanded examination, which
was set for June l9.'Mulligan
failed to post $50,000 bond.
In an interview with Sheriff
Harvey and Chief Tramontin,
Mulligan said he didn’t “know
what makes 'me do these
things . _ .” ,
“He said he couldn’t remem-
ber going into the laundry,”
Harvey said later. “He’s mixed
up, Says he could never hold a
job, is divorced.” H
But as far as Mulligan’s possi-
ble connection with the six
murders, the sheriff called it
“next to impossible.”
“This is “a different thing
entirely,” Harvey said after
conferring with Chief Tramon-
tin. “We’re talking about a dif-
ferent ball game.” '
The stream of useless leads
William B. Treml
Coed Murders
Crime & Criminals
Michigan Murders
Depot House
Police Investigations
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Edward E. Deake
Has Photo
Ann Arbor News
Old News
David Gray
John Norman Collins
Joan E. Schell
Alice Kalom
Walter E. Krasny
Joe Kalom
William Cahalan
Douglas J. Harvey
Donna Gehring
Elizabeth Kalom
William F. Delhey
Harold E. Olson
Robert C. Hendrix
William Moritz