
To publicize September Calendar events, send formatted listings by August 15th to AGENDA, 202 E. Washington 512, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104, (996-8018). Listings for more than five events must be sent to AGENDA on Macintosh disc. Send SASE if you want your disc returned.
FORMAT - Date, event, sponsor, time and place. One or two sentence description, fee, phone number.
Unless otherwise noted, all events listed in the CALENDAR are free and open to the public. All locations are in Ann Arbor unless otherwise noted.
1 Thursday
Paintings by Pedra Chaffers: U-M Arts & Programming thru 16 Fri, all day, Mich. Union Art Lounge. Elements of pattern, color and space inspired by masks and figures. 764-6498
Freedom on the River Rowing Program: Dept of Parks & Rec. thru October, M-F, 5 to 7:45 pm, Argo Park Livery, 1055 Longshore. Water recreation for the mobility impaired, $10 for 6 sessions per month. 662-9319
Rosier Players Vaudeville Show: Dept of Parks & Rec. 7 pm, Cobblestone Farm, 2781 Packard. The last of the old time tent shows, $3.50/$1.50 child. 994-2928
"Leaves of Grass": Performance Network 8 pm, 408 W. Washington. Walt Whitman challenges audiences to see and hear the universe - from a blade of grass to the voices of prostitutes and thieves. $9/$7 stud. and seniors. 663-0681
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 8 pm, 7339 Third, Detroit. A musical evening with Brendan Behan filled with foot-stomping, hand-clapping Irish folk songs by Kathleen Kennedy, $10-$22. 1-313-875-8284
Support Group: Gays and Lesbians, Older and Wiser (GLOW) Turner Geriatrie Clinic, 1010 Wall. For time 764-2556
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
2 Friday
Call In Show Replay!: Peace InSight 6:05 pm, A2 Comm. Access TV, Cable Channel 9, Meredith McGhan, author of "Jail Cell Hell" (AGENDA, July 1991) and Phyliss Ponvert discuss their participation in the "Peace Office" anti-Gulf War action that landed them in Wayne County Jail for five days this Spring. With people's lawyer Eric Jackson. 769-7422
Rosier Players Vaudeville Show: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 7 pm (see 1 Thur)
"Leaves of Grass": Performance Network 7 & 9:30 pm (see 1 Thur)
Buhr Pool Overnight: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 8 pm to 8 am, Buhr Park, 2751 Packard. Songs by the fire, swimming under the stars, games, movies, snacks and breakfast for kids 8-1 3, $12. 971-3228
The RFD Boys: The Ark 8 pm, 637 12 S. Main, $7.75/$6.75 mem. & stud. 761-1451
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 8 pm (see 1 Thur)
Oasis: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
Dance Jam: People Dancing 10 pm, People Dancing Studio, 111 Third St. Varied recorded dance music. Okay to bring own music and acoustic instruments. Smoke- and alcohol- free. Children welcome, $2. 665-7911
3 Saturday
Josh White Jr.: The Ark 8 pm, 637 12 S. Main, $10.75/$9.75 mem. & stud. 761-1451
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 5 & 9 pm (see 1 Thur)
Rosier Players Vaudeville Show: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 7 pm (see 1 Thur)
"Leaves of Grass": Performance Network 7 & 9:30 pm (see 1 Thur)
Book Release Party: ArtsGrowth 7:30 pm, Concept East II. Readings from "Gittin Down," a video profiling the book's Michigan prison authors, and an exhibition of drawings, paintings and fiber collages by prisoners from Huron Valley Women's Facility. 662-7407
"Lunar Octet": Polo Club Jazz & Blues 8 pm, 610 Hilton Boulevard. All ages. 761-7800
Oasis: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
4 Sunday
Harvey Reed: Bird of Paradise 11 am, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 2 & 7 pm (see 1 Thur)
"Leaves of Grass": Performance Network 7 & 9:30 pm (see 1 Thur)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm, First Congregational Church, 118 N. Adams, downstairs. 484-0456
Meeting: Ypsilantl Gay Male/Lesbian Alanon 7:30 pm, First Congregational Church, 1 1 8 N. Adams, upstairs. 484-0456
Harvey Reed Jazz Jam: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
5 Monday
Shamanic Journeying: Creation Spirituality 7:30 pm, Inter-Cooperative Education Ctr., 1522 Hill. Lin 677-3675
Open House for Lesbians & Gay Men: Gay Liberation Front 8:45 pm, Canterbury House, 218 N. Division. 763-4186
Bird of Paradise Orchestra: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
6 Tuesday
Delivery of Prosecution Requests to Mich. Attorneys General: Michigan Faith and Resistance 10 am, State Attorney General Frank Kelley's Office, Lansing, and 2 pm, U.S Attorney's Office, Federal District Court, Bay City. Join peacemakers and lawyers in delivering documents requesting the prosecution of the directors of Williams International Corporation and the commandants of Wurtsmith Strategic Air Command Base for their violations of the Nuremberg Principies and Geneva Conventions by agreeing to manufacture and deploy nuclear weapons. For carpool, call David Braun 662-9907
"Closets are for Clothes": Lesbian/Gay Radio Collective 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. News, announcements, interviews and commentary for the Lesbian, Gay and Bi communities. 763-3500
" A Celebration of Life, Peace and our Future": Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice and Others 6:30 to 9 pm, Gallup Park Picnic Shelters. (If it rains, go to Temple Beth Emeth/St. Clare's Episcopal Church, 2309 Packard.) Potluck picnic (bring own tableware); children's activities including Japanese paper folding, cooperative games, and lantern boat decorating; interfaith litany and traditional lantern boat launch. Entertainment: mime by Michael Lee, singing led by Elise Bryant, dances for led by Christopher Larkmoore. 663-1870
Downtown Development Tour: Homeless Action Committee 7 pm, Tally Hall, Liberty St. Lobby. Tour of development since 1950. Find out how conflicting business and community interests have shaped the size and character of A2's downtown area. 663-8261
Hiroshima Day: 45th Anniversary Commemoration: Peace InSight 7:05 pm, A2 Comm. Access TV, Cable Channel 9. A2's cultural and religious communities join to commemorate the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with songs, poems, stories and an interfaith prayer service. 769-7422
Paul Keller and Friends: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
7 Wednesday
Living With HIV Support Group: Wellness Networks-Huron Valley For those anywhere in the disease spectrum who want to focus on living well and maintaining a positive attitude. Call for time and location, 572-9355
Vigil for a Just Peace in the Gulf : Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice and Others 12:30 to 1 :30 pm, Federal Building at Liberty & 5th. Every Wed. since the U.S. sent troops to the Gulf. 663-1870
Wet/Wild Wednesdays: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 2 pm, Buhr Park Pool, 2751 Packard. 971-3228
"Womyn's Rites & Rhythms" 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. 763-3501
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 7 pm (see 1 Thur)
Dream Group: Creation Spirituallty 7:30 pm. Share dreams and their meanings. For location: John 665-3522
9-Ball Tournament: Billiards and Games Room 7:30 pm, 2nd floor, Mich. Union, $5. Betsy 766-1422
Meeting: Campus Amnesty International 8 pm, Dominick's, 800 Monroe. Meet informally to write letters for human rights. Cases provided. Bring pen and paper. 741-9736
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
8 Thursday
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 8 pm (see 1 Thur)
Kent May 4 Center Benefit: Positive Force-Akron 8:30 pm, Daily Double, 370 Orleans Ave., Akron, Oh. Proceeds benefit KM4C which promotes awareness of the Kent State shootings and nonviolent resolution of conflicts. With: Voyage from the Porch, In Fear of Roses, Four Coyotes, Alan Grandy and David Blewette, $3. (216) 678-5988
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
9 Friday
Car Caravan and Nagasaki Day Vigil at Williams International Corporation: Michigan Faith and Resistance 8 am. Documents requesting the prosecution of the directors of Williams International and the commandants of Wurtsmith Strategic Air Command Base will be delivered to County Prosecutors' Offices. Call David Braun for caravan info. 662-9907
Hiroshima Day: 45th Anniversary Commemoration: Peace InSight 6:05 pm (see 6 Tue)
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm, 408 W. Washington. Christopher Durang's play explores issues critical to survival in the '90s -AIDS, homelessness, and mental illness- as they occur in the daily life of two people, $9/$7 stud. and seniors. 663-0681
"Conversations wlth an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 8 pm (see 1 Thur)
Detroit All Star Reunion Jazz Band: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
10 Saturday
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 5 & 9 pm (see 1 Thur)
Revelling on the River: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 6:30 pm, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller. Jazz piano on the deck. Bring a picnic. 662-9319
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm (see 9 Fri)
Zoom and the Blue Diamonds: Polo Club 8 pm, 610 Hilton Blvd. 761-7800
Mustard's Retreat: The Ark 3 pm, 637 1/2 S. Main. Song, story, warmth and wit, $8.50/$7.50 mem. & stud. 761-1451
Detroit All Star Reunion Jazz Band: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
11 Sunday
Harvey Reed: Bird of Paradise 11 am, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
Living History Day: Dept of Parks and Rec. noon to 4 pm, Cobblestone Farm, 2781 Packard. Demos of butter churning, candle making and rug beating, $1.50/$.75 child & srs. 994-2928
Care of Caged Birds Clinic: Humane Society of Huron Valley 2 to 4:30 pm, Ann Arbor Dog Training Club, 1575 E. N. Territorial Rd., one mile east of U.S. 23. Topics will include choosing birds, proper housing, bird nutrition and health care, $ 2 don/under 12 free. Sally 662-5545
"Conversations with an Irish Rascal": Attic Theatre 2 & 7 pm (see 1 Thur)
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 6:30 pm (see 9 Fri)
Action Meeting: Washtenaw County Women's Action for a New Direction 7:30 pm, St. Aidan's Northside Church, 1679 Broadway (across from Baits Dr. entrance to N. Campus). 662-2475
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm (see 4 Sun)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian Alanon 7:30 pm (see 4 Sun)
Harvey Reed Jazz Jam: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
12 Monday
Shamanic Journeyling: Creation Sprirituality 7:30 pm (see 5 Mon)
Open House for Lesbians & Gay Men: Gay Lib. Front 8:45 pm (see 5 Mon)
Bird of Paradise Orchestra: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
13 Tuesday
16th Michigan Womyn's Music Festival thru 18 Sun. Between Hart and Ludington. SASE to WWTMC, P.O. Box 22, Walhalla, Ml 49458.(616)757-4766.
"Closets are for Clothes": Gay Radio Collective 6 pm (see 6 Tue)
"Radioactive Waste in the Great Lakes": Peace InSight 7:05 pm, A2 Comm. Access TV, Cable Channel 9. Environmental activist Mary Sinclair discusses the history of nuclear activism, the nuclear compacts, and her own involvement in stopping the Midland Nuclear Reactor.769-7422
Meeting: Amnesty Int'l Group 61 7:30 pm, Mich. Union, check room # at desk. Activities to protect human rights and free prisoners of conscience around the world. 761-1628
Meeting: Washtenaw Citizens for Animal Rights 7:30 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. 665-2480
Paul Keller and Friends: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm. 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
14 Wednesday
Vigil for a Just Peace In the Gulf : Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice and Others 12:30 pm (see 7 Wed)
"Womyn's Rites & Rhythms" 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. 763-3501
African-Based Spiritual Traditions: Open Arches & Girlfrenzy 7:30 pm, ICC Education Center, 1522 Hill. Nisi Shawl describes elements shared between African- American spiritual practices and those based on European, Native American, Eastern and other cultures. 663-3773
9-Ball Tournament: Billlards and Games Room 7:30 pm, 2nd floor, Mich. Union, $5. Betsy 766-1422
Meeting: Campus Amnesty International 8 pm (see 7 Wed)
Eek-A-Mouse: Prism Productions 9 pm, Alvin's, 5756 Cass, Detroit, $7.50 advance. 99-MUSIC
Flat Duo Jets with Chickasaw Mudd: Prism Productions 9:30 pm, Blind Pig, 208 S. First, $7.50 advance. 99-MUSIC.
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
15 Thursday
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
16 Friday
Heritage Festival Jazz Competition: WEMU 89.1 FM 3 pm to 12:30 am, Jazz Tent, Depot Town, Ypsi. Aspiring jazz musicians and vocalists will gain huge exposure in this three-day festival. Each night of free music will end with a dance party with: The Conquerroots Blues Band on Fri., The Howling Diablos on Sat., and Impacto Nuevo on Sun. Inexpensive, authentic Mexican food available on Sat. and Sun. 487-2229
Housecleaning Record Sale: WEMU 89.1 FM 4 to 11 pm, Ypsilanti Farmer's Market, Depot Town, Ypsi. The prices will start at $4 for records and compact discs and drop to 2-for-$1 by the end of the weekend. 487-2229
"Radioactive Waste in the Great Lakes": Peace InSight 6:05 pm (see 13 Tue)
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm (see 9 Fri)
13 Engines: Prism Productions 9 pm, Alvin's, 5756 Cass, Detroit, $5 advanoe. 99-MUSIC
Bill Heid Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
Dance Jam: People Dancing 10 pm (see 2 Fri)
Housecleaning Record Sale: WEMU 89.1 FM 11 am to11 pm (see 16 Fri)
Heritage Festival Jazz Competition: WEMU 89.1 FM noon to 12:30 am (see 16 Fri)
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm (see 9 Fri)
Bugs Beddow Quartet: Polo Club 8 pm, 610 Hilton Blvd. 761-7800
Bill Heid Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
18 Sunday
Harvey Reed: Bird of Paradise 11 am, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
Housecleaning Record Sale: WEMU 89.1 FM noon to 6 pm (see 16 Fri)
Heritage Festival Jazz Competition: WEMU 89.1 FM noon to 6 pm (see 16 Fri)
Meeting: Parents-FLAG/Ann Arbor 2 pm, King of Kings Lutheran Church, 2685 Packard. 763-4186
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 6:30 pm (see 9 Fri)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm (see 3 Sun)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian Alanon 7:30 pm (see 3 Sun)
Harvey Reed Jazz Jam: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
19 Monday
Shamanic Journeying: Creation Spirituality 7:30 pm (see 5 Mon)
Open House for Lesbians & Gay Men: Gay Liberation Front 8:45 pm (see 5 Mon)
Bird of Paradise Orchestra: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
20 Tuesday
"Closets are for Clothes": Gay Radio Collective 6 pm (see 6 Tue)
"Sandstorm in the Gulf ": Peace InSight 7:05 pm, A2 Comm. Access TV, Cable Channel 9. Washington analysts discuss regional security, arms control, the Arab-Palestinian and Israeli Conflict on the Gulf War. Video made by the Center for Defense Information. 769-7422
Paul Keller and Friends: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
21 Wednesday
Living With HIV Support Group: Wellness Networks-Huron Valley (see 7 wed)
Vigil for a Just Peace In the Gulf: Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice and Others 12:30 pm (see 7 Wed)
"Womyn's Rites & Rhythms" 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. 763-3501
Dream Group: Creation Spirituality 7:30 pm. Share dreams and their meanings. For location call John. 665-3522
9-Ball Toumament: Billlards and Games Room 7:30 pm, 2nd floor, Mich. Union, $5. Betsy 766-1 422
Meeting: Campus Amnesty International 8 pm (see 7 Wed)
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
22 Thursday
Etta James: Prism Productions 8 pm, Clubland, 2115 Woodward, Detroit. "Feel Like Breaking Up Somebody's Home," $18.50. 665-4755
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
23 Friday
"Sandstorm in the Gulf": Peace InSight 6:05 pm (see 20 Tue)
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm (see 9 Fri)
Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
24 Saturday
Belle Isle Rainbow Picnic: Ann Arbor Rainbow Family For time and location call 761-4243
Revelling on the River: Dept. of Parks & Rec. 6:30 pm, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller. Folk music with Reynolds and Hough on the deck. Bring a picnic. 662-9319
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 8 pm (see 9 Fri)
Suzanne Lane: Polo Club 8 pm, 610 Hilton Blvd. 761-7800
Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
25 Sunday
Harvey Reed: Bird of Paradise 11 am, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
"Laughing Wild": Performance Network 6:30 pm (see 9 Fri)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm (see 4 Sun)
Meeting: Ypsilanti Gay Male/Lesbian Alanon 7:30 pm (see 4 Sun)
Harvey Reed Jazz Jam: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley. 662-8310
26 Monday
Shamanic Journeying: Creation Spirituality 7:30 pm (see 5 Mon)
Open House for Lesbians & Gay Men: Gay Liber-ation Front 8:45 pm (see 5 Mon)
Bird of Paradise Orchestra: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
27 Tuesday
Live Call-ln Show: Peace InSight 7:05 pm, A2 Comm. Access TV, Cable Channel 9. 769-7422
"Closets are for Clothes ": Gay Radio Collective 6 pm (see 5 Tue)
Paul Keller & Friends: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
28 Wednesday
Vigil for a Just Peace in the Gulf: Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice and Others 12:30 pm (see 7 Wed)
"Womyn's Rites & Rhythms" 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. 763-3501
9-Ball Tournament: Billiards and Games Room 7:30 pm, 2nd floor, Mich. Union, $5. Betsy 766-1422
Meeting: Campus Amnesty International 8 pm (see 7 Wed)
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
29 Thursday
Ron Brooks Trio: Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm 207 S. Ashley, $3. 662-8310
30 Friday
Call-ln Show: Peace InSight 6:05 pm (see 27 Tue)
Johnny O'Neal: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310
31 Saturday
Johnny O'Neal: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310