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AGENDA welcomes letters. Please send your comments, opinions, and criticisms to: AGENDA Editor, 220 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104.

Kudos on Election Coverage I am a long-time AGENDA supporter but wanted to single out your recent election coverage for special commendatlon. Eric Jackson's "Voting for Judges" (Oct. 1992) was an excellent guide to the judicial races, many of whlch were tough choices this year. By giving candidate strengths and weaknesses without endorsements, he allowed each reader to choose based on hls or her own priorities.

"AGENDA'S Poll Picks" (Nov. 1992) was both comprehensive and perceptive and a tremendous asset for those who were not able to study the entire ballot. I really llked the way you stratified the different races, wlth endorsements ranging from very strong support to "none of the above." Many progressive people and publications totally ignore elections because of their obvious limitatlons. But most of us end up voting most of the time anyway and your articles struck a realistic balance. I have heard supportive comments from others about the election coverage also. Hopefully such coverage can be a regular feature for future electoral cycles. Keep up the good work!


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