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Send letters by the 21st day of the month preceding publication of our next Issue to: Editor, AGENDA, 220 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. Please include your address and phone number (not for publication). AGENDA reserves the right to edit or reject any letter. We give preference to letters under 400 words.


Alan Goldsmith has been untiringly hyping Kari Newhouse for eight years in Current, and continĂșes to do so now in AGENDA. The intensity and duration of Mr. Goldsmith's obsession with Ms. Newhouse paired with his obvious inability to render anything vaguely resembling objectivity when writing about her rather modest talents raises the question in this reader's mind of whether Mr. Goldsmth's interest in the attractive, golden haired young songstress may go beyond the strĂ­ctly musical.

But my main beef with Mr. G. is his apparently non existent understanding of the true alternative underground music scene and its attendant youth subculture. Seeing as how we live in a vibrant university community with roughly 40,000 literate (one hopes!) young adults, it seems negligent on AGENDA'S behalf not to employ the resources of a music critic that is a bit more attuned to what's really going down musically at either the local (the beautifully dark and textured sounds of the trio Perplexa, for instance) or national level. I mean no offense to Mr. G. personally, for he seems to be a very kind and caring soul - he's just out of touch. And both AGENDA, which touts itself as being an "alternative" publication, and its readers, deserve more than histired, breathless declarations of admiration for a singersongwrrter of trite, mainstream pop muzak.

Roland Diaz-Perez



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