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Resolutions On The Death Of Charles Slingerland

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vhcrea$, It h3 ueasud an inscrutable Providence to remove from among us, as it irere by a thunderbolt and in thetwinkling of an cye, our friend and comrade, Chales Slix (erla.m), ia the morning of lite, and the vigor of his manhood and usefulness ; therefore, be it Resolved, That in the death of our frieud nd comrade, Charles Slinukuland, we have lost a companion and the cominuni'y a citiren, whose sincenty of purpose, probity and indu.'try endeared him to erery ono who knew him. and bound !üni to us, his companicns, by Uob and memories which the eon-oding el ements of tima will be unable to erase or diminish. Retohtd, That Ihe raysterious hand of Denth, by removing from arnon? us our comrirde, has made a void in our ranks which we can scnrcely hope ever to fill, and depnved u of one who wns ever prompt and faithful in the discharge of evcry du'ty and responsibiUty imposei on him. Retolvd, That we present to the family of our deceased comrade, and eipeciaHy to those of them whose comfort and happiness was lus special ear and solicitudu while living, our sincere sympathy and condolence- that true sympathy of the heart, whieli alone, of all human gencies, is efficaeioua in healing the wounds made by the arrows of affliction. Ritolrxd, That a copy of these resohitions be presented to the family of the deceased, as a feebl token of ihe high esteem we have ever eutertained for him. Rtto'ved, That the Conmiittee of this company cause a eopy of these resohilions to be publiahed in the city papers. O. WEBS'lER, Chairman of Com. EiS öbo. V. Wasiiburn, convictcd at the recent term of the Circuit Court of this county, of manslaughter, was senteneed to confinement in the State Prison for twelve years. Thus intemperate habits and unbridled pagfions bave sent a wife and mother to premature grave, and a husband and father to a dtingoon. 'EST Messrs. Loomis & Talbott have lid on our table a volume titled the "Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti City Directory, for 1860." Itisawell printed volume, but has evidently boen compilted with such baste, and by strangers. that it is f uil of imperfections, not to sy blunders. A directory to be valumble should opproximate to correetness, nd if the publishers design an nnnuil cdition they should procure the revising of manscripts nd proof by a competent resident. Suffcrcr from Sorafaln .,,„1 Scmfuio,,, nBffctionii, cl.inup! Whj irear jour l'imploa, Hlotclie.i, Ulcln, Sonst Why IJtve your 1 fe twhtM out of youby I)_vsr'pi,Rhumatira nd Gout :- Vhy suller Syj.hiliptic aud Mercurial (üscageü to rot the bonea n your body or the fttth trom oñ your bon'? V]iy let your auíÍKh blood dmg and icittor ts distempers Ibnragi] yn-.nTtinu? Aïti's Cr. Ex'T of riarsapanlln ciusb Untt ■pliitn , and eleADMt them out of tliu %jlAia. L'seit iully and jou bnug to KOCtaty a hoaltjiiür, cleaiilier, "L' moro acceptuble member .-Dtmocrat Baltmiorc, Ma'ld. &" V.understand that there was ihtTh out at wiiitmre Lake n ■ a'l'teverybody enjoyed themeolve. hugely. Thtatiün by L. D NoMls -q.. Ja bighly couiriHlea.