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As it will soon be timo to issue calis for the several Senatorial and Representalivo Conventions wo havo reíerrod to our files for the liamos oi tlio scvoral district committoes,. and Cud Üiarn a foljowg; 8 Senatorial Dist.Y, II, Hawkins. B, 8, Xnhr-tt T_ L Huraphrgville, 0h Senatorial Dist. - P. Winegar, M. J. Spencer, P. C. Murray. lst Repr'senlative Dist. - Not known. 2d- N. B. xye, P. Vinegar, J. J. Parshall. 3d- E. S. Northrup, W. 8. Alien, ílull Goodyear, 4th - W. A. Jones, J. J. Robison, Ilon ry Goodyear. It will be well for thc several Tcwnship Comrnittecs ia calling caucuses to send delegates to the County Nominating Convention to provide for electing Senatorial and Representativo delejatos at the saine time. iJ ' Wbero the carcass is there are lio vul tures," ia a payiug that has long X'en considered to speak soine little truth, Applying it politically, we may say that just now there is consideraba of an inclinatin among our republi. can frionds to gather around the " fat caruasses" supposed to be stored in the i'robnte and Sliorift office. ín counecion with the nomination for the former office vvo have heard euggested the ñames of our legal,logical, and statistical friend, E. C. Skaman, Esq., author of 'The Progrese of Natious," correspondent of Hunfs Mvrchant' 's Magazine," ' Lcetureron Law," and Editor of the Journal, somotimes facetiously called 'the leading republican paper in the county;" Counsellor Green-, of Ypsianti ; Counsellor Ninde of the same City ; Counsellor James B. Gott, of his City, and Counsellor Crane, of taxter; the thee sformer being regarded is the prominent candidatos. For Sheriff i score or loss of names are mentioned, among them, Ex-Sheriff Mead, of this Dity - Justiee Spalding, ditto; .Ex-doeated candidato for Sheriff, Thomas lexander, Jr.; C. II. Wam,acb, Esq., of Saline, who wanted to be a candidato in 1858, but was "sold out" ia convention, as the suceessful candidate was it the eloution ; Ex-Doputy Sheriff' ?itzíerai.i, ot Manchester; and Jameb M. Ciiidkster, of Ypsilanti. There may be othor hopoful gontlemon, and if so we will announco their names hereïfter. jy Knox College, of Illinois, in the ibuadanco' of its gonerosity, has con'errod tho degree of LL. D. on Aduah am Lincoln. "We suppose that in as mach as Mr. Lincoln isgenorally admitted lo bo only a second or third rate awyer these initials cnunot stand for Doctor of Laws, but must be suscepti3le of some other rendering. We ïave road of tho suffix M. D. admitting ;he humble wearer to first clasa cabin Faro on a Missssippi steamer as Physician to one of the Mexican war regi ments, but which was correctly read "Mule Driver;" and so this LL. D., may utter both a physical and a political truth, and stand for "Long Legged Demagogue." lff" Just now a littlo bit of a war is being wagod botween several of the republican papers of tho State concern - ing tho Auditor General and his distributiou of the tax advertising. The Port Huron Press, St. Clair Republican, East Saginaw Enterprise and Saginaw Republican are among the partios to the war, and charges and countercharges fly back and forth without stint. Well, "when rogues fall outhonestmen will got thoir dues," and we may look for some rich oxposureb. GF" Tho Advertís tr of Wednosday devotes its leader to the purposo of showing that Douolas is in favor of froe trade, and thorefore ought not to be eloctod. Will it not givo us a leader defining the position of its candidate for Congress in this district? In abandoning tho Democratie patry did he also abandon his "freo trade herosios," or does he yet hold thoin, as do the massof tho democratic-republicans who claim to still stand by the democratie creed in all things? We waita reply t The repubücau papers are chron icling votos on the cars, and eloct Lin colm evory tima. This is an old trick and in 1852 it elected Scotï, and ii 1856 Frümont, but m both campaigns tho people electyd sumu one else. - Car votos iimy be just as loliablo uow