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A Sensible Letter From A Sensible Man

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neer and a leader in the American party, has written a letter to Hon. Sanford E. Ohurch, declaring for Douglas. Tl e document is so brief aud directly to tl. e point, that we give it entire : Piekmont, N. Y., July 6, 1860 Hon. Saxfoed E. OauBOK, Albion, K. Y.: My Dear Sih - Allow ine to congratúlate you upon tho nomiuatiou of your favorito candidato, Hou. Stephen A. Douglas, for the Presidency - aud to say that I have long since made up my niind to support him in the eveut of his noniiuation. I did not approve of the repcal of the Missouri eomproniise, but the restrietiou having been repealcd, and the moasure sanctioned by the American people, I am now firm in the belief that the only truc courso to pursue, in order to avoid the constant, and to me disgusting, agitation of this eternal questiou, both in and out of Congress, is not only to allow, but compel, the people of the 'respective States and Territorios to sottle it among themselves, and to perinit neither Congress nor tho Executive to interefere in any manner whatever. This I understand to be popular sovereignty as expounded by Judge Douglas. It appears to me that, since I first began to pay attontion to politics, at least three-fourths of the time of each session of Congress, and probably uine-tenths of evcry political speech that bas been made throughout the country by the stumpers of all partios, have been devoted to tliisprolitiu theme ; aud the only practical result that I am able to discover is the orgauization of two great sectional partios, one for the North and one for the South, whose antagomsm are so bitter that each would pretor the dissolution of the Union to the success of the other. I could not conscientiously act or vote with the great democratie party, in whose hands the people, during several administrations, have placed the general government, so long as it was completely subject to the caprice and dictation of the radical men of the South. But now that it occupies the only practicable and conservative ground upon which the North and South can nicot as friends, aud where neither the arbitrary dictation of the Executive, nor the ambitious or revolutionary schomes of designing politicians (whether in or out of Cougress,) can interpose this element of discord between them, I feel that it is the duty of every conservativo and Union loving man to give his hearty support, and save the couutry, if possiblc, from the danger of being governcd by ei ther of the extreme faetions, North or South. I have known Judge Douglas long and well, and have ahvays regarded him as a statesman of great ability and iutegrity. If the Ameaican people, by their votes, b'hould, as I sinoerely hope and believe they will, elévate him to the highest office in their gift, I have no doubt that his administration will provo more peaceful, euergetic, and successful than auy that have gone before it ; aud that our resources will become more fully devoloped, and our institutions more ft'rmly established, than thoy over yet have been. Vniirn verv trulv. S. SEYMOUR. Van Buren, Ark., July 14. The overland mail coach, with San Francisco papers of June 25th and teleraph advices of 26th, arrived here at 10:30 tbis morning, bringing six through passengers. Tlic affairs of Browster & Co. and jther business houses that failed, are gtill subject to general discussion. The long expected pony expresa, with 3t. Louia datos to June 9th, arrived it Carson Valley the evening of the 23d, irill rcach Sau Francisco tonight. The prospect of rc-establishing the enterprise an a permanent basis is a matter of general congratulation. The Suprcme Court, on the 23d, rondered a decisión adverse to Peter Smitlrs title to real estáte in San Francisco, except to boach and water lots, which are confirmed. Many millions of property will be affected by this decisión. It is favorable to aettlers in the neighborhood uf San Francisco, and destructivo to the Bchemes of real estáte speculators in various towus in the State. The steamer Uncle Sam is advertised to sail for Panama on the 30th, carrying the New York and other eastern mails. Gapt. E. Pendleton, who wasconvictod last year of cruelty to seamen on boartl the bark Sarah Park, on tho voyage from Liverpool to Saa Fraucisco, has been discharged from custody, liaving served out lns term of onc years imprisonment in the connty, and paid $175 fine. Official returns from the Oregon Elections, give Shiold Domocrat, member of Congre88, seventy majority. The stcanicr Colunibia arrived on the '2'od uit., bringing accounts from Cresceut City and northern counties, and states that tho oxcitenient continuos regarding the new Copper mines. The Pony expres.s will not be dispatclied this week, as it is impossible to reconstruct stations so tsoou. Possibly, by llic latter part of next week, it will resume its resalar trips.