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GrRENVILLE & FuLLIR, H AVINO thDiwIvM ft th parpóse of dcaÜTig in Ihc VMriniis utifllfli in the Lhug tradw, ffer for talo a full Msortmeut of Puro and Genuino Medicines, rVincs, Noti and Ittor PftpWj .iipinis, kr:.t Viuiov vilicles, ' 'erfamery, FUivnring Kxtracts, t ,'ouibs, Kaber's ï'oncilsf !fu-lis Arnold'a luk. t Inir Djes, Popular Patent Medicines, ! Jiiyne.s', Ai;uns' I.ivrr RfclMiD) Avers', Ilt'rttettcr's Bitters, , [ollowara, Hooflanda Germán Bitters trown's 'l'mcln'5, Townsends mul fïryant's l'ulmonmy Iïfikam, GuyROtt's ííarsaprillíi. ] 1 PA1NTS, OILS, (4LASS, feo., &c. Zinc, Varuiftlics, Patent Dryer, Bftwril ïreenf Borning Fluid, QuBpJüiM, Tilden Fluid Extracta, Bagar Cítd P1U, and (iranules. N. lï. Preacriptiona eompoanded with neatness and diniiiitcli by xiterienced persons. O. GREVY1IXE, JOHN T. FULLER 742. t Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It ia a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substanees of stil] greater alterative power as to afford an effcctive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla ia reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will Bccomplish their cure must prove of immensa service to this large class of our afflicted fellowcitizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many i of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - ScROFULA AND ScROFULOUS CoMPLAIWTS, Erottioxs and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Kheum, ScALD HuAD, SyFHILIS AND SyPHIMTIC AfTECTI0N8, Mercurial Disease, Dropst, Neuralgia or Tic Doüloureux, Debility, Dyspepsia and Indigestión, Erysipelas, Rosh ok St. Anthony's Fire, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Impurity oï the Blood. - This compound will be found a great promoter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the ' ly expulsión of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to ' rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impuritie bursting through the skin in pimples, eruption% or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will teil you when. Even where no particular disorder i is feit, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of Ufe disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later somethina must go wrong, and the great machinery ol life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug ' alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mLiled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curativo properties whatever. Henee, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has become eynonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we calí this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply sucli a remedy as sliall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have gjound for j believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is ' ed to cure. In order to secure their complete ! eradication from the system, the remedy should ' be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Prlce, $1 per Bottle j Slx Bottle for $9. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that i it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant us throughout this secdon, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, TOB THE CTTBE OP "■ Coitiveness, Jaundice, Vyspepsia, Indigestión, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erisipelas, Ileadache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Solt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pili, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensitive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Prico 26 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00, Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of those j remedies, but our space here will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below namcd furnish gratis our American Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the abovo complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparatiotos they make more profit on. Detnand Ayer's, and take no others. The sick ] want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedios are for sale by ïiiuanu jif,nMJS(6 WISON.and by all Druggists nnd Dealers evt:r where. J. BURRILL, Tiav'eling Agent. R EMOVAL ! O". II uñk. 3XT Gr STER 3EH l II AS FOK A SHORT TUCE REMOVIÍD [NÏO W,n.ALLABTS SHOE STORE, until li e can go back iuto lus own Buii'Iiny: which hc la qow buUéinf . uk) woul'i be happy to tee hia old frifnils and cuntomftrH. N. B. Ice Cream by thp (jalloit eau be enpplled t pu tiec at a short notice. J. HANQSTERFKR. Aun Arbór, March 1", 1860. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. BI) a I i T JYtWIP"TiTi ' 1 BiLAÜn As tperieni Btomchic preptration ofIBON pnrinfid ín )xyií'ii aml Carbón l.v coraUuitioo m Hv.lrorjn. Sane, loneri by tbe higheaí Medical Aathoritle, bathiaKu ope m tho l'uited 9ttts, ati-l praaeribed in tJií-ir pi uciet1 The oxpencnco of thmiMndfl daiiy prove tltat un prtipl rat ion o f I ron can lie e.i mpruvd wHh i. Inipuriíion if the blooá, depressiuns of vital enery, pa!e and othervise siekly complexión indícate iH uecesnlij iu a'moat vi'ry concoivable case. tsOOXtous In all inaladies in which It ha ben trifd, tan provL'il absolutely curfttive iu oach oí Ihu Mlowiujf :omplants, tíz: Iit Oellliy, Píervous AfTectlons Km.i lailmi !-) jisia, Constipa! Ion, DIarrhoca, Djrsente. ry, Iiiclplotit ConsiunpttDn, Scrofulijus Tu IwrcwlofeU, Salt Rheutn, Mismtnatruatiort, Whüe,; Uhiorosit, Livcr Gomplahits, Ckrtmir, Hadncbr, Rhrit ttarism, IitttrmiUr.n', Fevers, Pimples on the Farr,, fcc., lucae of Chxkkai.1 Emi.nv, Wnether tho reult of acut lisease, or of the continued rtiininution of nervous aml muscular fnergy froni cbronfo cnmjiUiints, ene Irial of thíi rt-storative has proveí huccos.síuI to un extent which no doscriptioii nur frrittoD attcstítti'ni wo:iW ren:1er oredible. mraltda o loog bed rirldyn s to liavc hucorne forgotton in their oavii neiphborhooda, have sudlonly re appearrd in the buy world as if jiiht retumed frnin protijictd travel ina distant lanl, í-onie ri'rv si. nal infltancí'tí of this kind are attestedof fomalp fluffcrtr., pmacíiitf.d victima of apparent inarasinus, Bangulneons px lia ustión, criticiil changet, and that ccniplicat.ou of nrrvons and dyspi'ptic aversión to air and exeixise for whioh the physician has no name. In NTKitvor Afpeitioxh of all kinds, and for reaons familitir to medical men, the operation of this pri-parntion of ítod nmfitnccefsarily benalutury, for, uulike the nld oxides, it is vigorousiy tonic, without bciiiíy e.xciting and overheating; and gently, rcgiilarlv fi]erhMit, even thf obstinate caKc of eo.tiveitfr'M itUoat evi-n biug a g;iit]-ic j)urgative, or inlüeting a cüsagrtQftblt aesaton. It is this Í;ttter property, among others, which makes it so emflrknbty eifectual and pennanont a remedr for liles, upon which it also appeaiH to t-xtrt adistioci aA p' ciñe action by dipersing the local tundeney which foiiu them. In DvsrKisM. innumerable u ore lts eauaes, singlo box of these ChiLlybeato Pffla have often sufficod fot the habitual casta, including tho attendcut Coatíesness. In nm-hocked DiABBHfEA, even when advanoeil fn Dysmtery eonfirmed, emaciaLing and apparently nialignunt, the IFects havmg hoen equally decittlve and aHtonmhing In the local pains. loafl of flshand sltvnglii, dibilitating eoujfh, and rcmittwnt hectic, wblcft gfíicra lly indícate I'K'ipient ConsumptioH, in seveml very grutifying aud lnterttng iutnnees. In Scrofuhus Tuherr.uohix, thffl medicatoil Tron Iihb hari far more than fte good eftecta of the naosi t-atitiously balanced preparations oí iodine, withtiut any of heir well known líabilities. The atWntion nf GnaAlM eirmot be too coufiíl.'nily Invitad to this remedya,nd restoraiïce iu the cai pL-culiarly affi-rting them Iu Rheumatism, hoth chronifi and fuflammatory - in 1lie latter, however, muro decidcdly - it hu boen imariably wcll reportad, both as atluviating ]i in aiiil nlucing tlu1 BwelHngaand itiffiwiwof tho jomtn ud niusecls. ln I nt a-minen t Fevers it mtut necpwarily boa great rcmedy and energftie restorative, and its progress intlie nW setHementn of the West, wíll probabíy bo une of Jiigh renown and usefulness. No raioedy has ever bcn dtscorweq m the wholohiítory of melicine, whieh exertf stieh pvompt, hapjty, and tullj rMtortlve ffeot. Öood appetite, ccnnplety dlgestfok, rvjii'l aoquWtíoD of streogtli, wtth rh dlepositlofi for active an-1 chetuful exrete, imined!ate,ly folio w ita use. Put up in noat flat raefal hoxog coniftinins l"60 pilh, price RO wnta peí box; for sale hy diroggista and dealers. Will be sent freeto any addn1 on roeeipt of the prict. All letters, orden, Mc , ahould beaddrMeed to B. íi. LOCK K,üi 'o , General Ageot. 477yl 339 ííroadway,N. Y. A NewJÍBRIVAL -ofBoots ftixd Sliocs Of all dMcriptiuus, and wil! le SOXd O H E! Ï. X 3B n THAN C.4.V BE BOÜGH'J IN Tliis City. aIso a larga assortment o' Of all kinds made in the inent Fashiouable 8 t y l e s BT OOOS ANIl EXPER1ENCED WOÜKMEN, -ounFRENCfl CALF EOOTS are NOT SUSFISBBD tlií.; síde of NtwYodt City, and are warinnted not to mr. Our STOGASAND KIPSt, are made of the best meteríais Om1 itoefc of Morocco il o o t e e s ror lAdioft i. thfl beel in towa, irit hala orwithoul We Make t Order, andoarer mis of svrwttí the first r iine so give usa oall and we wül ahow yon tairatock free of charge Weliave mepxed the swicefl of twn Kx perienced Journeyiuen. wlio &a oarmending Ín ihc Bfeat est Alatmer, wad on ihortesi ootíoa Our motto i w Quïck Sales and Smal! Prpflts. Thankful for past fa vors wc hope bypajtsf stiífli ítten tinnto our büsliUBB to merit a liberal hare of your pauouap' for ttio luture. lU'membf r we are not to be nndciotd. ""Í4.& MDORE & LOOMIS Ann Arbor Marble WorVs. W. F. Spalding, & Co,, TT AVE on hand a fine a-iforimout of Amoiican and ITA L I A N MA BLE which they are prepared to manufacture futo MONUMENT S. tí E AD TON ES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOP& Ae., fec.f Ac, are, Ín all their vnrictien, nnd in a WuRKMAMJKK tnasmer. Haring had considerable xperience in tlif hnninifi they flatttT tliem.solvof that thfy will be ahit to pleasi' all who may fatr tlicm with their order?. Tluir pricos LOW AS THE LOWEST, rilóse wlahtny any thlng in their hu ure rri'ootrully in-itpd tn cal! '. '?. SPAL1JING,! o. ■ Avhor. Aun. 12, 1859. 707 ' y sïlvëbTflating rpHE 8ÜB8CWBER m now prppartd to do all kindi of Silvor, nl-o to i'plt HPO0Ng,FORK8,TRAY8,CASTERS,BUTrEKKNIVESéic On thn the nliortoat Dotloe, Pi ion reaHomiblo. Orden m.i v bo hit, oitlior al thp i-esulenco of tin Rnbsoritwr, (Oue door not-tli of the Old Aca'lemy,) m nt Woodrutl tí Spei'ry's Raroiuoter lÑutuiy . W.M M DAVK Aun Arbnr, .Tuno 1-ttli 18(10. 752iu3 WAÍIITF.NAW COUNTY-I t'iEHK's Ornen, Juaa -jot ii - 1880; ) NOTICEia lierchr sica, to th TowBhipClerkofld comitv. thït oopiw if tb Report of Puparlninidaniof Poblio Inatruction for thp yct 188, hw i-n reoelrodat tlis ntiicr, and are reo fat aiatrlbutlon. Tmvnhip el kn will plr:t ■' c:i!l atlil (ibtilin t1-1" tanit1, t be distrlbuted to Mhooi distrii-tin the sevral townsbipo, 8w76ï KiiHKIfl'.i n.u:iiV. HUBBARD'S PATENT EAKVESTEK! LOOMIS & TRIPP ,,i rciviii'.; fi numl'i'i '■) the abor BiaohiBO 'hieh Üj invité thfl F'armen fco salí amé i iwsBkká }..lnrr purchaning, as we are conQdcnt theytire tliw bt st in Ann Arbor, May -'S, 8wT49