White Clover

Pcrhaps thero 13 no plant more umversally diatributed over the earth than white clover. It is found, or may be found in almost every field that hns been in cttltivation. Where the soil is pooi-, or othcrwiso not adaptad to its growth, it is still present, but so small, and grows so flat under the grosser herbage that covers the ground, that it is not perceptible without a critical exaniiuation. _ Heuec, upon brcaking up and manuring sueh soils. a gpoutaneous erop of whito oiover sprtngé up whore it was never observcd beforo and without any supply óf seed. - This has sometimos led to strange conclusions in regard to the plant ; many persons erröneously supposing that it origin ated.from the application of ashes or m&f) aud without tho intorveutioü of seed. '' 'The stmeture of the white clover is quite peculiar. It has the pereuuial root - differing in this respect from othor species of clover - and tho central root strikes to a considerable depth in the sou, thoreby euabliug it to resist the cffects of the sevcrest droughts, partieularly on sandy soils. The branches that trail on the surface, send down librous roots fi-om tho joints, which penétrate but a littlo way into the ground. Henee it is that the plant maturos itsclf in soils oi very opposite natures - for if tho surface bc too dry to afford nourishment to its branches, the principal root preserves it; and wheu the tonacity or retentiveness oi the soil in wet weather is great enough to destroy tho main root, the fibers of the runners preserve the vitality of the plant. From this habit of growth, top dressings are found to promote its deveíopmeut in an oxtraordlnary degree. - When the soil does not furnish food adapted to its wants it seldom risos to a head, and the fery small leaves lie so close to the ground that even its présense is not always suspeeted. But when the proper nutriinont is given, it springs up, flowers, and maturos its seed so as to attract attention, and to excite surprise in the minds of those who had no knowledge of its existence in tho soil. The white clover lurnishes the most acceptable herbago to stock of all kinds. It is only inferior in its nutritivo proporties to the green sward, if indeed it is not equal to it, and we think it would be to the interest of farmers to encourage its growth on their pasture lamls as much as possible. "Whcrever a regular systcm of rotatiou prevails, this may be readily done. But the land must be good, aiid in an improving condition. There are few botter signs of good farining than to sec this clover growmg luxuriantly over the Colds, for it shows that the land has boen well cared for by liberal supplies of fertilizing materials.
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Michigan Argus