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■Bnsniffis JcHrcríoni. I. O. O. F. WASIITEXAWLODGE.Yo!), „r the In.Iopeii.Jent ol olcrof Od.l FoUoir meets :it their Unyu Rooni, Iri.laycveiring, at O X u'dück. ' erery WILSOMl N. G. F. Sonn, S L. B. "tIvITCHELL cV CLAUK. ATTomMTS and ConnwiUorí t lir, Ccníral : riM Insurance gente. Office a (.itj Hall oirlluronát, Aun Arbor. l'ciKcüons promptly made mlrciinttcJ, aud sjiccial attentioü paid te coBVojanciní d. s. TwiTcnELt, . [TCJíij ■ r. 1 1 ira. JAMES B GOTT. T AW OFFICE, No. '2, ovci Slaivson & Giers Stot. 600TT&T0BEY. 4 MBR0TY1E k PHOTOOBPII ABTíSTS, i n the rOOüU! J fotmerty oceupied by Cordtor , fi 1 Spon y & fiíoore Perfect sati.sia.ction guiinuitecd. L. D. GÜI1 PKE Y, ATtoexky .iNDCof.vsixroi; ;ií I.-iv, Ana Arljor dfy. Üflicí; Nurth KastCornar v' th í ouH lloufl. STJTHE ELAND KELÏ7, WnotKSALE rctjil grockij, East uds of üíftiti streel Ann Arx r. ,3 Provi.-jüa bought and Boi 3W. STÈONG, íu I'iy i;,)'nls, Byotrf íiudShoes, Grocerícfl, Bonueta. F.uicy Goud, &c. Kxcüaiiytí Ulock, Ann Aibjr. wínes & kñightT"" DEAtEKs in Staple, Fancy Dry (ioods, Üoota and Shoes, &c. &c, Maintstreet Ánn Albor. MARTIN & THOMPSON. T-ukmtcrk WiRf-Roaxa, Delr in aükmdsof Fiupitra, L Ac. Xuv lilock, Mam Ktrect. RJBDOÏÏ; fc HEiíDERSON, DEALERS in ÏIartïwarc,3tovoK. houst fumislimg gootlsj Tin W.-iru .Ve. fco., New Rlook, Main Street. "a. r. jíills' Diaibr in Staple Dry Goods, Grocnrie?, Boots nnd Shoea aud Ueady Madu Clotliing, H uro 11' Street Ann Arbor. joiin wTmaynard, Dealer in Staple Faacy Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. , Main títreet, Ana Arbor. T3EAK.Ec; & aME7 Arrou.vErs fc Coüxseuoes at Iw, and Soücitors ín Chaneery. Office n the oíd l'ost Office builcunir, Anu Arbor ' kingsley&'morgañí" A ttormey, Couasellors, Solicitors, and Notarles PubXÏ- lie, Iihvu Books and Plata showing titles of ail lana íu the ounty, anüattend toconveyancingandcoüecting iemands, and to paying taxes and school interest in aby irt of the ütatc. (;iiice cast si e oftho Square, Ann ArJAJtEB K OOOE, JlsnrE or ihe Pues. Office near tlie Douot, YpsilauU Uchgn. 1. LOVEJOY, M. D-, PEnrsiciA.v & Surüeo.v, has pcrm.iDently locatcd in the City of Ann Arbor, and holda himseif" in re;u!iness to ttend to all calis in thelineof his profession. Residíjuce roNorthSt., 'd house eaat of Cathoüc Churcfa. Yh. LEW1TT, M. D., PH75JCUX t Bastara. Office at his residence, North ido of Harón streot, and M house West of División rtríet, Ann Albor. O. COLLIER, VrA-VürCTl'EEK and dealer in Boots and Shoes. Ei J.TX changeBlock, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Mich. " MOOKE & LOOMIS. MotcrACTüKEBg an j iealcr in Boots and Shoe,Main at, ons door aorth of J. W. Jlaynard's. Wm. S. SAUNDERS, DliLER in Boote, Shoes, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot & Shoe Store, south side of Public Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, WBOiERAij and Retail dealers and manufacturera of Roadj-MadeClothing, Importers of Cloths, Cassimeres, Oouskina, ie. o. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. 0. rIpÖTvTER, JfiWg1S. Scroeox De.vtirt. Office comer of Main inKBAë Hurón streots, over P. Bach's store MJPflW Aun Arbor, Michigan. rWÜ. WAGNÊR" nEAtR In Rcady Made Qothing Cloths, Caasiraeres and U Vostmgs, líate, Caps, Trunk, CarpetBags, Se. Main t., Ann Aibor. mTcampion, Mrn" ïïiOR and dealer in Ready Made Clothing, J l.Phoenix Bloeit, Ann árbor. BACn&PlEKSON" . DEShíes V,, G?od. Groceries, Hardware, Boots k tjMlue.s, &c.,Main reet, Ann Arbor. mayñakdTsíebbiñs & co.r EBEiïiJACH& CÖ " TEii.SR3 in Drugs and Medicines, Perfumery, Toilet artiArbo ' & C"W dUr3 SQUth f 'he Franklitl Hol"O, Ann S L A W SON & GEER, fTmmn, Provisión Commission Merchants,and deavj lers in Water Ijme.oucj door Eastof Cook's Hotel. a bliss, rjEALERinClocks, Watcl:93, Jewelry. and FancT Goods V at the sign of the Big Wateh, Mo. 27 , l'hoeijx Block. J. 0. WATTS. DEJUB! in Clocks , Matches , Jcweh-y and Silver Wai o Ki i 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. PBSEMAN. )iHBEK and Fashionable Hair Dresser, llain Street, fuSjdf; Ua;r Fronts and Curl3 keft 0U0FF & MILLER. I'X&ilEüs in Jliscellaueous. School, and Blank Boofca Sta rlmt Ny' PaIe' HanglDgs, 4c., Main Street Ann D. DbFOREST. yHOLBSiLE and llelail Dcaleiin Lumbcr, Laih Phiu" Ules, Sash, Door!, Blinds, Water Linie, Grand ïiiver t laster, rbter Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A full ind perfect aortment of the aboi-e, and all other inas of building material constantly on "hand at the inwest possible ratea, on Detroit Street, a few ruda {coa gi5Srtga. -eratUiS e!-tcnsivcly in thc WASIITENAWCOUNTY BlBLÊTsOCIETY. DrïcBtamcnt3at th s chapín, wood & co. SUCCES80HS TO tjiUUNTD, O3EIV.IPI3Xrcfc Co MANUFACÏUllüRËOF - ANDCOLORED MEDIUMS, A1VN ARIIOU Ml, H. i) & N T 1 T Oíar0" f Mrain & HoüEtreét, opMsite the biï House, Ann Arbor, wherc he coutin tes to rf hu customers any style of work óesired in the art SÏÏgi2 Mcchaüil & Denistry, wíor'btyVl-"31 eW "i apongegold, Particular attentio"íí'ira ',ty CMlnot be surP="6cd. gums, tBdiM ineiÏÏLuï '7a!? of1h mouthand tions for childrtn in ".?„. f ihe,!eclh! 3ni1 Padentition. Thre are man, fí"," and Irfect ffients lately introduced into Mt, -fo. I?.''"!1-"! 5"?27t for beauty, natural exprass.on; and t? ï,tr Whll;h annot fail to please Whole or piíSS8 f' '"íi