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The Last Survivor Of Bunker Hill

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Tlie statement has frequently been made by the newspapers, and endorsad by Mr. Everett ín his laie Fourth of July oration, that thoro i no one left oí that band of héroes wbo first withstood the shock of British arma in the open field. Eighty five years Laving clapsod niñee that world-renownod gtruggJe, the b'urden of probabilities would favor sirch a conclusión ; yot the statement is not correct. There is one who teek part n that memorable bat'Je, and insub.sequeat events of tho revolution, yet living "f uil of years" and veneratecl for bis moral Wóflf) as we'.l as for bis age and public services. In tho town of Ai'ton, Mo., on a beautiíul ridge of land situnted abbüt a milö fronl Mil ton Milla, N. H , stands a cottage farm house, unprotendiug in ts appearance and bearing evidentie of a very respectable antiquity. The passer-by will often notico a grayhaired man, reading attentively by the window, or walking about irith a single canc - perchance engaged in the ordinary labora oí' the husbandinan, The strantrer will peroeive notliing very remarkable in the thick-set, sligh'ly bent figure, and well preaerved swarthy fe&ture of this old man of apparantl eighty }rears, but the residents of the adjacent country involunt.trily bend W.ith revüP.ence as they pass him. And well they may - he is the last of the Bunker Hill patriota. David Kinninson, who longsurvived his confederares of tho famous Boston Tea party, was living in 1851, in Chicago, at the extraordinary age of 115 ile haa since passèd away. Ralph Farnunn, the last of the Bunker Hill héroes, still livos, although behns ncarly attained a span and a half ot the spaco allotted to man. His one hundred and fourth birth day was celebrated at Milton Mills on the 7th. We have alroady given, from tho pen of a correspondent, some not loa oí this interesting afluir. Although no paius wcre taken to extend a notico of the event beyond the immediate vicinit.y of the veteran's residence, a very large concourse of peopie wero in attendanco. Tho features of the occasion was an address, and one hundrod and four greetings from a 12 pounder, and dinnerenlivened vvith toasts and speeches. Mr. Farnum, we learn, was not in the midst of tho battlc. Having been onrolled only on the day previous, it was his lot to be detbiled among a guard to take charge of artillery and baggage at some distance from the redoubt. In so close a proxirnity to the principal scène ol strife, the observationá which he made, and distictly recolleets to this day, are highly interesting, and we trust they w:ll be given lo the public by some competent pen. When we reflect how few persons living can remera ber the event itself - as a child of twelve at that time would now be ninety-five years old - a living actor in thatbloody drama becomes at once an objei't of interact, respect and venoration.