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Hal's Journal oj Health tot May has an irticlo on Gymnasiums, irom which we take tho Ibllowing extract : It is reported that arrangement are n progresa for etblishing gymtiiisiums for stUjdents and members of young men's assooiations Are our embryo doctor?, and lawyers nnd clargymen going to mako Torn Hyer's and Jiill Pool's and Yankee Sulliran's oi themselves ? Does ths ability of a jurist depend on the amount of beef he carries '? Is a physieian's skill to be deteruiined by tho hardueea of his musclus ? Ia a clergytnnn's efficiency measurod by tho agility of his monkey capera, by his doxtenty in hanging on to a beain by his bind leg and BW inging up to toucli his noso against the b:g toe ot " t'othor foot Í" A i&au'a intellectuality does not depend on tbo amount of brute foree which he possesses. It does notrequire a gi&nt Btrength to write a sermón, or rriake a book, or "olear" a thiefor feeí a pulse Of an assembly of French ra vans, on a cortain occasion, Huniboldt being present, was iound, by accuntto measurement, to havo the least muscular strength of tho whole companv, of which he was the greatest and the oldesf. S:nall men, (ragile men, men ot lit tle muscular vijjor, may have good bodily health, aud among snch are fouqti a vast excess in nunibers ol the oppdsile class, and in all ages and in all countries, wlo are the brightest oí the world's brtght stars. Ás 8 very general rule, it huMs good - the bigger the man tho biggwrfoy] he is. "Both body and braiu neod vital forcé; tho mind ia great ia proportiou as tLat vital forcé is expanded in tl'.o brain ; but if it i.j used up in doveloping the muselfs, tho brain must suffer If one aiins at a professional lifo as a ineans of living, he must exeroiw the mental, not the nni8cular powers ; to tho brain not to the beef, must the en ergies of tho systcm be íent, jn order that, by their exereiso, the brain may be doveloped aud the iniiid worked with power. To eodentary persons, violent, sjidden and fitful is ahvays injuri ou-3, and such tro tlio gymnastic performances. Soldiera die early. Todny they are doing nothing - to-inorrow ;ho furced uiarch, the terrible battle Buminun up to the vory dregs tho cmptovment of dormant energies. The (Ksabilities and deaths of a campaign are many times greater by disease than by the ballet; for shooks, greut alternat.ions, alwitys cause disoase. Tho exercise oí tho student should be regular, gentío, delibérate, alvvnys (hort of iaiigLe. One hour's jo)'nis walk with a friend, in street, or field, or woodland, will never fail to do greater and more unrr.ixed good than doublé the tirno in tho most scientifioally eondootcd gyinn:,siuin in tho world. There are individual cases where the gymnasium is of the most deniablt beiefit, but the masses would be the better fur having nothing to do with them. A million timeá better recipe than tho gymnasium for sedontary per sons is : Eat moderately and regularl' of plain, nourisliing tood, well propared spend two or three hours every day ii the open air, regardless of the weather in moderate, untiring activeness.