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Union Of Germany

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EvenU of thé ffnwtest importanee „re nbont to transpire in Germany. U fJi been reihVrked that nuïnerotis wi'èètTbjrt t the Arcti-üttkea Imve been held i.rSrhoenbrtinn. Mnny commen tane have boen áttachWil b tlïeae ca'hfrin-,. FOlrw of hieR "tur otó 0 bö well frrndet. T tbiiig tht Í mrfy infonn vou ?eini-of!icially ah nndvr„takdÜlg ulh Prussm :d aun„-, rj WBlavy i, ?'"&'?L rnpidly. Lus oven reportorl tl.nt preliminar? aet T,ei-e 8tgnsl by Anslria and Prus-i;. m week. .ff'. Austria hiisrecog 1 Í7,-cl how hor position is daily beootn i'.mnnj rtnngéPoM, nd bat a BWn 1,!ow the lilie events in NpleS are in ttáma ttf-oii hor prt'iéy. In one poünt PtuasTa was firm, and in tlus Anstria waë öomveÜ U auiiwoel I Rllude to the trnWmutee ff Au'stnd'a poiwessmns f'i Itnlv. After long coiiu!t:iti.n, tli C ibinët of Vienna has becnma cönvince.l that Pruwia never could under lüke in a g.iarantee, but that in Hüceement wonld nererthelese bo pos pible T bo'.ieve Austria hn ma.lo n MorM-fl f..r the. special paso .[ Vene tia shoul.t bo nitacked. She would ihen fartow bat a smaH supply oí troops to the armv of the Confedoraey. The Ansir::.n Gjbinet state that not moro than 200,000 rncn are oeceséary to dofend Vunetia.